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HomeDON'T MARRY, DATEDON’T MARRY, DATE – Episode 31 & 32

DON’T MARRY, DATE – Episode 31 & 32

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{….hearts meant to be….}

Theme: The billionaire’s addiction









The second slap got Andrew rushing out of his office. Luciana returned the slap almost immediately making Karen cheek burn red.

He furrowed his brows in confusion on seeing the scene in front of him. Luciana heightened the whole thing by bursting into tears as soon as she sighted Andrew, she held her both cheeks as Karen had slapped her in the both cheeks.

Karen stared at her surprisingly, wondering why she suddenly started crying.

“She just returned the slap right? Why is she suddenly crying?” She couldn’t help but wonder, she had not noticed Andrew the whole time.

“What is going on here?” Andrew demanded with a frown resting on his face. It was at this point that Karen became aware of his presence.

“She came here and tried barging into your office, when I tried stopping her, she slapped me saying I have no right to stop her” Luciana lied.

Karen’s mouth flew open immediately.

“That’s not true! She was putting a white substance in your coffee, I saw her doing that” Karen retorted immediately.

Luciana grabbed the cup of coffee and gulped down the content. She wiped her mouth before turning to Karen then to Andrew.

“If I had put something on it, would I be able to drink it? Just say the truth Karen, you slapped me for no reason” Luciana said putting more pressure on her fake tears.

Karen turned to look at Andrew who was staring back at her, like he was expecting her to say something to defend herself with.

“I’ve given you a chance considering the fact that you were my friend but if this is what you want, then I’ll just play along” Karen muttered to herself.

She moved closer to Luciana table with a deadpan look. She bent down to take the packet which had fallen on the floor. She then raised it up for Andrew to see.

“Sir…. I did nothing here, I’m being framed” Luciana cried out.

“Are you going to speak the truth or I should force it out of your mouth” Karen uttered with gritted teeth. Luciana swallowed into nothing on noting Karen’s expression, it was so scary and cold, very cold.

“You are fired Miss Luciana Park” Andrew dropped the bomb shocking the women.


“Slapping my wife is an offence if you don’t know. Your termination letter would be forwarded to you” He cuts her off before walking into his office, not without looking at Karen though.

“I guess things didn’t go your way this time around….. are you sure you’re still okay? I mean, you swallowed that and wh@ťěver you put in it, shouldn’t you be worried about your health right now?” Karen asked with a sneer before going to the direction Andrew took; Andrew’s office precisely.

Luciana curled her hand into a fist.

“Just wait for it Karen, you would never know where I’ll hit you” She said with gritted teeth.


Karen played with her nails with her head staring at the floor. She has been in that position since she entered the office. She couldn’t even bring herself to look at him.

“Why are you here?” He finally broke the ice after it seems like eternity to her.

“I didn’t try forcing my way into the office, she lied. I really saw her putting that in the coffee, I don’t know what it is really…..

“I believe you” He cuts her off softly.

Karen blinked her eyes rapidly unable to believe her ears, she was almost close to tears thinking he wouldn’t believe her.

“Huh?” She sniffed in her tears.

“I came to give these files to you, I guess you let them at home” She said taking her bottom lips in. She moved closer and dropped it on the table in front of him.

She waited for a while since he wasn’t saying anything. He was just looking at her intensely.

“Can I leave now?” She said in a low voice.

“Kiss me” He blurted out shocking her to the bone.

“Huh?” Her eyes widened like it could pop out of its sockets. Who could have thought that the cold and jerky Andrew Lancelot would say that?

“Forget I said that” He said clearing her throat. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

“I’m surely losing my mind” She heard him mumbled as he turned back to his laptop. A smile tugged at one corner of her lips as a naughty thought crossed her mind.

She catwalked closer to him and leaned closer to him.

“Do I make you lose your mind, Mr Lancelot?” She asked with a flirtaeous smile, knowing hitting her bottom lips.

Andrew closed his eyes immediately trying to control himself. The control left him as her soft lip pressed on his. He opened up immediately kissing her back, he grabbed her closer to him by her waist.

She fell on his lap and they continued kissing till the door opened. Karen was the first to break the kiss and she hurriedly stood up from Andrew’s lap.

Redford, who had just barged into the office, looked at them with a knowing and annoying smile.

“Did I interrupt something?” He inquired.

“I’ll take my leave now sir, I’ll meet you at home” Karen rushed on her words before walking out of the office.

“Hey Mrs Lancelot” Redford greeted waving at her, she just bowed her head at him briefly before finally going out, she couldn’t bring herself to look at him due to embarrassment.

“That was hot, dude!” Redford said claspimg his hands as he took his seat.

“If I had come a minute late, her clothes would have probably been lying on the floor” He added with a grin.

“Quit the crap!” Andrew said with a loud grunt.

“She’s even calling you sir…. how unfashionable! What do you call her?” Redford inquired further.

“What do you want Red?”

“Fine…. I came here to tell you that the meeting with the investors went well. I was expecting to see you working then I meet you doing something else” Redford said.

“Get out” Andrew muttered.

“Yes sir!” Redford said with a slight chuckle.



Luciana kept on gulping on her drink continuously, she was drinking directly from the bottle non-stop. Her whole body was twitching but she was trying hard to control herself.

She scanned the place with her eyes, there were not too many people at the clubhouse considering the fact that it was still in the day.

A messaged dropped on her phone, it was from doctor Remington.

“You should just find a someone to calm down your urge, Aphrodisiac is no child’s play” the message reads. She had actually put Aphrodisiac(a drug that stimates s*xual urge or makes a person horny) in Andrew’s coffee.

“All this would have worked if that Ɓîtçh had not come to the office. I would have been möaning his name right now” She muttered taking another gulp from her alcohol.

Luciana threw her head backwards in frustration, she was already dripping down there. She was feeling hot and very uncomfortable.

“Hey beautiful” A man came to seat beside her. She quickly looked away from him resisting the urge to grab him.

“I’m talking to you pretty” The same person said using his hand to hold up her chin. On a normal day, she would push him off considering the way his appearance.

Luciana has always been a sophisticated and chic lady. She screams elegance and she has that aura around her.

“f-__-k me” she said senselessly in a whisper before crashing her lips on his. The man responded immediately grabbing her @zz from behind. His hand made way to her B-__-bs and he squeezed it really hard.

Luciana Mõ@ɲed out taking his second hand and she placed it on her tight. The man wasted no time in crawling his way up her tights. She was as wet as f-__-k, very horny.

“Let’s get a room beautiful” He broke the kiss. Luciana clung into him as he led her to one of the rooms in the club.



“Good evening sir!” Karen greeted Andrew, she helped him with his briefcase too. Somehow, Redford’s words came playing in Andrew’s ear.

“She calls you sir…. how unfashionable!”

“I made dinner, you should eat. Take a shower and then come downstairs for dinner, I’ll be waiting” She said with a smile.

Andrew gave a single nod as a reply before taking the stairs.


Andrew shut his eyes as he allowed water from the shower poured on him. He has been in that position for a while having serious arguments with his head.

“He is waiting for you,bruh!” His subconscious mind said.

“Why should I be worried about that? I never asked her to wait anyways, she offered to wait. She is the one acting all nice and friendly” He replied to himself.

“Are you sure you are not worried about that? How long are you going to keep lying to yourself?”

“Arrrgh! Just stop!” He yelled holding his head with his hand.

“They are all the same, all women are cheaters! They are all the same and she is no different from them!” He raised his voice a little.

“Are you sure about that? She seems different and we both know that”

“Just shut it!!” Andrew snapped punishing the wall angrily that he bled. He ran his hand through his hair shutting his both eyes closed.


Andrew alighted down the stairs with his both hands tucked in his pocket. The first thing that caught his attention was Karen sleeping on the couch. Obviously, she had waited for him.

He ignored her and went to the dinning, the aroma from the food hit his nostrils and he couldn’t help but sit down to eat.

He finished his food after a while and he stood up from the dinning table. He cleared the plate before going back to the sleeping Karen.

He squatted in front of her staring at her cute face. She is like a barbie doll even in sleep, so pure and innocent!

He tucked her hair behind her ear looking at her like he was watching a movie; so intensely. No matter how long he stares, he never gets tired of staring at her.

“I hope you are different from the rest, I just hope so” He mumbled.

He carried her in a bridal style before leading her to the room.



Just as Andrew opened his door, he met Karen outside almost knocking. He raised a brow as he scanned her dress.

“I’m dressed for the trip” She said with a smile.

“What trip?”

“The business trip you talked about, I want to go with you. I’ll be your secretary throughout the trip since Luciana won’t be present” Karen answered.

“Please say yes….. I already packed my bags too” She added almost immediately.

“Thank you” She said before he couldn’t say anything. She pecked him on his lips before going for her suitcase which was just at her door.

“Did she just bribe me with that?” He muttered to himself touching his lips.

“I never even said she could go” He added watching her skip down the stairs happily.



Karen screamed loudly as soon as they got down from the private jet. It was Andrew’s.

Andrew chuckled lightly watching her display, the guards helped them with their luggage to the limousine already waiting for them to take them to the hotel.

“I’m finally at Miami!!” Karen gushed putting her hand out through the window.

“That’s risky” Andrew’s voice came out sharply making her swallow hard.

“You don’t have to be a ki||joy” She mumbled resting her head on the backrest as the driver maneuvered his way expertly.

The ride was smooth and in no time, they got to the hotel. The attendants were waiting to help with their suitcases.

“Something came up sir and we have only one room available instead of two which you booked. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you” The manager said as soon as they got to the lobby.

“It’s fine” Andrew collected the keys

“If he had come here with Luciana, would he have stayed in the same room with her?” Karen wondered with a deep grunt.


Karen stopped longing her phone as Andrew’s phone rang out loudly. They had managed to settled down and Andrew is currently in the shower.

She ignored the call the first time but a call came in again. Curiosity got a better part of her and she moved closer to check who was calling; the caller id says MY FIRST LOVE

The phone almost dropped from Karen’s hand but she controlled herself. Shivers ran down her spine, she could feel hear even in the properly air conditioned room.

For a while, it was like her soul had left her body. She couldn’t even explain how she was feeling at that point.

The call came again making her flinch, her hand mistakenly swipped green.

“Hey love” A female voice came up.

Karen bit her bottom lips trying to stop her lips from trembling.

“Hello? Love? Are you there?” The same voice said again. The call disconnected after a while as Karen didn’t say anything.

She felt her eyes sting and then something dropped, that was when she realized that she was crying.

“He has another girlfriend?”

She could feel her heart breaking, pains she couldn’t fathom overwhelmed her……

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