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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DRAGON’S MARK – Episode 53

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⚒️ Dragon Mark ⚒️
🤫 Silent Abyss 🤫

Written by #preshsyarr

Chapter 53 – No Romance, No Passion

“I didn’t so anything.” That was a total lie on her part.

He nodded his head while he crossed his arms. She could tell that Taeyong didn’t believe her; hell she didn’t believe herself either.

“How’s the search for Chenle going?” She asked. She needed to bring the conversation off her and Johnny and onto the problem they had right now. Chenle was alive and if she was him, she’ll be pretty revengeful right now.

“Stop trying to change the topic.” Taeyong snapped stubbornly. He wasn’t going to let her off so easily. She wanted to know why he was so persistent. None of her issues with Johnny concerned him, so who was Taeyong asking so much?

“Why do you want to know?” She asked, annoyed with where this conversation was leading.

“Because he’s my friend SoMi and because you’re also my friend.” He responded and he sounded truly sincere about his words. It was a foreign thing to her, after her parents died there wasn’t anybody else who worried about her and cared about what happened to her.

She wasn’t used to people worrying about her, or people trying to help her. In a way she was like a child, still learning the ropes on how the world worked.

“He kissed me.” She admitted. She waited to see how Taeyong would react, but his reaction, or rather lack of, surprised her.

“So that is what’s bothering you?” He asked. He didn’t look shock about her confession. Maybe he knew all along, maybe he already guessed.

“No.” She defended. “Oh fine! Yes, it’s bothering me.” She snapped. She didn’t want to be in this position, but she didn’t want to look weak in front of Taeyong, or any of them for this matter. Where was the cold hearted strong Jeon SoMi when she needed her?

“You like him.” Taeyong mumbled. It wasn’t a question but a statement. SoMi didn’t say anything but that only affirmed his statement.

“But I can’t h@ťě him. The worst part is that I don’t even know where these feelings come from. I mean I’m not even supposed to be feeling like this, I was supposed to be different that’s the most upsetting part, knowing that I have no control over my feelings.

Taeyong was really quiet afterwards, he just stared into the air like he was trying to gather all his thoughts together before he spoke.

“God, I wished you didn’t like him.” Taeyong mumbled.

SoMi’s heart instantly fell when he heard his words. Taeyong looked straight at her and stepped closer to her. With each step, SoMi felt herself being corned, just like last night with Johnny.

“Taeyong, what are y…”

“I’m going to apologise before hand, but just let me test this out.” He cut her off.

She didn’t know what he was taking about anymore.

He whispered something else, but it was too soft for her to hear clearly.

She didn’t say anything afterwards because in the next seconds his body had pressed against hers, his arms wrapped around her thin waist and his soft lips connected with hers.

SoMi was stunned when Taeyong kissed her, her head was clouded with Wu and confusion. Why was he kissing her?

Taeyong slowly pulled her back and she could only stare at him with wide shock eyes. Slowly a small smile appeared on his lips. His smile looked sad. However, or maybe it was his eyes that looked sad.

“Anything?” He asked quietly. She didn’t respond probably because she was still trying to comprehend what just happened.

“Did you feel anything at all?” He asked

She took in his question. Did she feel anything? Sure his lips were soft and gentle, he kissed her like she was fragile porcelain doll, like she was almost innocent. That was it. There was no Sparks, no touch of magic, no romance, no passion, nothing at all. It was nothing like how she felt when Johnny kissed her.

“Nothing.” She whispered softly.

He looked at her for a few seconds before a grateful smile appeared on his face. He looked relieved.

“Good.” He said.

She narrowed her eyes at him. What was he doing?

“What the hell Taeyong, you don’t go around kissing people!” She snapped, flaring her arms up into the air.

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