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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Ennis walked towards the kitchen and met Lyra staring into her phone with all the focus she could get.

Tears were almost pricking at the side of her eyes, ready to fall.

” Hey” He joined her on the table.

Lyra wiped her eyes quickly and looked at him.

” It’s almost 10pm. Aren’t you gonna sleep?” She asked.

” Sleep?. Who sleeps at 10 pm. Tell me?” He smirked but she looked away, staring back at her phone. ” However, why are you crying?”

” Nothing. Just mood swings. I’m heading to bed, if you need anything, the house is yours” She said, picking up her phone.

She started to leave when she heard the soft knock on the livingroom door.

Her brow rose suspiciously. She wasn’t expecting anyone at this time of the night.

She slowly took the door open and to her least surprise, jean was standing there, looking more vitalise than how she was when she lived with her.

Her black hair was straight and shiny around her oval face and her skin was glittering like she made use of celebrity cosmetics.

she was also dressed in a knitted sweater and short shirt. Lyra took her time to measure her beauty at that spot.

” Mom” She smiled, bringing her down to earth.

” Jean. Oh my God!” Lyra quickly went up to her and they quickly came into a tight hug.

” I’m sorry, mom. I’m so sorry” She cried, placing her face at the crook of her neck.

” It’s okay, It’s okay. At this moment, nothing else matters. I just wanted you back. Thank you for returning home, jean. You wouldn’t believe how worried I am” She said rubbing her hair lightly.

After few minutes, they let go of eachother.

” Where I’ve you been?” Lyra quickly asked.

” I was staying at my friend’s place” She sighed.

” Your looks transformed overnight, I’m so overwhelmed sweetie. Do you want something to eat?”

” Nah, I just wanted to pick the rest of my stuffs” She shrugged, walking in.

” Pick the rest of your stuffs?” Lyra asked, closing up the door.

Jean turned to face her.

” Yea, and then get lost. As you can see, I’m doing much better without you and you expect me to come back here. Hell no,mom. I can’t live in a prison home, it doesn’t fit my status” She said and began to walk away upstairs.

” Jean. What are you saying??” Lyra followed behind.

” I said I’m leaving!. For Good!. I’m going back to my boyfriend’s place, he knows how to take care of me! so stop nagging me around!!” She yelled and ran the remaining meters up the stairs.

Lyra got freezed up in her spot. Did she just hear she was leaving?. This heartbreak was worse than being cheated on.

She met Ennis coming out of the kitchen with a plate of noodles and he stopped to look at her.

” What happened?. I heard voices” He asked but received no response.

Jean came down the stairs in a haste, taking her bag along with her.

” I’m leaving for Good! Mom. This is my final goodbye, College cancelled. I love you but I can’t f-__-king make you proud, yeah!. Goodnight, Goodbye!” She spat, ignoring Ennis that was beside her.

Lyra watched her leave through the door and in the next second, she collapsed on the sofa.

Ennis gasped with his lips slightly parted.

” I’ll just pretend I didn’t see that” He said, covering his face as he moved upstairs with his noodles.



Eden dropped down the taxi and she strided up to Lake’s car, holding a bag of the cotton buds.

She met him standing near his car, as usual, waiting for her arrival.

” Hey, Eden” He flashed his pretty white teeth as soon as they crossed gazes.

” Have your cotton buds!” She spat and opened his car, pouring everything on his seat, back and front section.

She threw the bag away and walked up to him.

” Don’t ever, Ever!, Call me or text me. Let’s end it here and return to strangers, okay. I can’t befriend a proud, stupid peaÇ0çƙ like you!” She shut at him and turned to leave.

Lake instantly grabbed her hand and immediately turned her around.

” Geez. You look really cute when you’re angry, I think I like it” He said and she hit his Ďïčk with her kneel.

” Aw!!!” He groaned.

” You look cute when you groan, I love it!” She spat.

” W..wait. I have something for you, please” He said and she glared at him.

” I would never try to collect any gift from you ever again. That cotton bud taught me a lesson!”

” Okay fine. I’m sorry for pranking you the other time, I was just playing around, okay?. That’s why I called you over today, to make amends.” He said and she scoffed.

” So what amends?. If it doesn’t fit my expectation, just know it’s over between us”

He locked up his car and turned to her.

” What’s your best color?” He asked.

” Pink?” She snarled at his face.

” Yes!. I knew girls like pink” He rejoiced victoriously and she blinked. ” Come, let me take you over” He said.

” Over to where?. I hope you’re not planning to throw me into a lake” She scoffed.

” It’s okay if you feel insecure, but don’t worry, I’m not planning to hurt you” He said.

She rolled her eyes and held his hands before walking away with him.

They arrived at the side park, the park called the ‘garden of Eden’.

Eden blushed as she walked in, she never knew he would think of taking her there.

As she walked in, she inhaled the beautiful scent of paradise, the beauty was so clear in her eyes.

” Over there” He pointed at the middle of the garden. Eden looked up and saw a sweet date pictured there.

The balloons behind the chair was pink, they even had a pink flower on the vase.

The spreads on the her floor were pink as well, and they got pink swarm in the nearby lake.

” Throughout last night, I felt uneasy cos I knew you’d be angry, I just decided to do something little to make you happy”

” Something little?, are you kidding me??. This is the best surprise ever, it so incredibly gorgeous. Oh my God!” She ran towards the Lake.

” I never knew pink swarms existed!. Awn, they look so amazing” She said and Lake approached her.

” I had their colour changed.”

” You did all this in one night??” She gasped, turning to face him.

” I could do anything you want in a snap” He said.

” Awwn. Thank you so much for this. I’m over excited” She said and hugged him quickly.

” So we’re good right?” He asked and she leaned away.

” Wellllll, can I smooch your lips just for a second?” She asked, getting red.

” Sure. it’s all yours, kiss it if you want” He said and she quickly kissed his lip softly and pulled away shyly.

She quickly stared at him.

” I never knew love was this awesome. I can’t believe I spent my entire teen hood paying revenge and bullying kids at school”

” Same shoes, baby. I almost lost my Ďïčk to that Elvis guy. All in all, I’m glad everything is back to normal” He sighed and she looked over to the table before turning back at him.

” Are you ready for the date?”

” I’m ready if you are” He said and she quickly took his hands, pulling him away hurriedly.



Megan and Dove rushed into the hospital and met Ennis and Elvis by the rolls of seat.

They were already panting as they approached them.

” Is there any problem?. We were told to rush down here immediately?” Megan asked.

” Same with me. I’ve been with this dude for the past twenty minutes and he’s not telling me anything” Ennis scoffed.

Heaven came out of the patients room and she was holding up a result with her.

She was looking so smooth and adorable, causing everyone to smile at her.

Elvis quickly stood up and held her.

“It’s in positive?” He asked and Heaven beamed with affection.

” I’m really pregnant, Elvis. The doctor said he didn’t notice any sort of miscarriage. The baby didn’t even flinch from his spot” She said, and Elvis mind diluted to a calm river.

Elvis hugged her for a while and turned to the rest who were curious.

” So, Guess the new upcoming parents?” He asked and they all gasped loudly.

Megan was the first to react, while the two other guys just stood there overwhelmed by the news.

She rushed towards her best friend.

” Oh my God, heaven. Tell me this is a joke!, please tell me!” She leaped happily.

” It’s not a joke, Abbey. I’m carrying a baby” Heaven said, tears streaming down her eyes but she quickly wiped it.

” Finally, I’m so happy for you!!” Megan said, hugging tight to her body.

” You’re going to crush my baby” Heaven chuckled and Megan released a hold of her.

Ennis walked up to Elvis and smirked

” So you really did it?. You f-__-king did it, no protection?!” He spat.

” It’s my business, stone head. I didn’t say I wasn’t ready to be a father” Elvis scoffed.

” I think I’ll be next soon” Megan said happily.

” No…No…I don’t have money for diapers and milk” Dove said.

” Let’s prepare names for the kids. I’ll name one frankie, cos Elvis loves frowning for no complete reason” Ennis scoffed.

” I’ll name the other jenny.” Megan said.

” They are literally going to have more than twins, trust me” Ennis said.

” You guys are funny” Heaven laughed, and Elvis leaned behind her seductively, holding her in place.

” Lucy would be happy when she hears the news that you’re pregnant” He whispered into Her ear and her body tingled.

” Yea, I can’t wait to tell her too” She giggled.

” Hey. Since we are all going to college tomorrow, why don’t we go out together as couples and have fun today and also celebrate the new baby?” Megan asked.

” Yeah” Heaven agreed.

” Well, since it’s couples outing things, can’t me out. You all can go. I’ll be at home” Ennis said, walking away.

Megan quickly picked her phone and texted True hastily.


In less than three seconds, True was running into the hospital in her casuals.

Her dark hair swept sideways as she ran until she got to them, breathing heavily.

” I heard there’s an emergency?” She said, looking at their puzzled face.

” How did you get here so fast?”Megan asked.

” Um…I..I.. was actually um…close by so it was easy to come, haha” She said, when actually she had teleported her way there.

” Good. Now that you’re here. We’re finally complete” She said.

” What do you mean complete?” Ennis pulled a face at her.

Elvis walked forward, pulling True towards him and immediately she staggered, her lips ended up crashing on Ennis.


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