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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(The Mind Reader)
Episode 40
Written by Author Nath
The yellow sun set as usual and eventually went down totally. At this time, crickets chirped occasionally at Geb’s environment where the old man sadly returned from the Adams’. He could hear the crickets but to him, it was a melancholy chirp for the departure of his grandson to the hands of the military where he would rot in jail. Oh, the feeling weakened the old man’s legs. Therefore, he languidly hit his buttocks on the parlour cushion, took off his cap and allowed his staff to fall on the floor sarcastically. He looked around to feel the absence of his grandson, his better companion, his boy who cared about nothing but just to be hardworking and please his grandfather. Now, where is he? Where did he go to? How did he change from a laborious humble wood chopper to a murderer behind bars? Geb couldn’t ascertain the transformation. He could only blame himself, so he wept bitterly all alone in the house. “What’s the fate of my boy?” he soliloquized in tears. Aah, for an old man to shed tears, a blood must be dripping from his heart. Suddenly, he heard a footstep from outside, then sat up, drying his tears cursorily. Unexpectedly, he saw Raina walking in with a bag behind her.

The girl wore sneakers, a black leggings and a white top. She weaved her hair boldly into four rolls. The length could touch her spinal cord. Quietly, she sat down on a different cushion where she rested her head sadly too.

“What are you doing here, Raina?” Geb broke the silence.

“I told them I wanted to come stay with you.” she replied without looking at the old man.

Geb exhaled and also leaned back on the cushion thereby returning the sound of the chirping crickets to their ears. Raina’s chair cracked appallingly. Hearing it, Geb anticipated to hear her voice which eventually said, “I met Crucifix at the airport yesterday. It happens he was looking for the same girl I was looking for to ki||. He told me she was his twin sister.”

Geb sat up. “You wanted to ki|| her?” he returned the question.

“Yes, because she ki||ed my father. She ki||ed all those people in the warehouse.”

“Oh, God!’ Geb exclaimed.

“I guess she was hired to do that and I won’t stop until she or the person that hired her goes down. And how come she’s even Crucifix’s sister? Crucifix told me she was with something very important to him. I don’t understand.”

Geb exhaled once again. He imperturbably explained to the girl everything, ranging from why Crucifix was separated from Cynthia to how she flew out of state with the ribbon of their ancestors which was the only way the bondage of lovcilia with Margret would have been broken. Stunned, Raina shook her head. She was always knowing more than Margret. Of course Margret must not have the slightest idea about lovcilia. The poor girl only knew ten percent of what Raina knew, yet she was trying to play along with everybody. That was the hardest thing any girl of her age coul do.

Nevertheless, Raina spoke up again. “But what would Cynthia be doing with the ribbon?”

“It can only be one thing. I feel that she knows more than Crucifix. It’s all my fault. I should have taught Crucifix many more things about his history.”

“Its not your fault. You only thought he wasn’t ready yet.”

“The ribbon gives the female mind readers special powers. I guess that was the purpose she took it.” He leaned back on the seat again with a hand placed on his forehead.

“If everything is playing like this, you should know or have contact with the persons Cynthia was handed to at birth. Can you get in touch with them? We can actually get Cynthia through them.”

Geb removed his hand from his forehead “Technology wasn’t rampant then. But they live in Eastern Province, Kenema. I still have the address in my head.” he said.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Raina sat up courageously.

“It’s a long distance. I don’t have the money.”

“Don’t worry about that. We’re going there tomorrow.” She located her bag for her cell phone as the old man watched her surprisingly, wondering what was drumming for the girl to dance unabashedly. In his presence, Raina placed the phone in her ear and said, “I’m yet to get the location but I need some money now, Suzanna…”

Geb listened until she hung up the call. Silence returned to the room. She turned to see the man staring at her. She was smart to understand that he would become inquisitive, so she said, “Please, don’t ask me any question, papa.”

“I must.” The man insisted while Raina exhaled…
Cynthia stepped down from the plane when she arrived Kenema. She could be seen entering a cab that took her straight to her destination; Jerry’s apartment, her boyfriend’s. She knocked at the door and the twenty-three year old boy opened. He has some beards on his cheek with a narrow face. He is quite tall and dark. Seeing him at the door, Cynthia jumped on him with her traveling bag where the ribbon rested. She dropped the bag on the floor as her lips never departed from Jerry’s. She pulled the boy’s shirt hastily while the boy zipped down her jacket and off her clothes and bra. He gently twisted her Břě@šťs and Ɲīpplës like a technician screwing a knot with a screw driver.

“Aah..” she Mõ@ɲed. She was left with just a pant, so she pushed Jerry to the bed who was also left with just his boxers. Quickly, the boy took it off and flung it on the floor. His erected bigger Ďïčk dangled like a dicot under the pressure of the wind. Cynthia jumped on him, slid her pant sideways and carefully and slowly slid the Ďïčk into her V@ģĭń@. “Aaaahh..” she silently let out some air from her mouth. As she trusted up and down, so were Jerry’s screwing fingers on her Ɲīpplës rotating pleasurably. The girl bent down and started kissing him passionately. “Oh, I so much miss you, babe.” she said, still having the huge Ďïčk th-ru_sting into her V@ģĭń@ which had become as wet as a river bank…

After several minutes, Cynthia spaced out through a window naked. Her phone had been ringing, but she didn’t pick up, knowing very well it was Deyo calling. Jerry stepped down from the bed.

“Why don’t you want to pick his call?” he asked her.

“I’ve failed him.” she replied without looking back at him. “I was unable to ki|| Adams. He wanted me to ki|| Raina after ki||ing her father, Nelson, but I couldn’t do it too.” she added.

“But why?!”

“What I saw there wasn’t what I expected. So many things went wrong.”

“You know Deyo isn’t gonna spare you.”

Cynthia turned. “That’s why we’re leaving the country as soon as possible. I’ve not told him that I’m back to Kenema. Please, Jerry, let’s travel out. Tomorrow, next tomorrow. But I have to see my parents for the last time. They have some questions to answer.” she concluded….
Crucifix was trialed in a Court and found guilty. Therefore, he was sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Ten years? Holy $h|t! The boy will be twenty-eight years old by the time he would come out if actually he would. Won’t Margret marry by then? Oh, poor boy, his dreams and hopes had been shattered. His news had circulated the town. Margret refused to go to school that day neither did she go to the court to witness the trial neither did Raina nor Emmanuel whom Crucifix called friends. Only his grandfather met him in a visitor’s room in jail. He saw his grandson in orange jumpsuit with his afro hair completely cut low. Both seated opposite each other.

“Son..” Geb called.

“Papa.” he replied.

“Ten years..”

“I know. I probably gonna die in here because I’ve calculated it. If Margret knows about lovcilia while I’m here, I’ll be forced to propose to her which I know she won’t accept. At such moment, if I don’t get the ribbon to break the bond, I’ll die on or before seven days. The same way, if I remain here and Margret marries another person, I’ll die on or before seven days. So I’ve accepted my fate, papa.”

Geb exhaled and shook his head. “Don’t lose hope, son.” he began. “You are not judged by the number of times you fail, but by the number of times you succeed: and the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times you fail and keep trying. Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful. A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose – a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve. When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there.” he held his hands. “Be determined and hopeful. I must not allow you to die in here. Raina and I will be going to look for your sister.” he concluded..
The sun was shining so bright when Geb and Raina landed in Kenema. They found it very difficult to locate the address which they eventually did. It was a bungalow with a mango tree outside. One could see Raina and Geb entering the house after they knocked.

Inside the house was an average woman and man. Both were in the living room where the visitors also sat down. The man of the house cleared his throat.

“Geb, for the past 18 years, you decided to show up?” the man began. “And who is this girl with you?” he pointed at Raina.

“Ejaka, what you said is true, but I never failed to send you messages through post offices to know how our daughter is doing with you.” Geb pointed at Raina. “She’s Raina, a girl that wants to see Cynthia the way I want to see her too. So where is she?”

Ejaka exhaled and leaned back to his seat. The wife spoke up. “We don’t know Cynthia’s way about. That girl is something else! She has committed a lot of crimes and we just decided to cut her loose.”

“What?!” Geb exclaimed. “We handed her to you both to raise in good manner! Why am I hearing this from you?!”

Ejaka sat up with a higher voice. “We tried our best! Okay? The girl is just out of control! I warned her never to step foot in my house again!”

“Sorry my feet are here already.” Cynthia’s voice came from the door. All turned to see her walking in. Raina stood up, glaring at her likewise others in the house. “Oh, I see what is going on here!” Cynthia continued. “Well, I’ll leave, but I won’t untill you all explain to me why you hid my twin brother from me!!”

“Because you’re a bad influence!” Mrs. Ejaka replied in a higher tone.

“And I guess that’s why you took the ony thing your brother needed!” Geb interferred.

“Who are you? I don’t know you!” Cynthia fired him.

“Well, you know me. You ki||ed my father!” Raina stepped in too.

“Well, you’re lucky I didn’t ki|| you too. I had my gun at you at your school gate but never pulled the trigger. Go thank Emmanuel.” she turned to her foster parents.

“What’s going on? What are you people talking about?” Mr. Ejaka became confused.

“She has ki||ed people again?” The wife added.

Cynthia turned to them. “Okay, you people knew from birth that I would be a bad influence to my own twin brother, right?!” She giggled bitterly. “You all are pathetic!” she walked into her room, pick a particular book and began to walk out from them all.

“Cynthia, your brother needs that ribbon!!” Geb shouted, watching as she surged towards the door.

“And I need to know who sent you to ki|| my father!!” Raina added.

“f-__-k you all!!” she replied and opened the door. She didn’t believe who she saw; two men with guns pointing at her. Before she could close the door, they released several bullets on her and disappeared immediately.

Everyone rushed her. She laid on the floor in her own blood but was till battling with death. Raina bent down and carried her head on her thighs. “Cynthia, look at me. Where is the ribbon?” she asked.

As the girl stared at her, passing out blood through her mouth, the hand in which she held the book dropped on the floor and the book fell down too. She died without giving them the information they needed. So sad…

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