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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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DRAGON’S MARK – Episode 90

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⚒️ Dragon Mark ⚒️
🤫 Silent Abyss 🤫

Written by #preshsyarr

Chapter 90 – Fairy Tale Wedding

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“Why are you asking about Taeyong, you really shouldn’t. You know Johnny is the jealous type.” Yuta pointed matter of fact.

“Go away.” Johnny hissed, just wanting to be alone with SoMi.

“Fine! Fine! Fine! Geez.” Yuta complained but followed the order and left the two alone.

SoMi didn’t say anything but she knew Yuta was actually relieved about leaving the two alone.

After he left, a moment of silence followed as the two stared at the screen of the television. A female anchor was talking about the assets of Jeon Corp and what was to happen now.

“What do you think about?” Johnny asked wanting to know what was going on in that thick hard of hers.

SoMi exhaled deeply before answering, “What is going to happen now?” She questioned. Her voice was soft and gentle.

“Well, you’re the next heir to Jeon Corp so…”

“Jeon Corp is yours.” She cuts in. She remembered telling him everything would be given to him. SoMi didn’t want Jeon Corp, she never did, she didn’t want the power, she didn’t want to be CEO and be part of Seoul’s flashy upper class.

“Yeah, but that was when we were still engaged.” He reminded, bringing up the fact that they were no longer engaged.

“Unless..” she began and he knew what she was suggesting.

“You want us to get engaged… again.” He finished and she nodded excitedly like a little kid whose idea just got approved by the teacher.

Johnny stared at her with questioning eyes. The first time they were engaged wasn’t actually ideal. Their first engagement wasn’t how most girls would prefer. He assumed SoMi wanted the classic engagement and the fairy tale wedding.

He also knew that SoMi never asked for much, she never puts up high standards and pleasing her was so easy to do. He knew someone wouldn’t say anything with a crappy engagement and crappier wedding, but still she deserves the best.

“What! You don’t want to get engaged to me?” She joked, laughing lightly but he could tell his reluctance to answer was making her second guess her suggestion. He didn’t want her to think he didn’t want her, because he did, he wanted her so badly.

“I’m not the best fiance.” He pointed out and he responded by laughing. Gosh he could get use to her beautiful laugh.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed.”

“I messed up, I don’t always make the best decisions; I can be rash and stupid. I’m not perfect.” He stated and both knew those traits were true. They had both seen Johnny I action and both knew he was anything but perfect.

He wasn’t perfect. It’s okay, neither was she.

“I’m not looking for perfection. I never wanted perfection. Perfection scares me. I don’t want someone with flaws, someone who is damaged, someone who has seen pain and loved to death. I want someone who’s still trying even after all the bull they’ve been put through.” She revealed shifting her head away from his shoulder.

“Do you want to be married to me for the rest of your life?” He asked hesitantly. He watched her reaction carefully because honestly, he was scared of her response.

He was expecting her to think over her decisions before she answered. He was waiting for her to sort out her thoughts and organize the different roads she could take. What he wasn’t expecting was for her to turn her shoulder, look at him in the eyes and answered confidently like his question was the most basic thing in the whole world.


A smile unconsciously lifted onto his face.

“Do you want to be married to me for the rest of your life?” She asked this time.

Johnny could tell she was waiting for a positive answer. SoMi has had many let down and broken promises in the past and this time he wasn’t going to disappoint, not anymore.

She shrieked when he reached over and coiled his arms around her thin waist. He pulled her over so that she was sitting on his lap and his arms were wrapped around her.

“Absolutely.” He whispered in her ear and that one word was all the reassurance she needed.

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