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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Trapped with the
Lords of s*x)

BY:Anny Oluchi





{I have to skip the violence part on where Beauty was rescued, Eugene and his men were ki||ed because Ruben and Darian arrived in time,I have to be cautious of my writing, thanks guys ?}

Lord Ruben’s suite ***

Ruben cleaned some of the wounds she got during the fight, he bandaged it.

“Better,” Ruben smiled.

“Thanks, Ruby” Beauty gave a dimpled smile, she just has a way of making the dimples show.

“My pleasure” He muttered and kissed her lips.

“I was scared, I thought they were going to do something awful to me” Beauty pouted.

“That’s why I sliced off their Ďïčks” Ruben smirked handsomely.

Beauty giggled when he winked.

“You are making me blush” Beauty smiled holding her red cheeks.

“You are so cute” He smiled and kissed her lips again.

He pressed his lips hard and in a few minutes it turned passionate and their tongues twirled around each other, while deepening the kiss, Beauty felt a sharp and warm pain in her abdomen.

“Ouch” She Mõ@ɲed and pulled away from the kiss.

“What is it?”

“My tummy” She pouted and touched her stomach.

“It’s hurting” She Mõ@ɲed again and stood up.

“Why?” He asked cluelessly.

“I don’t know” She rushed into the bathroom.

Beauty entered and put her hand underneath her gown, when she brought it out, she saw blood.


She held her stomach tightly, it was hurting terribly.

“Beauty” Ruben called but she didn’t respond.

He walked to the door and called her again “Beauty”.

“Huh,” She answered.

“Is it hurting badly?” Ruben asked.

She opened the door slightly and poked her head.

“It’s a woman thing” Beauty muttered shyly, biting her lower lip.

Ruben stared at her confused.

“Oh!, you mean you are in your period” Ruben raised his brows waiting for her response.

Beauty nodded.

“Unbelievable!” Ruben rolled his eyes.

“I need a pad, can you please get me one?” Beauty requested pouting her lips.

“Like seriously, now I have to turn to a messenger all because of you!” He almost yelled.

“Ruby, please” She made a baby face and started blinking her eyes.

“Alright” He scoffed and stormed out of the room.

Betsy suite***
Ruben knocked and entered her room, she was putting on her pyjamas and lying on the bed . He didn’t see Nicolas anywhere near her suite.

“Betsy” He called and she turned to him.

“Ruben” Betsy said and sat up.

“You don’t look fine” He said worriedly and walked to the bed, he sat down and placed his hand on her hair.

“I don’t feel too well… but I’m getting–better,” Betsy replied tiredly.

“Have you gone to the hospital?” Ruben asked and cupped her cheek, she nodded in positive..

“Yes but the doctors confined that nothing is wrong with me”

Ruben sighs.

“Don’t fall sick” He muttered and kissed her forehead.

“I will try not to,” She giggled.

“Beauty is in need of…a pad” Ruben stammered and Betsy burst into laughter.

“I h@ťě this!” He pouted.

Betsy laughed and laughed till she fell backwards on the bed.

“What’s so funny?” Ruben yelled and folded his arms close to his chest.

“Nothing,” Betsy replied still laughing.

“Oh goodness, you really like this girl, she has finally turned you to a messenger” Betsy laughed and sat up.

“Stop laughing”

“Alright, I will stop”

“Check my wardrobe, you will see a pack of of pads there and also take some of my dresses for her….” She couldn’t complete her sentence before she started laughing again.

Ruben hissed and went to the wardrobe to take out the things he wanted.

“f-__-k you” He glared at her..

“You are the best boyfriend in the world” She yelled as he dashed out of the room.

“Wow, Ruben Stone,” Betsy laughed.

Ruben came back to his suite and gave her the pads, and a dress, she changed and came out of the bathroom.

Betsy’s dress fit her properly.

“How do I look?” Beauty asked, spinning around.

Ruben scoffed and ignored her.

“Why are you being cold?”

“Betsy laughed at me, she mocked me so much, I h@ťě this, really I do” He vented and she started laughing.

Ruben formed an angry face and covered himself with the duvet.

“I h@ťě you all” He said, sounding childish…

Beauty giggled and rushed to the bed, she started hitting him with a pillow, he uncovered himself and grabbed his own pillow.

“You are such a baby, Ruben stone,” Beauty laughed.

He spanked her with a pillow and they started hitting each other playfully.

“You are so dead” Ruben screamed and hit her gently with it but he allowed her to overpower him.

“I’m going to tell my mummy ” He faked a cry.

“Cry baby” Beauty laughed

“Ouch!!! ” Ruben screamed.


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