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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Elvis woke up the next morning and stretched out his arm in bed.

He stared at heaven and saw that she was still sleeping, she had even drooled in her sleep.

” i feel really bad” He said as he touched her face abruptly. ” I feel bad cos I never knew she was this beautiful and loving” He grinned with a smile.

He left the bed afterwards and walked out of the room quickly towards the kitchen.

Jean was eating some cereals lazily like she had suddenly lost her appetite.

” Hey. Morning” He said opening up the fridge before taking up the jar of milk.

” When’s that girl gonna leave here?” She asked, and he joined her at the table.

” Soon, I guess” He replied.

” She’d better. It’s already morning” She hissed. “Give it to me, I’ll help” She said and took the jar of milk, mixing them together in a bowl.

Elvis stared at her awkwardly until she dropped the jar and stared at him.

” Look, I’m not trying to be weird. I only want to be a nice good friend to a such a cutie” She patted his shoulder and sat back on her chair.

” Gross” He scoffed and picked his spoon, eating quietly.

He wasn’t staring at her but he could feel her eyes boring holes on his back.

He dropped his spoon and stared at her tiredly.

” Okay I feel so uncomfortable. Why the long stare?” He said facing her.

She grinned and moved closer to him.

” You think I want something from you?” She asked, cupping her cheeks.

” Your looks are literally saying they want something from me” He said, staring at her lazily.

She smiled and cupped his cheeks facing him abruptly, her gaze shifted to his red lip.

” Did you manipulate me, elvis?. Tell me the truth” She said, biting her lower lip.

” What? Why would you ever think such?!…”

” Cos I’m melting. I f-__-king like you” She whispered hotly and Elvis swallowed hard.

His sister!. Elder sister infact!

” You are joking right?” He said, pulling her hands away slowly.

” Maybe I’d prove that I’m not” She said and immediately grabbed his collar forward, trying to force a kiss into his lip.

Heaven climbed down the stairs hastily, carrying up her bag and pillow with her. She was ready to leave.

She walked into the kitchen and her heart skipped a bit seeing Jean and Elvis trying to have a union.

Her brows creased cutely and she faced down.

” I thought he said she was his sister. So he lied to me. I can’t believe this!” She pouted and ran out of the kitchen unnoticed.

Elvis pushed Jean away and glared at her.

” What the f-__-k are you doing?!. Was your brain screwed or what?!” He yelled.

” Maybe you screwed it cos I can’t keep up with this new, weird feeling I have for you. Just admit that you manipulated me!” She said, breathing hotly.

” I didn’t!” He scoffed and left the seat immediately.

He went back to his room and couldn’t find heaven anywhere.

He came out a while later and saw she was nowhere around the house.

” Where’s Heaven??” He asked, as soon as he stepped into the kitchen.

” Oh, heaven. That little girl?. She just left a while ago” She smiled evily and Elvis let out a light gasp.


Heaven got to school and looked around for Elvis. He wasn’t in school yet.

She scoffed.

” He seems he hasn’t come to school yet. I should get him off my mind” She thought and walked up to megan.

” Hey megan” She waved.

” Hey sis. I see that you’ve been ignoring me ever since your Super crush began to like you back” Megan teased.

Heaven sighed and looked at her.

” Let’s talk about something else and not the super crush” She said

Megan opened her locker and saw a bouquet of flower placed in it, along with an apology note.

” Ugh. Not again!” She slammed back her locker with anger, crossing her arm.

” What’s that?” Heaven quickly asked.

” It’s that stupid Dove again. I wish he could just stop butting into my life like a pest!” She hissed.

” Hey megan” Dove walked up to her and stretched out a box. ” I knew you’d ignore those ones I kept in your locker so I brought you this. its just a minor gift” He said.

” I don’t collect gift!” She glared at him.

” Come on, Megan. He’s trying to be nice!” Heaven nudged her playfully

” Ughhhh!” She scoffed and collected the box.

She took the box from him before opening it up. She saw a book in it.

” What does it say?” He leaned his ear closer.

” It says ‘how to stop being dumb and a jerk’?” She said, looking up at him.

” Tsk. You would need that book a lot, megan” He winked and the student around started laughing.

Megan glared at him.

” How much did you get it? Cos I can buy ten of this and rather recommend it for you to keep for a lifetime, toothless idiot!” She hissed and tore the book recklessly before throwing at him.

” Toothless idiot. That’s your new name. Everyone should call him that!” She hissed and walked away

” Wooh!” The student woahed at her as she stepped out of the corridor quickly.

” Useless!” Dove kicked the book with his feet before walking away stupidly.

Soon, Elvis walked into the corridor and sighted heaven. He was about to walk to her but….

She glared at him before running away to class.


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