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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?Enchanted By
An Immortal ?
{ A Tender Cure }

CHAPTER 65 & 66

By Melody.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Elvis quickly captured Heaven’s lips, melting into her tongue immediately.

She was tasting like the sweetest ice cream being mixed with something he couldn’t decipher.

He th-ru_sted deeper into her little lips and kissed her like nothing else matters to him at that moment.

As he kissed her, he slowly made sure she felt good down there.

His Ç0çƙ inched into her and her warm p@zzy wrapped around his Ďïčk possessively by each th-ru_st he made.

it was the sweetest feeling ever close to being in heaven.

He started moving in and out quickly, her honeyspot started to release massively.

Elvis rocked her hole, staring at her pretty innocent face. She was gasping lightly, her sweat dropping all over her linend neck and shoulders.

Just the view alone was making him loose it.

How can she be so hot, f-__-king sweet and adorable at the same time. He was loosing it already.

He grabbed her thick @zz from behind and pressed it lightly, f-__-king her faster.

” Ouch!”

” Ohh…Elvis!”

” Moan louder, Heaven. Moan for me please” He groaned, palming her thighs on each side as his Ďïčk slapped into her wet hole madly.

” Ahhh!!”

” Boo bear..!”

” Oh my Geeeez…”

” Ahh Please..Slow…ly!”

She stretched her hand and grabbed his hair, tangling it with her fingers as she pulled him close to her chest.

Elvis saw her Ɲīpplë had began to reflect on her nightie and it made his muscle throb.

” Aww!” Heaven gasped, feeling him get harder inside her.

He quickly pulled one Ɲīpplë into his mouth along with her dress and he began to sulk her quickly, faster than how he was riding her at that moment

It brought another sort of vibe into Heaven’s body and She pressed her lip tight, trying not to Mõ@ɲ.

He suddenly clipped her tip with his lips and she inhaled hugely.

” Ohh…Elvis” She clutched onto his hair.

After sucking her for another three minutes, he finally got tired.

His lips left her B-__-bs and he licked her pretty jawline, going into her lip teasingly for a kiss.

” Mnn” Heaven Mõ@ɲed, hugging his neck possessively as their tongue rolled on eachother sweetly.

He suddenly pulled his Ç0çƙ out of her and placed it back into his pant.

He broke the kiss and leaned down to her pink flawless p@zzy, she was wetter than he had even imagined.

Slowly and softly, he kissed her there.

” Ouch” She jerked, closing up her thighs quickly. He straightened up and looked at her.

” You smell like heaven down there, armour” He said, staring at her eyes.

” Huh?” She blinked.

His palm paraded under her dress, slowly caressing her chubby but delicate body.

” How can you so f-__-king sweet, heaven?” He said breathlessly as he stared at her.

He massaged her back, way down to her spinal bone before stealing a kiss on her lip.

” Let’s go have a bath and relax a bit. That’s cool right?” He asked and she puckered her lips.

” Okay” She said.

” Don’t tell me you’re not still done with that quickie” He said, his brows pulling down naively.

” But I didn’t say anything!”

” I read your mind, baby” He said and a pink powerful blush appeared on her cheeks.

She lowered her head and couldn’t even stare at him in the eyes any longer.

After a while, he rested his face at the crook of her neck, He held her closely and they both vanished out of the kitchen quickly.

He appeared back inside her bathroom and pulled her down on her feet slowly.

” You Should have your bath first. I’ll come after you, mn?” He rubbed her face.

” Okay” She nodded and he left the bathroom quickly, giving her some privacy.

After showering for what seemed like forever, she came out with a towel on, her skin looking pampered and bright like snow white.

Elvis was leaning on the bed headboard and his lips twitched segzily when he saw her.

She went towards the mirror to dry her hair and just before she could even turn it on, Elvis appeared behind her.

He took it from her and spun her around, holding the dryer above her hair while it was still on.

” I’m honoured to do this for you, my queen” He said with a silly bow causing heaven to giggle.

He started drying her hair but his eyes couldn’t leave her face as well, same with hers.

They were both staring at eachother eyes like they could communicate through their minds.

As soon as her hair had dried, Elvis captured her lips her hardly, pulling all the lust he had received from staring at her for too long.

He kept the dryer carelessly and palmed her sweet body, kissing her deeper than ever.

” I love you heaven, my armour” He muttered, inbetween the kiss.

” Love you too” She responded in a light whisper.

He kissed her deeply, almost as serious as someone paid to compete with it.

The towel got loosened down her feet and he began taking her back to the bed again.



True stared at the few maids who were helping out in cleaning up the mansion.

The disaster in the mansion was much that they had to employ new maids to work on their behalf.

She sighed and turned to her mother.

” I’m sure this is probably the end. There shouldn’t be any chasing of immortal or demon anymore right?” She asked.

Beau grinned, walking up to her with her hands crossed.

” What makes you think so?” She asked.

” Cos you’ve tried to defeat them but you keep failing at every scheme. Those people are stronger than you, mom. I think you should stop chasing after them if you want to live long” She said, holding her waist.

” And that makes you think that’s the end?. Nah, I’m not tired yet, I’m not giving up so soon” She said.

True shook her heads sideways and checked her phone.

” I’m going out” She said, leaving towards the door.

” Leaving to where?” Beau asked.

” To a place I can run far away from your headache!” She scoffed and turned to continue with her steps.

Before she could reach the door, it got shut with a powerful thud. She turned to her mom quickly.

” Mom!. What’s wrong with you!” She yelled.

” You aren’t leaving this house True!. You’re staying indoors until Monday when you’ll have to go to college!” She said, yelling inbetween.

” This is so unfair!. Let me go out now!!” True yelled.

Luckily, Lucy made herself visible at the corner of the room. She magically spelled Beau’s head causing her to fall off her feet to the ground, falling asleep quickly.

” Have fun sleeping beauty” Lucy smiled.

True turned to her.

” Lucy?” She gapped.

” Don’t think I’ve gone away from you, darling. I’ve been here for long watching both of you” Lucy said and True blinked.

” You are so nice to me, Lucy, Even tho I caused so much pain to Elvis and heaven, you still take me in as a friend”

” Everyone deserves a chance when he’s ready to change right?. I have this feeling that you’re ready to transform a new leaf” She said and True heaved with relief.

” Thank you so much, Lucy. I know I’ll be that new leaf soon” She said to herself victoriously.

” It my honour to always protect my sons mate too. If you still want to meet Ennis, he’s at Heaven’s home. You’ll meet him there” She said and True raised her face.

Her Mate?!. Ennis??


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