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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The guards pulled Lucy out of her room but her hands were still chained heavily.

Her head was bent until she got to the throne of the Queen. She was wearing a blue veil on her face so lucy could look up at her face fairly.

” Lucy”

” Yes queen” She bowed.

” You haven’t even spend up to five years locked up but you are already feeling so old” She said.

” I don’t understand, my queen” Lucy said calmly.

” Just Forget it anyways. I brought you up here for a reason” She said and left her throne, coming to meet her.

” Let’s make a deal” She said and Lucy could feel her hot breath spit on her face.

She swallowed hard and nodded quickly.

” Yes, queen. What sort of deal?” She asked and the Queen smiled, but it soon faded, getting replaced with anguish.

She pulled Lucy ears hardly.

” Are you sure you want to get out of this chain?” She asked.

” Yes, very well” Lucy nodded, holding back her tears.

” Good. This is my deal” She said and turned to the door, lucy traced her contacts as well.

A young girl stepped in, looking fresh and vitalise.

” This is Avianca, My daughter. She must be the new mate to your son and then in return, you’ll get to see your son everyday and communicate with him”

” What!” Lucy snapped, glaring hard at her. ” Why would you even think that way. You told me to find a mate for my son, I did. What does your daughter have to do with this!”

” My daughter is blessed with gifted talent, she is more beautiful too and strong enough to protect her immortal. Not like that jelly fish you kept as a mate”

” Yes, she is a jelly fish herself. But Queen, I’m sorry but I’m not Changing my mind.”

” I’m literally only asking for your permission not your suggestion, cos if I want his mate changed, I can do it with just snapping my thumb right now” She said and Lucy blood rushed into her head.

” You can’t!. I’m elvis mother, I deserve to choose a mate for him, not anyone else!” Lucy said, gritting between each word.

” Lock her up please” She said and the guards held her quickly.

” Like it or not, I’m taking my daughter to earth and she’s going to be next to him, for the rest of the years he has left” She said.

Lucy suddenly broke from the chains and stood at the queen’s front

” If you move an inch, I’ll make sure your foot turn sour this instant. I can see greediness at the pit of your eyes, I always had this tenors that you h@ťěd me cos I never chose your daughter as my Son’s mate. Avianca is not going to be his mate, get it into your skull!” Lucy yelled, loosing her cool.

The Queen blasted her with a force and she fell on the ground helplessly.

” I was supposed to get you locked up for just five thousand years, but I see that you’ve gown wings.” She said before turning to the guards

” Lock her up for life!”

” Arggh!” Lucy sprang up from the floor and pushed the Queen down.

The crowds watching gasped. The angels and messengers all began to gather around in curiosity to know what was happening.

And their faces grew cold when they saw the Queen on the bare floor.

The Queen fell. Her crown fell, along with her long abyss that was with her.

Lucy picked her abyss, pointing the tip at her face.

” Give me my powers back. Give it to me before loose my cool and I ki|| you here!” She yelled.

The guards tried to retaliate but she shunned her dangerous canines at them, causing them to move back.

She turned to the Queen and the abyss reached the tip of her forehead.

” I’m not going to remain calm!. Give me my powers back!. You might be a queen, but Don’t you dare joke with the mother of an IMMORTAL!” She thundered that word loud enough.



Lake turned on the bed and spread out his arm, wide on the bed.

Soon, Elvis appeared inside his room like a cunning, ranging monster ready to feast on his prey.

He slowly walked up to him and Lake had this urge to open his eyes cos he could feel shadows near his wall.

He pulled his lid open and his gaze struck at Elvis who was leaning there.

His body jilted up in sudden fear.

” Elvis?. is that…. you?” He asked, fidgeting on the wall socket trying to turn on the light before his poor heart fly.

” No…its not me. You are looking at your worst nightmare right in front of you.” Elvis growled and lake’s heart skipped a bit.

He found the switch and pulled it on, the room became a bit calmer with the light afterwards.

” Finally, my prey visited me instead.” He smirked.

” You just answered it yourself, lake. Cos I’m about to prey on you, naturally, I’m suppose to ki|| you right here” Elvis said,moving around his room.

” ki|| me?” He scoffed but Elvis continued.

” I changed my mind. But I’m doing something else more worse that would leave you crying for days, for trying to mess with my mate!” He hissed.

” I’ll watch you try, Elvis. I don’t think I’m scared of you anymore” Lake smiled and instantly, a little snap came from elvis thumb.

Lake instantly grabbed his Ďïčk with both hands.

” Holy $h|t!. Wh…what did you just do to my Ďïčk?”

” You love f-__-king right? I’m temporarily seizing your ability to use it for as long as I wish.”

” What!. You must be running insane. Reverse your curse or taste my rot!” He yelled.

” I’d rather reverse your head and grant you some amount of brain cos you lack it, your head is occupied with water” He said and Lake brows synced.

He pulled up his hands and tried using his powers on him but they weren’t working.

He suddenly got caught off guard and looked at elvis.

” Artificial powers… Don’t work on me. Let me repeat….Artificial powers do not work on me” Elvis said.

He smirked at him and slowly walked to the center of his room, and then, he vanished away into thin air.

Lake stared at his hands.

” My powers?. D…did it stop functioning?” He thought and a sharp pain occured on his Ďïčk again.

He winced and started to sob, holding his Ďïčk with both hands, in so much pain.

” My Ďïčk?!” He yelled, coming down the bed quickly

There was no pain compared to this. It felt like something was spanking his balls beneath.

” Ahhh…My precious Ďïčk!” He hopped, running out of the house immediately.



It was a day after their graduation party concluded at Academia highschool.

Inside their special underground coven, The principal walked in, making True and Eden snap up to their feet.

All the available witches on earth were present as well and it seemed like they were expecting someone powerful to walk in.

Lyra wasn’t also absent in this meeting and her head had been boiling ever since Jean fainted in the house.

” Where’s he?” True asked the principal after she stepped in fully.

” Yea, I thought you said he will get here before you. We didn’t see anybody” Crystal joined in and Eden just crossed her arm on her chest.

The principal smiled and walked in fully.

” Chill everyone. He’s in your midst” She said and everyone let out a loud gasp, getting tensed on their knees.

” Ennis” She called out but nothing happened.

She tried to summon him by picking up the incense pot but something struck her hand.

” Ahh!!!” She fell, her hands bleeding furiously. True and Eden rushed up to her quickly.

” Are you okay?” They both asked reciprocally

Before The principal could reply, someone stood at the corner of the coven.

They all looked up, thinking it was going to be an aged man, but their instincts caught them wrong.

It was something they couldn’t even imagine. Something able to leave them caught off guard and weak at their feet.

He was standing there, his eyes were unhuman and his presence came with a sort of goosebumps.

But then, True fell weak to her feet when she saw him.

” Elvis?” She stuttered, trying not to faint.

” Is this Elvis…twin? Ahhh..Lucy!” Lyra gasped, her chest choking.

He looked so much like elvis, except for the fact that he had different hair color which was darker than elvis.

Ennis walked in before looking at each one of them and there by saying,

” I’m Ennis. One of the most powerful demons on earth. And my mission here, is to bring the death…. of the immortal”


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