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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Enchanted By
An Immortal ?
{ A Tender Cure }

CHAPTER 55 & 56

By Melody.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Lyra held her chest as she walked into the house, closing back the door quickly.

Her face was down as her thought ran through million in one things. She didn’t know when she bumped into Jean.

” Mom?” Jean said and she looked up, finding her with a bowl of popcorn.

” Oh…j..jean” She forced a smile.

” You look kinda uneasy. But how was grandma?” Jean quickly asked, settling on the sofa with a soft puff.

” Grandma?” She mumbled.

“Yea?. Grandma?. Didn’t you say you were going to see grandma at Winners?”

” Oh..Oh. Yea, I..I.. actually did” She said chuckling. ” Grandma is definitely doing fine”

” So….did you tell her about the knitted sweater that she was supposed to make for me, did she give you?”

” Huhh??…yeahhhhh!” She shaked her head.

” Why do I feel like you’re lying to me?” Jean said, curling her lips up a bit.

” Look, I have no time to discuss about grandma. Where’s elvis?” She said, dropping her bag on the center table.

” He hasn’t been home since morning. I remembered when he said he was going to the mall to get some groceries and keep for college” She said and lyra sat back on the sofa, holding the sides near her forehead.

” There’s a big problem. Very big problem”

” What’s that?” Jean asked, moving closer.

” It’s something you can’t afford to understand. I’ll quickly call elvis, he needs to fly out of the country right away” She said and Jean choked on her popcorn.

” Fly Where?!”

” I’d love to start telling you why, how and when I took that decision for him, but I might end up leaving you numb. So for now, just keep your questions to yourself”

” But mom…I thought we agreed that I and Elvis will go to college together. This isn’t fair, you can’t take him out of the country!!”

” It’s for his own good, jean. He’s being….stalked on”

” Stalked?”

” Just hold on..I’m about to call elvis” She said and placed her phone next to her ear.

His phone began to ring inside the livingroom and they both sprang up from the sofa in fear, turning around, they saw him.

He was standing near the stairs, holding up the groceries bag in his hand.

He cut the call and walked up to them.

” How did you get there?”

” I’ve been standing here listening to you for about three minutes. Why would you say I’ll fly out of the country?” He quickly asked.

” Look, Elvis. The problem is..” She held his shoulder and pursed her lip.

Elvis and Jean stared at her, paying attention to what she was about to say.

” I don’t think you should go to Academia college any longer, Elvis. Um…my friend owns a school in Park V, the neighbouring country. I’m sure the school will be good enough for you”

” That’s idea doesn’t work for me” He said, with a short grin.

” I’m saying this for a reason, son. Going to Academia might be a lot dangerous than driving with your eyes closed. I don’t want anything to happen to you yet”

” Nothing can happen to an immortal. Nothing. Not even death can come close to me” He said and turned his back, leaving there immediately.

Lyra palmed her face humorously.

” Gosh, things are going to get worse soon and I can’t locate lucy” She mumbled to herself.



Heaven finished talking with elvis on the phone and then, she raised her phone, staring at the screen blankly.

She was working at a dad’s restaurant ever since she graduated from highschool days ago.

She tried raising little money in order to prepare for college before the week runs out.

” I love you boo bear” She smiled, still staring at his pic on her phone. She cherished the pic so much that she imagined it as him when he wasn’t there.

The pic was of him on his graduation uniform, with his smile charming and beautiful as ever.

She loved the picture so much that she kept it as a wallpaper on her phone screen so she can usually stare it.

Soon, she dropped her phone and brought up the cashier book since there was no customer to attend to.

” Time for business” She smiled, going through the book carefully.

Soon, the windscreen doors got pushed open recklessly and it caught heaven attention.

She quickly looked up and found herself blinking thrice.

” Elvis?” She looked astonished, wasn’t it the elvis she just finished talking to that said he was at home already.

Soon, he went up to a man and held his neck tightly, the man choked with the food still on his throat and then he fell dead.

The others customers saw this and they began to leave their seat quickly in fear.

Heaven watched him pick up the chairs, breaking them into pieces with his bare hands and it left Heaven lips parted in disbelief.

She didn’t know why but she couldn’t leave her seat but kept watching the duo with her big, wide open eyes.

Everything seemed like a movie, happening so swiftly that she couldn’t even blink for a second.

Soon, he smashed the expensive tables and started aiming towards the kitchen.

” Elvis!” She left her seat and ran towards him but he held her wrist, throwing her to the other side of the wall.

He leaned into her and stared into her eyes.

Heaven painfully looked up and saw his eyes were different today, it was sharp and dangerous.

” I give you two days to close down this restaurant or else, your dad will be my first target, then I’ll come after you and I don’t spare anyone” He sneered and left the place quickly.

Heaven watched his retreating back and she slowly winced as her arm started to bleed.

She slowly stood up and went to a chair to sit before looking at her pale skin. it had gone bruised.

Her eyes welled up and it slowly slipped out of her eyes. She looked around as well.

The restaurant was a mess, the new tables and chairs bought on credit had been broken so badly to no repair.

Her dad needed medical attention in the hospital in order to get a leg surgery as well.

And she also needed to raise money for college before Monday, but then, all this happened.

He also wanted her to close down the restaurant before two days. How can the day get any worse for her?.

She sobbed,resting her head on the table. Her loud whimpering was heard in the deserted restaurants.

Soon, her dad walked in gently, with the support he was getting from the crotch under his arm.

” Holy heaven. Heaven?!” He gasped.

Heaven stood up, her white apron getting stained with blood.

” Dad” She bit her lips, her eye bags filling up already.

” What happened to your arm?” He quickly rushed to her, forgetting about the mess his restaurant was in

” Nothing” She palmed the spot of the injury.

Her dad looked at her and sighed.

” Tell me daughter, tell me what happened in the restaurant. Who did this to you, tell me?” He asked, his tone rising.

She sniffed and shaked her heads.

” Nothing” She pouted.

Can she possibly tell him elvis walked in and caused this mess?. No, that would even lead to more bigger problem.

She was engaged to Elvis already and her dad might get upset and if he founds it. He might even terminate it.

” You mean nothing happened here and the whole place is like this?. I..I..can’t believe you, heaven”

” It was….thugs!” She quickly said.

” Thugs?” He asked and glanced around the restaurant. ” I’ve never experienced thugs ever since I built this restaurant. But if so, let’s fix the place up and come back Tomorrow to continue”

” Okay dad” She nodded and her dad glanced at her arm. It was bleeding seriously.

” I’ll go treat it quickly” She said, after noticing his long stare at the spot.

She turned around and left for the kitchen. she began washing her arm in the sink, and after thinking about what happened, She bowled into tears.


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