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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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DRAGON’S MARK – Episode 86

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⚒️ Dragon Mark ⚒️
🤫 Silent Abyss 🤫

Written by #preshsyarr

Chapter 86 – Hard Like Titanium

Not that he wasn’t happy SoMi was alive, it was just like he was going to be the dead one if he don’t get any help.

SoMi’s eyes popped open and she was about to rush over when she saw that one of them was trying to sneak up on Yuta. The techie was busy breaking the neck of another man and didn’t notice until it was too late. Out of nowhere however the sound of a bullet echoed before the man fell to the ground. Yuta froze for a momentary second before he turned around, slowly he lifted his head towards the balcony above the entrance and smiled at the person standing up there.

SoMi stood to in shock for half a second before she pieced it together, “Sniper Doyoung.” She affirmed whipping her head around to find Doyoung on top of the balcony, half hidden by one of the pillars. He gave her a small wave when she made eye contact with him.

“I know, we’re going.’ Taeyong started. “Ç0çƙy bastards.”

In a split second everything turned to chaos. It was a war battle. Fist were being thrown, gun shots echoed, knives were being shot forward, bones were crushed and necks twisted, SoMi managed to ki|| fine, she knew who her main target was. Her grandfather. She stood by the corner of the room, arms crossed with that vicious smear on his face that she was going to put out in the next few minutes.

“I never thought this day would come.” He commented monotone like when she was standing directly in front of him. Her eyes were throwing daggers at him and her eyes were on fire.

In an instant she had her gun pointed at his temple. Her hands were shaking from the adrenaline rushing through her veins.

“You won’t $h00t.” He mentioned knowingly.

She scoffed, “You’re wrong. I’ll do it.” She retorted and his gaze changed.

“Oh really? Then why haven’t you?” He questioned. “Sweet little SoMi, the broken girl they put on my doorsteps when she became an orphan. You won’t ki|| me.”

His words taunted her, he was speaking about her life like it was a game, like she was some game piece used to gain the win. It was because of him that she became an orphan, she reminded herself. It was because of him that her parents died. It was all because of her god d@mn grandfather.

“Why’d you do it?” She asked, her voice was still coiled in iron and hard like titanium.

“You were supposed to die along with then.” He hissed angrily. “You were supposed to die!” He shouted we he lunged at her, his sudden move caught her by surprise as she dropped her gun.

She mentally slapped herself fit having her guard down. Her grandfather kicked her in the knee, causing them to buckle giving him the upper hand. She punched him flat in the face, causing him to stubble back a few steps. He gave her enough time to gain her composure.

Her grandfather lunged a knife towards her, but she did a semi backflip, avoiding the knife. Where did he get the knife from? She landed on her knees and grabbed the last knife she had tucked under her boots. She used the rest of then to ki|| his minions.

“Your reaction are fast, your reflexes however are slow.” He judged. Like how he did with everything else in her life. Always judging her, never praising her, everything she did was wrong, everything was her fault. He www making her feel inferior to him like she was less than him.

Anger bubbled up in her as she reached towards him with her knife and tried cutting his arms, but he jumped back missing her aim. When the hell did this old man learn to fight?

“Aiming straight for the target, never going to work. Learn to think before you act, though you never did think, did you? Always acting based on emotions like your d@mn mother. Look where it got her.”

That was it, the last straw was cut. Something awoke in SoMi causing her to jump in mid-air kicking her grandfather in the chest, making him stubble back against the wall. She threw a punch into his abdomen making him wince in pain before she brought her knife forward and lunged it into his arm.

A scream released from her grandfather as she moved her now bloodstained knife only to repeat the action again. Another ey hurling scream echoed throughout the room catching the attention of those who were fighting. One of them namely Johnny, stopped everything he was doing or more precisely who he was ki||ing as he moved closer to SoMi.

“Say that again!” She thr_@tened as she held the knife above his shoulder. The knife was barely breaking through his skin as a small drip of crimson spilled from the wound. His entire left arm was now spilling blood.

“Your mother was a worthless third class trash. Your father was just as pathetic. My son would have never accounted to anything.” He continued, purposely angering her.

SoMi pressed the knife into his skin, bloody red gushing from the impact. Her grandfather now was hysteric. He began laughing like a mad man. His loud obnoxious laughter made her ear twinge.

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