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HomeDON'T MARRY, DATEDON’T MARRY, DATE – Episode 39 & 40

DON’T MARRY, DATE – Episode 39 & 40

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{….hearts meant to be….}

Theme: The billionaire’s addiction









Sapphire’s mouth fell open in shock, she had no idea that Karen was pregnant already.

Andrew stared at Karen, his expression couldn’t hide the fact that he was surprised.

“I made dinner and I haven’t eaten yet, was hoping we would eat together and since Sapphire is here too, we can all eat as a family, right Sapphire?” Karen said turning to Sapphire who was still trying to keep her anger in check.

“I’m sorry but I have to go now” Sapphire said instead standing up.

“I thought you wanted to see my husband, why are you leaving already?” Karen retorted.

“Maybe some other time” Sapphire answered with a deep grunt before walking out of the living room, not without glaring at Karen though.

Karen bursted into laughter as soon as she left.

“Is anything the matter? What’s funny?” Andrew raised a brow.

“Nothing, you should freshen up and come down stairs for dinner” Karen said and meant to leave but Andrew held her back.

He hesitated for a while, he just stared at her.

“Do you…. have anything to say?” Karen asked.

“The baby…. is the baby okay?” He asked shocking her to the bone. It is the first time he is asking after the unborn child.

She didn’t know when tears filled her eyes and it dropped down her cheeks slowly

“Why the tears? Did I say something bad?”

“No…. it’s just that it’s the first time you are asking after the child. Sometimes, I use to wonder if you forgot or perhaps you are not comfortable with me having your child” Karen whimpered.

Andrew took a deep breathe before moving closer to her. He kissed her tears before pulling her into a deep and comforting hug.

“I’m sorry” was all he could say.


Andrew door opened and Karen popped her head in. He didn’t even act like someone just entered, he had his eyes fixated on the laptop.

“Hey hubby” She called going to stand in front of him. She leaned closer trying to peep into wh@ťěver he was doing but her hair fell and covered the laptop instead.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry about that” she apologized, brushing her hair to the back. It was at this point that he raised his head up and his eyes got stuck on her exposed cleavage.

He swallowed into nothing looking away but in less than a few seconds, his eyes went back to her cleavage. The nightie she was putting on was V necked and very transparent too.

Andrew could feel his Ďïčk rising, how much effect she has on him.

“I came because…..

“Can I bury myself in you?” He cuts her off, asking shamelessly.

Karen’s mouth flew open because of his raw words. A smile tugged at one corner of her lips.

“No” she responded moving to the bed.

Andrew’s eyes followed her all through, his eyes were glued to her round @zz which were bouncing freely under the nightie.

“Why? Is this some kind of punishment?” He asked in a husky voice standing up too.

“Why would you let her kiss your cheeks? She even hugged you, I don’t like that” Karen mumbled.

“Sapphire is my sister, she has always been like that, she feels it’s normal for siblings” Andrew answered.

“Indeed, that she had to press her B-__-bs on your chest” Karen said under her breathe, he couldn’t even get a grasp of what she said.

“You both are sibling by blood?” Karen asked further.

“No….. She was found on the streets by my mom who took her in, filled the necessary forms for adoption. She became my kid sister” Andrew answered.

Karen just mouthed an “ohhhh” falling on the bed. Andrew just watched her every move like a lost sheep.

“Karen…. I….

“Huh?” Karen sat back up to listen to him by instead, their face met and their lips collided. Andrew’s hand went up to her B-__-bs and he gave it a little squeeze. Karen Mõ@ɲed into the kiss.

Andrew soon broke the kiss cupping her face with his palm.

“Can we?” He asked.

“And what if I say no?” Karen retorted.

“I might just rape you then” He replied causing her to laugh loudly.

“I’m all yours hubby” She finally said what he has been wanting to hear the whole time. He claimed her lips gently once again while slowly unbuttoning her nightie.

Her erect B-__-bs were the first thing that greeted him. He slowly raised his hand to it and creased her n1pples with just a finger sending sparks in her, her nïpples hardened with just go touch.

“Your B-__-bs are always calling me to you” He said huskily before taking her left peach into his mouth. He sucked on it like an expert.

Karen threw her head backwards möaning his name.



“d@mn it!”

He left for her other peach and did justice to it also. He then proceeded to remove his shorts and position him rod at her entrance. His first th-ru_st made her cry out painfully sweet.

He kept on banging into her, giving her just the way she wants it. He released his seed into her before pulling out and falling on his own side of the bed.

He adjusted her closer to himself making her head rest on his broad chest.

“Andrew” Karen suddenly called after a while, drawing invincible lines on his shirtless chest.

“Hmm” He mumbled sleepily.

“I don’t know if I’ve said this before but I think i should just let you know that…..

Karen paused on her words and raised her head up to look at him. He was deeply asleep already.

“I love you” She continued softly.

She snuggled to his hold before closing her eyes too.



“Good morning Granny!” Sapphire greeted hugging Granny Brenda from behind. She was in the kitchen directing the maids on what to do.

“How was your night?” Granny Brenda asked.

“Not bad” She answered simply grabbing a slice of apple from the bowl that a maid was peeling them.

“Do you know…. that Andrew’s wife is pregnant?” She suddenly asked.

“Really? That’s good to hear” Granny Brenda said simply with a smile.

“You don’t look surprised…..”

“I was expecting it already, I just had that feeling that they would get along quite well despite the fact that it wasn’t a loving marriage from the start” Granny Brenda uttered.

“Karen is a nice and responsible girl too, just th perfect one for Andrew” She added causing Sapphire to scoff loudly.

“I don’t like her” Sapphire mumbled before walking out of the kitchen.

“C’mon Sapphire, you just meet her, you don’t even know her yet” Granny Brenda called after her but she didn’t get a reply.



“How is your brother doing? Did you get him already?” Evelyn asked.

Evelyn is actually Sapphire’s friend in England, they are currently on a face time.

“I wish but I’m not planning on giving up soon” Sapphire answered.

“That Ɓîtçh got pregnant already” She added

“You mean his wife?”

“Who else?” Sapphire retorted with an eyeroll.

“What do you plan on doing now? Giving up?”

“I just don’t know but giving up is not an option. I’ve always gotten what I wanted and I’ll make sure I get this too” Sapphire said.

“First time seeing someone obsessed over her own brother” Evelyn uttered.

“He is not biologically my brother so there’s no crime in wanting a man out of him” Sapphire retorted.

“But this same person has a wife!” Evelyn snapped.

“Who I am going to push out of his life soon” Sapphire completed with a smirk.

“Hold on…. hope you are not planning anything silly?”

“Let’s just see” Sapphire said staring at her perfectly manicured nails.



Yasmine hand fell from the door knob as she behold the person at the door. Fear was evident in her eyes as she took a few steps backwards.


“Surprised to see me?” He asked with his voice coming out really cold. Yasmine swallowed hard without saying anything.

“Has Mr Tanner contacted you yet? I bet he had or he hasn’t?” Andrew asked with a raised eyebrow, sounding unsure.

“What do you mean? I have no idea what you are talking about?” Yasmine found herself stuttering.

“I guess you will understand better when I’m done with you” Andrew said in a surprisingly calm but dreadf voice.

Yasmine fell on her knees instantly.

“Please let me go this once, it won’t happen again” She pleaded with her both hand clasped together.

“And why should I let you go? I already told you that you shouldn’t lay your filthy hands on her but what did you do instead…..

“What else would you have me do?” Yasmine cuts him off screaming on top of her voice.

“Sit back and accept defeat? Just got my arms and allow a random woman take the position that was originally mine?” She added sobbing already.

“You ruined everything yourself Yasmine! How could you? Despite the love and affection I showed you, you still do those $h|tty stuffs behind my back!”

“Everyone makes mistakes Andrew! I made a mistake, a forgivable one. You could have just forgiven me and we would have gone on with the wedding but what did you do instead? You brought a stranger from nowhere to be your bride!” Yasmine retorted.

“Karen was never a stranger to me” Andrew said tucking his both hands in his pocket.

“Take this as a warning from me to you, don’t you ever pull any trick against my wife, wh@ťěver plan you have building up in your head…. ki|| such thought” He added, picking his words one after the other to make sure that it sink.

“I’ll be watching you closely and I might not be this lenient next time” He said before turning to leave. He suddenly paused like he just remembered something.

“Mentioning her name is prohibited too” He said before leaving finally.

Yasmine released the breathe she didn’t know she has been holding the whole time.

“Arrgh!!!” She scaremed loudly raffling her hair.



Kimora sniffed repeatedly as she managed to get up from the bed. The savoury aroma filled the air making her wonder what was going on.

On getting to the kitchen, she met the least person she expected to see; Luciana.

“Did the sun start rotating around the earth instead of the opposite? What in the world are you doing here?” She asked making disgusted faces.

“Is being in my bestie’s house a crime?” Luciana retorted turning off the cooker.

“And who is your bestie?” Kimora questioned with a sneer.

“You and Karen of course. You know I have no one in the world except you both” Luciana said with a cute pout.

No word came from Kimora who stared at her doubtingly.

“I missed you both so so much” She added but got no reply from Kimora who just kept on staring at her.

“Fine…. I know I was wrong, I acted rash, said a lot of hurtful words I should say and…..

Luciana paused on her words sighing deeply with her head bowed down, her eyes on the ground.

Kimora smiled lightly before going over to her and pulling her into a hug.

“This doesn’t mean that I have forgiven you yet” She said causing Luciana to chuckle lightly before reciprocating the hug.



“Hey honey bunch!” Sapphire greeted as soon she she opened the door to Andrew’s office. He looked up from what he was doing with a start, looking surprised to see her.

“You promised to spend time with me and here I am. Don’t tell me you don’t plan on fulfilling your promise” She said catwalking further into the office.

“You shouldn’t be here Sapphire, I’m working” Andrew let out a loud groan throwing his head backwards.

“I just wanted to see your face because…..

She was now very close to Andrew.

“I missed you” She said placing a kiss on his both cheeks as usual. Andrew meant to look elsewhere when her lips landed on his own lips.

f-__-king crazy!

A knock sounded on the door and the door opened almost immediately. Karen came to meet them in that position, the smile on her face fell instantly.

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