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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Jean cupped her cheeks while staring at the ring in her hand.

She had searched the whole Internet about the summoning ring but she couldn’t find anything relating to it.

She sighed and stared at it again.

” Let me try summoning it just like how elvis does” She said and threw it on the floor.

Nothing happened, nothing appeared.

She picked it up and took out a big mallet.

” I’m breaking this ring no matter what happens” She said and placed it on the table carefully.

” Jean!” Her mom walked in instantly, startling her.

” Mom?” She quickly hid the ring behind her.

” What were you trying to break with that mallet?”

” Um…n..nothing” She stuttered and her mom crossed her arm on her chest.

” Let me see your hand”

She quickly threw the ring away before opening her palm for her to see.

” You see, I wasn’t breaking anything. i was Just playing with a mallet since I’m less busy” She smiled.

Her mom sighed and took up her bag.

” I’m leaving to work. I won’t be back in four days cos I’m visiting grandma as well. Please just take care of good care of Elvis, okay?”

“Sure mom. I’ll take goooood care of him. He’ll beg me not to” She grinned and her mom chuckled.

” Bye, see you soon darling”

” And you too mom” She waved.

As soon as she left, she searched the floor for the ring and placed it back on the table.

She started to hit the ring continously until it had a small noticeable crack.

Soon, a blinding light escaped out of the crack and Jean fell back on the floor, covering her eyes.

When the light vanished, She opened her eyes and saw that nothing happened.

Everything was still intact.

” f-__-k it” She snarled and took the ring up. ” I can’t believe it’s this useless. I was expecting something magical to happen” She hissed and returned it into Elvis room.

The ring suddenly changed color and it got completely rusted immediately.



True and Eden walked into the tennis court and met Lake and Dove playing tennis.

They both walked towards them immediately.

” Hey You!” True slapped lake hardly and he gasped, holding his face.

” What the f-__-k is wrong with you. Who let you in?” He glared at her.

” This is my mom’s school, idiot!” She snapped and Lake gritted his teeth.

” My mom haven’t raised her hand on my face less to talk of you!” He spat.

” Hey. Let me give you a clear warning” Eden stepped forward. ” You forgot what happened at class yesterday?..the garlic??” She scoffed.

” So?. What should we do about that, witch?” Dove snarled.

” Do you wanna loose all your teeth this time?” True asked and Dove dropped his bat before running out of the court immediately, running for his dear life.

Eden scoffed and turned to lake.

” That’ll be the last time you bring garlic to school, cos if you ever do….”

“You’ll be the one to itch your skin and run out of class…..naked” True helped her out.

” Is that all?” Lake smirked.

” Try us and see” Eden smiled before turning her back and leaving him alone.

True stepped forward.

” You don’t seem interested in heaven anymore?” She said, staring at her fingertips.

” I’m not coming back to you, True. Ex is always Ex. Just the way trash is trash” He said and dropped his bat before walking away.



Elvis got to the subway and heaven stopped as well, cars and trucks were moving around.

” So it’s a goodbye from here” He smiled, staring down at her.

” I’m going to miss you, crush. Please, Stay safe okay” She pouted, looking at him.

He smiled and kissed her shortly before letting go of her.

” I’ll see you tomorrow. Do your homework as well”

” Okay, bye!!” She waved and quickly leaped away. She would stop to check if he was gone, but he stood there, smiling at her departure.

” Bye, bye!” She said for the last time before her shadows faded away.

Elvis sighed and checked his wrist.

” Home to a place like a hell” He scoffed before walking away.

It was already late when he walked into his home.

He went straight to his bedroom and found his ring placed in an open place. He usually hid it and was surprised to see it.

” It’s rusted?” He asked, staring at the ring blankly.

Soon, the door open and Jean walked in.

” So you’re back?” She smiled. ” Mom went on a trip” She said.

” Did you touch my ring?” He asked.

” Of course I did. I broke it.” She smiled evily and fisted her palm. Elvis felt his leg start to tremble.

He couldn’t control the urge to stop himself from falling.

He fell back on the bed and drifted off immediately, and She picked the ring up, staring at it.

” So I can control an Immortal existence just by staring at him?. Cool” She smiled and trashed the ring.

She stared back at Elvis and an evil thought immediately crossed her mind.


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