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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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DRAGON’S MARK – Episode 84

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⚒️ Dragon Mark ⚒️
🤫 Silent Abyss 🤫

Written by #preshsyarr

Chapter 84 – Beast

SoMi left him like how he left her so many times in the past. Now he was getting a taste of his own medicine, and he didn’t like it one bit.

“Hold up!” Yuta shouted typing away, the screens of his computers flashes back before a list of incoherent numbers and letters appeared. “Let’s find out where she went.”

“She looked like she was ready to find an army.” Taeil commented, appearing from nowhere. He just looked through the security tape from last night. He didn’t regret putting up so many security cameras now. “She left last night a little after four. She was armed with knives, guns, you name it.”

“Why would she need all this?” Taeyong asked, “… unless…No…”

Taeyong was silent after that as he questioned if SoMi would pull a stunt like that.

“Hello! Not everyone can read your mind, not that that would want to, it must be complicated in there.” Taeil shouted, frustrated and silently annoyed. Taeyong rolled his eyes.

“You don’t think she would.” Johnny questioned having the same thought as Taeyong.

“She could.” Taeyong affirmed.

“You think she went to chairman Jeon?” Yuta asked lying on his keyboard at the speed of light.

“I know that she did.” Johnny answered

“How can you be so sure?”

“It’s what I would do.” He knew how SoMi thought, because it was exactly what he would definitely. He would ki|| the chairman without bringing those he cared about into harm. He could carry the weight even if he become the selfish idiot. He knew she would do the same thing. It helped knowing that she didn’t leave knowing that it’s because of him, but because she felt like she had to get rid of her grandfather.

On second thought, no it wasn’t better, she was being stupid. Just plain and stupid.
SoMi was going to walk into the lair of the beast alone. She could get hurt, or ki||ed. Wasn’t she scared of all that? No, she wasn’t because if she was, she wouldn’t had just disappeared like that.

“We’re going after her.” He affirmed knowing down well he couldn’t let her go. Not again.


SoMi knew her grandfather, which meant she knew he couldn’t hide somewhere that only had one entrance. He needed multiple entrance for easy get away.

For SoMi however, she picked the most difficult yet least expected one. The main door was heavily guarded which was a big no, because she knew everyone would be alerted if she was detected. She was dead after all, thanks to Chenle’s big mouth. After all surprise was on her side.

There was two side doors, they were smaller and less guarded but she couldn’t risk the chance of word getting to her grandfather. So she came in from the entrance he least expected.

God bless the man for picking a single story building with a glass roof top because the second the sun rose she put her plan in action. Sure dawn wasn’t her perfect choice of attacking but a girl only has so many options when a certain Dragon was watching over her. Besides, maybe the guards were tired by this hour which meant she could take then out more easily.

None if them saw it coming. They only realized what was going on, when the glass roof in the place came falling down, shattering into million pieces before an apparently dead and extremely pissed off heiress came flying down from above. He’ll broke loose the second she threw a flash grenade.

The first hour guards that were stationed at one of the side door tried to attack her but SoMi managed to avoid all their attacks easily and managed to end them even without breaking a sweat.

After that she maneuvered her way inside the building happily, she was able to find the blueprints for the place before she arrived. As she ran into a dark corner, she was nearly ki||ed when a blade came flying her way. She managed to duck seconds before the blade impaled her, instead it flew into the wall behind her.

Without hesitation, she grabbed one of guns tucked under her thigh hoister and aim it at the guard pressing the trigger without a blink of an eye. The silencer was on, so no one was warned though she could only assume that her grandfather knew something was up.

She ran pass the dead bodies running into the next hallway. Where the hell was her grandfather? She stumbled forward when a bullet flew pass her, glazing her arm and leaving a small bloody cut.

She reacted by pulling out one of her blades and with the most precise accuracy she threw her knife into the skull of the guardian in front of her like a domino effect she was able to talk down half the guards. Her grandfather however www her main target.

It was until she heard a loud blast coming down one of the hallways did she stop in her path. Diverting her originated route, she ran into the direction of the blast. It’s often said to run away from danger but here she was, running straight towards it.

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