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HomeDREAMDREAM - Episode 4

DREAM – Episode 4

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Jocelyn glanced at Xavier and Oliver again,wondering who she slapped and who actually spanked her butt

“I know what you’re thinking” Xavier grinned and Jocelyn looked at him

“You actually…Slapped and punched him” Xavier pointed a finger to Oliver and Jocelyn’s heart skipped a beat

‘I knew it’ She said inwardly and shut her eyes before opening again

“But it was me….who spanked you and I really want to do it again” Xavier smirked and Jocelyn frowned

“Kidding Kidding,just kidding. So why are you here?” Xavier asked

Jocelyn shook her head

“I will just take my leave” She muttered

“If you want to leave,then do it quick,others are waiting” Oliver finally spoke up and Jocelyn bit her bottom lip

She bowed shortly and made to walk out but Xavier grabbed her hand and she turned back

“Oh come on brother,I’m sure she need this job badly” Xavier said

“I do! I really need it and I wouldn’t have hit you without any reason. Your brother did what made me mad and I obviously have no idea if you’re twins,if you chase me out then you’re not considering the fact that your brother is wrong” Jocelyn rushed her words and Oliver scoffed

“I’m not really wrong” Xavier muttered and Jocelyn glared at him

“Fine,let’s start the interview” Oliver muttered

“Can I…just….work with him instead?” Jocelyn pointed at Xavier and Oliver furrowed his brows

“What? No!!” Xavier shouted

“Why?? I can’t stay here please help me” Jocelyn said in a whisper to Xavier and grabbed his hand

Xavier chuckles and immediately pushed Jocelyn toward Oliver

“I will come back when you’re done” He smiled at Oliver before going out

Jocelyn bit her bottom lip without looking up

Oliver ignored her nervousness and sat down on the seat,he crossed his legs and rest his hand on his jaw.

He didn’t say a word and finally Jocelyn moved closer and submitted all the necessary credentials before taking another step backward.

Oliver started checking everything

“No working experience?? At all?” He asked in his cold voice

“No,this is my first time. I graduated in college just a year ago” Jocelyn replied

“How old are you?” Oliver asked

“Twenty Two” Jocelyn answered and Oliver looked up

He stared at her from her head down but his eyes only stopped on her chest before he returned his gaze back to the documents in front of him

“If you have no working experience,how am I going to trust you??” He asked without looking up

“As you can see….”

Oliver looked up immediately and she bite her lips

“I mean,I have an associate degree in secretarial science,and I have what it takes to be one. You can try me out at least right?? I’m confident” Jocelyn said

Oliver shifted the swivel chair from the table backward,his eyes not leaving hers. He got up and pushed his hands into his pockets

“It’s not about your credentials anyway,I love hardworking people and looking at you” he stared at her again

“I’m hardworking,trust me…..”

“I’m just afraid you might beat up our clients…..”

“I won’t do that if they don’t mess with me” Jocelyn said

Oliver looked at her and she realized her mistake

“I mean…..”

“You can start tomorrow” Oliver cut her off and Jocelyn’s eyes widened

“Really?!!” She screamed and covered her mouth with her palm

Oliver nodded

“Thank you!! Thank you!!!” She shouted,bowing countlessly

Oliver rolled his eyes

“You can go” He muttered

“Thank you!” Jocelyn shouted one last time before rushing out of the office.

She ran into Xavier again

“Bun Butt” He called

Jocelyn almost glared at him but then she realized he’s her boss now

“You got the job right?” Xavier asked

“Yes,thanks to you” She rolled her eyes and Xavier chuckled

He walked closer to her

“I can’t lose the opportunity of seeing you everyday” He whispers and kissed her cheek before walking away

Jocelyn turned and looked at him

“Seriously??” She muttered and before walking away excitedly

Xavier entered Oliver’s office

“Did you finally checked her out??” He asked

“No” Oliver replied

“Wait seriously?? You’re not interested in having a taste of her?” Xavier asked

“No I’m not” Oliver muttered

“Great,I can’t wait to f-__-k her @zz….”

“You’re not allowed to f-__-k my secretary,f-__-k yours” Oliver said in a teasing voice and Xavier laughed

“Noted boss” He saluted

“Don’t pretend,I know you are not that obedient” Oliver chuckled and raised his phone up

“Savannah sent her home address for the dinner” he smirked

“Great!!!” Xavier gushed

“Don’t be too forward,I don’t want her to come here without her pantie next time” Oliver said and they both laughed

“Trust me bro,I know how I do my thing. All you have to do is give me your phone when I’m leaving and we are good” Xavier said and Oliver nodded

The door opened and Kath entered,she’s one of the company’s editors,she works for Oliver actually.

“Good morning Sir” She bowed

Oliver and Xavier turned at once,she immediately walked to Xavier

“Here’s the document you requested for,I’m done with it” She said

“Oh yeah,thank you. You can leave” Xavier said trying not to laugh

She bowed and dropped it on the table before walking out

Xavier burst into laughter

“It’s always so fun to watch” he said

“It’s not fun,it’s annoying and disappointing. She’s been working for me for years and I just can’t believe she still can’t recognize me….”

“We’ve been friends with the guys since elementary and they still mistake us for each other some times…..”

“They are totally dumb” Oliver cut Xavier off

“Well,you’re the one who decided to become a copy of my face. I came out first remember?” Xavier smirked and Oliver scoffed

“You love bringing out silly points” he muttered

“See you later” Xavier winked before going out


Tyler Walked out of the exam hall,he seems like the first person to finish up,no doubt it’s just a piece of cake to him

Golden high is the most biggest and popular high school in New York,it is owned by the President,his youngest daughter Monroe attends the school and she’s the school queen,popular for her beautiful face alone but she’s the dullest in class,the most brilliant student is no other person than Ariana James,the younger sister of Oliver and Xavier.

She’s the second most popular girl in school,mainly because of her brilliancy and her brothers.

As Tyler walked through the school hallway,different eyes followed him. It’s even easier to notice him since he’s not wearing the school uniform.

? He’s a new student here right??

? What the h*ll!!

? He’s so hot!!!

? d@mn,is he a model??

? His lips!! So kissable like f-__-k

Tyler was checking on his phone which made him smile brightly and some girls almost fainted

? He’s got dimples too!!!

? I’m falling!!somebody hold me!!

? I’m going to f-__-k him,no doubt about that

Tyler didn’t even bother to look up as he walked until he bumped into a body

“Are you blind?!!!” Ariana shouted angrily

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