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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As soon as Elvis fell back on the chair, all the student got on their feet, some of the girls looking stunned.

They began to murmur.

? What just happened

? Is the guy actually alright?

? He’s practising fall and freeze. Haha…

Heaven stepped back slowly and her round milky eyes was surged out.

Her heart was even beating faster than a monitor machine.

” Are you okay, Elvis?” She asked.

” I…I…think I am” He blinked, staring at his body.

Lake smirked and pocketed his arm, walking forward.

” Look at the guy that says he can fight. I haven’t even touched him yet and he fell like a silly branch. Can he even hurt a fly?” He sneered and Elvis glared at him silently.

Lake grabbed heaven’s hand quickly.

” Hey. Let me go!” She yelled.

” You are coming with me silly!” He snarled and started pulling her away.

” Stop, let me go!. I said Let me go. Leave me alone!” She started to sob as she leaped fast along with him.

Lake felt his hand start to burn feverishly in the wrist he held her.

” Ouch!” He screamed and snapped his hands away from her.

She glared at him, pouting her lip.

” Don’t ever touch me. I’m not your girlfriend anymore!. Leave me alone, I don’t ever want you!!” She yelled and ran out of the cafeteria quickly.

He glared at her retreating backs before staring at his palm.

” My hands feels like I dipped it into hell fire. How come?” He thought silently before walking towards the school clinic.

Elvis stared at his lunch and began to repeat the scene that happened just a moment ago.

” Did she…. Did she just control my emotion?” His subconscious thought.

He cleared his throat and picked his spoon.

” Or Maybe not. It could be a new power I just discovered I could do” He said and took his spoon to eat but he realised the food had turned cold.

He pushed his food aside and left his seat. He was about leaving the cafeteria when True started to trip in as well.

She smiled and adjusted the size of her skirt, even tho it was incredibly short.

” Hey, muffin” She winked and Elvis passed her by without giving her a stare.

She raised her palm and he mysteriously got glued to the floor tiles.

He tried to move but he realised she had paused his feet.

He sighed, his brows knitting.

” What do you want now, True?” He asked and she walked up to him.

” How dare you avoid me?” She glared at him.

” I’m sorry” He blinked, looking away. She smiled, licking her lips.

” You look incredibly cute when you apologise” She said and started playing with his jacket.

” What do I want?. I want you, Elvis” She smiled.

” I don’t have a slight interest in girls”

” Should I prove you wrong that you’ll do?”

” Don’t even dare use your powers on me cos it won’t end well” He snarled, his brows knitting up.

” But that’s easier so that you can love me, even if its by force. I really like you, elvis. Even staring at you get me aroused” She pouted.

” Just Unglue my feet please” He glared.

” I won’t unless you agree to date me” She said and Elvis scoffed.

” Why are you so curious. I’m very dangerous, you can’t dare last an hour”

” I love risky, dangerous boys” She smiled.

Elvis sighed, dropping his head.

” Just Unglue my feet please”

” Say yes and I’ll fulfill your desire muffin”

” Give me time to think about it” He said and she held her waist.

” OK, fine. i give you till tomorrow evening. And make sure your reply is definitely yes cos I’m giving you enough time to think” She said and Elvis felt his leg finally move.

” Thanks” He said and walked past her quickly.

Eden walked up to her and true gave her that satisfying smile.

” I think he’s going to say Yes without having to manipulate him” She said.

” Lucky you, True” Eden smiled.

” Yea, Who’s like me?. No one, that’s why I’m unique and always lucky” She chuckled and walked away.

Eden glared at her

” You can’t have everything, True. By the time I get my hands on the curse book, you are so doomed!” Her subconscious mind thought evily.


ELVIS HOME *** 6pm.

Elvis tripped into his home and met Jean on the sofa watching a movie.

He walked past her and quickly stopped.

” Hey um…is there dinner?”

” I seized all the food in the fridge. If you need food, go work for it. You are only permitted to sleep here and go to school” She hissed and stared back at the screen

” Oh.” He smiled hurtfully and started to walk up the stairs tiredly.

He got to his room and sat down on his bed. He picked the summoning ring and threw it on the floor,hoping it would work.

The ring scribbled on the floor and then Lucy appeared from it.

” Lucy!” He quickly stood up.

” Elvis. You summoned me again” She smiled.

” I have lots of questions, Lucy. Like, a lot!” He said and she smiled.

” Let start from one, I have just a little limited time on earth to speak with you” She said

” Okay, firstly. I found one other Immortal existed in my school. Her name is true and she’s kind of dangerous and tempting” He said and Lucy smiled.

” She’s also an half witch, those are the kinds that hunt down powerful Immortals like you in order to ki|| you and take your powers. You have to be extra careful” She said.

” Half witch?. Then Half Immortal, How’s that possible?”

” Remember when the previous powerful Immortal was ki||ed?. Yea, the witches shared his powers among their clans and now, they became half Immortal. All they need now is one more powerful Immortal to sacrifice in order to be a complete, strong, and very powerful clan”

” Woah…” He breathed hot hotly.

” And that’s you, elvis. You are their next target. One reason you have to be careful around True and her crews cos if they find out who you are, I’m sorry, but you might become like the previous Immortal” She said and he sat back on his bed.

” Everything happening in my life is so tiring. Do I have to fight those half witch people?”

” Someone has been choosen and prepared to do it on your behalf. That will be discussed later.” She said and he raised his brows.

” Strangely today, I was able to control my powers in school. I’ve never done that before”

” You think you were behind it?” She smiled mischievously.

” Wait. Was it someone else?” He asked and the ring began to scribble again.

He quickly stared ar her for answers before she would disappear.

” She might be the one. Your guardian, Your messenger, your amour and…..your soul mate” She said before she got swallowed up in to the ring.

He stood up and picked the ring up, staring at it.

” She?. is it…. Heaven?” He gasped, his eyes surging out.


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