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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Okay spill I want every detail, but skip the steamy part. Who were you with last night Miss Beverly”

“His name is Josh who i almost f-__-ked without a condom” i chuckle to myself.

“Hmm you guys didn’t have segz?” she looks at me suspiciously.

“Yes, we only made out that’s when I realize he doesn’t have a condom and i can’t f-__-k a stranger without protection”

“I’m not talking about Josh, I’m talking about Jesse. I saw you, don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about and start spilling the gist now”

“I honestly don’t know what you are talking about ”

“I saw how he trapped you to the wall, i could feel the segzual tension between you fromm where i was standing. You two looked like you want to rip each other apart and devour yourselves but not because you h@ťě each other but because you want each other.”

“What???” i stare back at her in disbelief.

“Oh my goodness, I know you are attracted to Jesse, I’ve suspected a long time and this just confirms everything” she grab my hands looking at me.
“Listen Bestfriend, Jesse might be the guy you have been waiting for, So don’t hold back. Don’t control it, let it happen and oh my f-__-king goshhhhh i can’t wait to see you two together” she grins.

“Are you insane?” i glare at her.
” are you sure you are not sick or anything? Cos what is that nonsense you just said”

“Drop the act sweetie, I won’t let you die single. And make sure you do everything i said. If the guy kiss you, kiss him back and stop forming hard girl”

“Did i ever complain to you, that I’m tired of being single to you?” I Scoff.

“Tighten your sit belt babes, Loud House is giving free drinks today again.” Summer walks in while I was baking the last cake for today.

“We are clubbing again tonight, aren’t you excited” she grins.

“Yaay” i fake excitement and roll my eyes.
“But I can’t say no to free drinks” i grin and she jumps in excitement.

“I’m wearing the red dress tonight, what are you wearing?” she asks.
I rack my brain.

“I’m going to wear the yellow spaghetti strap dress, I’ve not worn it before”

she nods.”Be fast so we can go prepare and i hope you don’t mind, it’s not only us to today”

“Who is joining?”

“Just Roy and Ria” she says.

“No problem” i shrug.

Roy pick us up at 7 and here we go!!!.

“-Oh yeah, baby drink on me tonight”
“Let’s party and forget who we are”
“Let me feel yo body on me-” the music blaze in the air and i start moving my body as we go in.

“Woohoo” Summer squeal also dancing to the song.

“Who’s rapping though, he good”

“Too bad, i don’t know anything about music” I reply and we both laugh.

“You girls good?” Roy says as he hand us our drinks.

“Yeah” we both reply.

I look inside the cup and smile”Just what I need”
I gulp down a little and just when I look up Roy and Summer are eating each other’s lip like their lives depends on it.

“I’ll see you guys later” i say not sure they will hear me.

“Oh yeah, have fun” Roy answers and i offer him a smile.

“Sorry I’m ditching you, Ria will be here soon I’m sure” summer adds and glare at her before turning and walk away.

I get two can of beer before going to where we sat yesterday, i love the corner it is. I’ll just drink till I’m tired, all alone.

I opened the first beer, gulping it down little by little and staring into space. I’m just emotional drained not knowing why. I guess getting drunk can fix this at least just for tonight.

“There you are Bev, been searching for you” I hear Ria’s voice breaking me out of my reverie. I look up to her car walking towards me.
She sits down opposite me and that’s when i noticed who is standing behind her.

My eyes rest on the Silhouette of the man before he walked closer. I know it’s him, so they’ve started dating huh? So fast.

“I invited Jesse, you don’t mind right?” Ria says as if she doesn’t care if I mind or not.

I straighten my back on the leather couch, and cross my right leg on my legs and continue my drink ignoring Jesse’s presence.

Jesse sits beside her and I can feel his eyes on me. Ria grab the second beer i have with me and opened it. i want to talk but decide against it, don’t want drama tonight.

“Oh Jesse, do you like beer” Ria ask and he nods.

“Take this then”

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry I’ll go get another one”she smiles at him and he collect it from her.
She kiss his cheeks before standing and hurriedly leave.

I roll my eyes. She better get two, I’m not giving them my drink.

We both sit there silent, Jesse has open his beer too drinking it. We both pretend like we don’t exist. Memories of the last time I saw flood through my brain and I shake my head in attempt to shake it off.

Stupid brain.

“Are you okay?” his voice sounds croaked but still, it gave me chils. I look at him suprised he asked me that.

“Yeah why?”

“You are quite quiet today, that’s why I asked”

“I have nothing to say, that’s why”

“Hmmm strange, you always have something to say ever since I met you, you’ve never been silent especially around me” he States.

“What do you want me to do with this information you just shared” i scoff.

He paused and look at me”If I ask you to dance with me, will you say yes?”

I raise my eyebrows looking at him suspiciously.
“You came with Ria”

“I’m here with her only because she said you will be here”

“Stop, Jesse. Stop saying things you don’t mean” i say. He’s starting to piss me off.

“Just dance with me” he sigh looking at me for a response.

“I’m busy” I say raising my beer and then drink out of it.

“If you are through then” he smirks making me sigh.

What foul play is he trying to pull again.

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