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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Enchanted By
An Immortal ?
{ A Tender Cure }

CHAPTER 61 & 62

By Melody.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Heaven slipped the dagger out of him and she found blood spilling out of his body.

But this time, the blood was running out really quick like a tunnel that was digged out to find water.

And just before she could react to the blood she saw, something unexpected happened.

All the light in the candles in the room suddenly went out and the room turned pitch dark.

” Ahhhh!!” Heaven freaked out, holding tight to the dagger with both her small firm hands.

She looked around the pitch dark room and she couldn’t find anything in the dark, tho it was very creepy staying in there.

She slowly tried to move and instantly, a single candle turned on.

She retracted her gaze at the candle and swallowed hard. How come it turned back on by itself?

At least, that was able to sustain her through her way out of the room as fast as she could.

She took in lots of air for a moment and decided to move from her uncomfortable spot.

She leaned one foot up and in an instant, another candle lit up, causing her skin hair to stand in fear.

She slowly stared down at Elvis and saw that his face was still calm, his thick brows closed, gorgeously emitting the dimness of the light.

” Elvis” She pouted cutely. She was scared of moving an inch again cos something bad might happen.

Only one candle was yet to turn on. She got stiffed there, holding up the dagger tightly.

Her legs began shaking, same with her wrist cos the dagger was quite heavy.

infact, her whole body was on a huge turmoil at that point. She cursed herself for pulling out the stupid dagger.

She decided to remain calm for a few minutes, relaxing her brain that was panicking.

When she remembered she was stuck there with no plan of escape, her body began to produce hot sweat.

” Elvis!” She sobbed, pinching her eyes close tightly as tears pricked out of her eyes.

Her legs kept wobbling, same with her hands that was halfway in the air.

This was like a squid game, she had no idea what would happen next if she dared move.

She began to tremble, about to fall, she immediately pulled the dagger back into Elvis body with a full force.

The third candle turned on and she instantly freezed to check if something would happen.

When nothing was yet to happen, a long sigh left her lips as she fell back on her butt.

Her palm reached her face and she began to sob heartily.

” Elvis. I want you back boo bear. please just wake up, I know you are not dead, please wake up for me, please!” She sobbed loudly.

She peeked between her fingers on her face to see if he had woken up, but she was disappointed again.

She heard voices coming from outside the room and she immediately opened up the door and left as fast as she could.

As soon as she left, the dagger vanished into thin air and the blood all dried up inside him.

And a reincarnation took place.

Heaven got outside to find Beau and True standing at a distance talking loudly, she could almost hear their conversation.

She held her cross bag tightly and walked up to them, wiping off her sweaty head.

” Hey” She said, coming to face them. True turned around and found her.

” Heaven. You are finally here” She grinned, staring down at heaven’s sweet outfit.

” The chauffeurs said you guys wouldnt take ten minutes of my time so that’s why I’m here…to hear what you have to say” She said boldly.

” Stop being impatient, little lady” Ennis voice propped up from behind causing heaven to turn to him.

He began to walk up to her with his hands in his pocket and heaven froze at a spot as she looked at him.

He had had a ear piercing and ear studs around his ears, making him take a different look from Elvis.

” I’m the one who invited you over, not them. And I am the one who wants to talk to you” He said, staring into her eyes.

” Um…Okay. What do you want to talk about?” She asked, almost quickly.

” Good, you’re interested. Let’s find a private place to stay” He said.

Heaven sighed hotly, rubbing her arm.

She wasn’t that scared of moving with this ‘dark world’ people cos Lucy had told her she would be next to her throughout her stay at the mansion.

And anyways, one reason she still came down here was to search for Elvis, which she actually did.

” Okay” She nodded and followed him from behind as they moved to the second floor balcony.

True watched their backs with h@ťě and she turned to her mother with a frown.

” Mom. Don’t tell me Ennis likes Heaven now. Why would he invite her here” She said.

” Don’t worry, he’s not your type as well, darling. Remember I do have plans for Ennis” She said.

” Plans?. You can’t possibly ki|| the most powerful demons, mom. That’s f-__-king crazy” She said.

” I can do anything I put my mind to, True. Trust me. Just the way I seeked for the immortal’s death, that’s the way I would also seek the demon’s death too” She said earnestly.

” Wh@ťěver, mom. Just know I’m not part of this your so called ‘plans’. ” She hissed, and walked out of her quickly.

Unfortunately, Lucy was just at a stand distance hearing their conversation.

She sighed and puckered a strong glare.

” ki||ing my other son is your next move, huh?, Mrs beau?. I’ll definitely attend your burial, next week.” She said and vanished away quickly.



Jean checked the calender in the kitchen wall before turning to Lyra.

” Mom. I have three days before I leave for college” She said, palming her cheeks while her hands played with the fork in her plate.

” Of course, aren’t you glad about it?” Lyra asked, making a salivating dish by the cooker.

” As far Elvis wouldn’t be there with us, I’m not glad about it” She scoffed.

” You should stop thinking about Elvis. Thinking about that kid is prohibited here, I f-__-king mean it!” She said loudly.

Jean left her seat and went upstairs quickly.

” We are seeking for his downfall, you’re busy seeking for a boyfriend to keep” Lyra muttered to herself.

Soon, Jean walked back into the kitchen, this time she was holding a PT with her.

She boldly walked up to Lyra and stretched it to her.

” Have it” She said and Lyra almost choked by what she was seeing.

” What in heaven’s name are you doing with that!” Lyra spat.

” You need to understand the reason why I want Elvis back, he can’t get me pregnant and then dump me for good!” She said.

Lyra slowly took the PT and stared at it, giving an unbelievable gaze. It was positive, It was f-__-kING POSITIVE!

” Jean. Oh my God, Tell me this is a joke” Lyra said as her heart raced insanely.

” Those the PT look like a joke?. Does my pregnancy look like a joke to you, huh?. Answer me!” She yelled.

” did it happen?. How come you got pregnant?”

” Ahhh…Geez. You still need explanation on how people get pregnant. Fine, We did the f-__-king thing, yea, he f-__-ked me. He got me looking like this, I’m pregnant!” She said sharply.

” Holy Lord of heaven” Lyra said, finding a seat to place her @zz quickly and Jean went to stand next to her.

” Why all this contemplation. Aren’t you supposed to be happy that you’ll soon be a grandma?” She asked, folding her hands on her chest.

” Elvis is not here, okay!. He’s dead, jean. H…he was f-__-king ki||ed for the supposed ritual I was talking about!” She yelled and Jean froze at a spot, taking aback completely.


Ennis palmed the rail and took in a whiff of air down his nostrils.

Heaven was standing far from him, watching his broad back. He was wearing a jersy that exposed his super strong and segzy arms.

” Are you scared of standing next to me?” He asked, looking far off.

” No, I’d prefer to stand here and listen to you” She spat, glaring at him painstakingly.

” And I’d prefer you stand next to me, not behind me” He said and Heaven pressed her lip tight, taking just two steps forward.

He suddenly turned to her and heaven had to step back a bit, her eyes scanning his face in case of danger.

” Elvis isn’t here anymore, heaven.” He stated and she curled her tongue, looking elsewhere.

” You don’t need to remind me after you victoriously fulfilled your mission by ki||ing him” She said.

” Why are you upset? Elvis chose to die, tho. No one forced him”

” It’s cos you wanted his death!. You wanted his death so much that you forgot he used to be your own twin brother. You are so evil, you are the one who deserves to die!. I swear” She yelled and Ennis grabbed her neck tightly.

” Like you’re gonna be the one to ki|| me, huh?. Why didn’t you save him?!. I thought messengers were also protectors” He asked, strangling her harder.

” I’m..sorry…please let me…go” She started to choke really hard and Ennis only enjoyed watching her struggle in pain.

Watching people struggle while in so much pain was like medicine to his headache.

” Ple…ase.. Ennis…Please let go of…my neck” She cried, tears whelming up in her already red eyes.

” You should mind how you speak with a demon, heaven. Our emotions changes really quick into something terrifying. I’m sure you’ll h@ťě to see my other version as a demon” He said, still squeezing the life out of her.

” I’m sorry…please. I..I..” She choked, almost letting out blood.

Suddenly, Lucy appeared.

” Ennis stop it!” She yelled and he turned his head, glaring hard at her.

” So you came too, huh?!. Why not join in the fun!” He yelled and made a large force of breeze throw her to a corner until her back ended at the bricks.

” Lucy!” Heaven wanted to run away but Ennis grabbed her wrist.

His hands hovered her lips strongly and he quickly vanished into thin air.


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