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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Enchanted By
An Immortal ?
{ A Tender Cure }

CHAPTER 49 & 50

By Melody.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After the incident at class, Crystal was rushed to the hospital cos she lost her arm, and her right leg got disfigured.

The next day, before the starting of class activities, the entire Year 12 gathered at the assembly ground.

Elvis plainly walked towards the gathering, his face seemed calm and unsurprised even tho he was the cause of the incident.

He saw heaven’s back and he walked up to her slowly.

He leaned his body a bit cos of her height and kissed the back of her neck.

” Eishh!” Her shoulders squeezed in and she turned around, staring up at her boo bear.

Her eyes widened and her curiosity to shout his name intensified.

” BOO…”

” Shh, Love.” Elvis covered her lips before she could announce his nickname too loud.

Her cheeks went super red cos he called her ‘Love’ randomly. She looked at the principal at the podium before staring at him.

” Boo bear” She whispered.

” How are you?” He asked calmly before pocketing his arm.

” I’m fine but, you didn’t come to school on time and I felt so worried” She pouted.

” Well…I was struggling to catch a bus that I had to stand at the front porch. Funny right?” He said and she giggled before hugging him.

” As far as you’re here in good state, I won’t miss you anymore. My boo bear is here. I’m so happy!” She smiled and elvis dabbed her hair shortly before kissing her hair.

The principal was at the podium, along with True and some other teachers.

He took his lower lip into his mouth when he saw Crystal standing next to her with a supporting crotch under her arm.

Her neck and arm was covered up with bandage straps.

Soon, the principal cleared her throat, continuing the speech that was already on.

” I do not see any reason why a whole class will attack the teacher of a school for no complete reason. Its so absurd. Did you all loose your morals all of a sudden? Or was it cos you think you’re an official graduate and you could behave rashly to the teachers?” She asked and the crowd responded with a long sigh.

” Anyways, Since my daughter is also among the doers of this act, there will be no punishment so that it would seem fair” She continued and True gave an appealing smile.

Crystal leaped up to the principal and glared at her.

” If you don’t punish anyone, Elvis must be punished. I’m very sure he’s behind my painful predicament” She said and the principal turned to look at Elvis.

He saw him talking to heaven friendily and a gasp left her lips before she turned back at Crystal.

” I..I’m scared. I can’t punish him or he might do something crazy to harm me too” The principal said.

” You scared of an eighteen year old kid?. Come on, you are the principal!”

” I’m not scared of an eighteen year old kid, crystal.” She said and held her shoulders. ” I respect him being an immortal, he’s the supreme here and I so much love my life alot” She spat and adjusted the mic.

” You can all go back to class now. Crystal will be returning back home until she recovers fully. Thank you.” She smiled and left the podium with the rest following her behind.

The student all began to leave the gathering, returning back into the school corridor.

Just then, Lake and Dove were just dropping into the school swiftly.

They were not putting on UNIFORM.

It wasn’t just that, they were wearing a T-shirt and their buttons were slightly opened at the top with their caps setting backwards.

It’s been long this two had swag out like this and now, the girls had returned to their ‘fainting’ Mode.

The girls all gathered around them, same with boys but the girls were larger in number.

? OH My Gosh, Ahhh!! Lake, Dove!!.

? They’re looking so drop dead gorgeous!

? Handsome beast and freaks!.

? Please we want you for us!!

? I almost thought they didn’t exist for some time

? Me too, but I’m glad they’re back!. I love you Prince charming, Lake!!

? I love you Dovey bear!!

Lake walked past the girls with his hands in his pocket. He opened up his locker recklessly and brought out something from it.

He threw it at Dove and he quickly caught it.

” What’s this?”Dove asked.

” It’s a leaflet. Share it everyone and tell them I’m having a pool party tonight after school” He said.

” Oh, that’s dupe. But why don’t you just share it yourself since it’s your party?” Dove asked.

” Do you still want to be like me and enjoy the praises you receive from the student?” He suddenly turned to him and Dove heart skipped for a second.

” Yea, I.. I__

” Then do as I say” He cut him off and slammed his locker before walking away.

Dove stood there, staring at the leaflets when Megan approached him quickly.

Her bright glorious skin was shunning so bright and clear in his eyes as he stared at her.

” Hey Sup!. What’s up with your dressing today?” She asked, giving him a face while addressing him with her eyes.

” It’s none of your business and by the way, We only have two days before graduation so school uniform is out of it for now” He snarled.

” O…okay. But What’s that?” She pointed and Dove stared at his hands, responding.

” Lake is having a pool party at his mansion tonight. Wanna come?” He looked at her.

” You’re gonna come?” She asked.

” Sure”

” Then I’m in!” She smiled hugely, holding the strap of her school bag.

He was about giving her the leaflet when Lake appeared.

He snatched the paper from her hands.

” Only hot girls are allowed to my party. Not nerds who wear long socks and do pigtail braids” He snarled.

” But..” Dove wanted to say but Lake glared mad at him.

” This is my party and I decide who to come and who not to. And if you want us to remain as friends, stay away from girls like her” He sneered and walked away.

Dove took in his lower lip and stared at her.

” I’m sorry, megan. Maybe next time” He said and began to walk away.

Megan started following him.

” But Dove.. .you don’t have to be his friend to belong. You are awesome on your own!”

” I don’t think so.” He said.

” Come on, dovey!. Let’s just go somewhere else tonight, just the two of us. Maybe to the movies…or a short date…or we can just….”

” Megan stop following me okay. He might let me quit being his friend and I respect that friendship to anything else. Later, we can be friends, but now, let’s keep a distance” He snarled and walked away.

Megan had to halt for a second and she turned her backs quickly, with tears filling her eyes before running away to class.



Lake walked into the class and when he saw Elvis on his seat going through his phone, a smirk appeared on his cheeks.

He walked up to him smuggingly, holding up his leaflet in his hands.

” Hey, hi elvis!” He waved with a smile.

Elvis looked up from his phone and stared up at him boringly. He didn’t bother asking him why he dressed that way.

” Hey” He quickly nudged his head.

” Um…I’m not sure but…I’m having a party after school by seven. It’s going to be super fun and I’m….”

” I’m sorry. I can’t attend your parties” Elvis said clearly.

” This is my first time doing a class party and I spent alot of time and money planning this occasion. I just need your attendance and___”

” For the last time, No!” He said strictly.

Lake sighed and crossed his arm.

” Is there a reason for declining my request?. I can’t believe I’m literally begging you to come to my own party!” He scoffed.

” For the fact your mind keeps thinking negative about me, I won’t attend the party” He said and Lake raised his brows.

” I ain’t thinking bad about you”

” Really?” He curled his tongue and leaned forward. ” Or should I tell you what you’re thinking right now?. Should I?” He asked with a deep, motive grin.

Lake freaked out for a moment but after remembering he also had powers, he stood firm.

” Is that a Yes that you’re not coming?”

” Yes” He said.

” Fine. I’ll go ask heaven if she is and if she answers, I’m taking her with me” He said.

” Don’t stress, dude. Heaven and I already got plans for tonight.” Elvis said

Lake looked up and saw heaven coming into the class. He quickly went to her.

” Hey. Am having a school party, wanna come?” He asked.

” No. I and Elvis have plan to stay with eachother and watch movies tonight. Right elvis?” She raised her toes to find his face.

” Sure babe” He winked at her.

Lake bit his lip hard and looked at heaven, taking her small hands. That single contact mysteriously took control of heaven’s head.

” Please heaven. The party won’t be complete without you. Just attend for my sake.” He said carefully.

” Sure. I’ll definitely come” Heaven quickly nodded, looking like a blunt bunny.

” Wait?. Really?” He asked and Elvis raised his head from his phone, looking a bit suspicious.

” Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll beg Elvis’s to come to the party as well” She said and collected the leaflet.

Lake smiled evily as she left, he needed a good place aside school to plan a revenge on elvis just the way he did to him at prom.

And he knew the party would be a perfect setup scheme for him.

And after the party, he’ll take heaven in , f-__-k her and keep her for his future schemes afterwards.

He grinned again, realising how his plans are smooth, going well for him on the first try.

Heaven walked up to Elvis and smiled deviously.

” Elvis. Let’s go to his party, pretty please?” She pouted her lips cutely.

” Why?. I thought you wanted to stay home and watch movies?”

” It’s going to be bored watching movies. Partying is more fun. Would you go to his party?. Mn?. Please? Boo bear?” She pleaded, continously and Elvis just kept staring at her randomly.

He had this intention to manipulate her mind to change her sudden option but he didn’t want to use his powers on her wrongly as well.

He sighed, gulping a bit while finding it hard to answer her questions.

” Um, look armour..?” He cleared his throat.

” If he’s not interested, I’ll come pick you up myself” Lake said from behind.

” Really?” Heaven turned to him quickly as her eyes sparked.

” No!, I’m very much interested in the party” Elvis quickly said, not noticing how hard he clutched her wrist, being very possessive again.

” Great. We can go together, Elvis. Thanks for accepting my request” She smiled and hugged his neck.

Elvis glared at Lake and Lake just gave a little grin, before sitting back on his seat.

” Why do I feel this Lake is getting a bit off edge?” He thought, still staring at him.

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