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HomeDON'T GHOST MEDON’T GHOST ME – Episode 47 & 48

DON’T GHOST ME – Episode 47 & 48

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(Electric Shock)

She walked slowly towards the patient and her mouth opened. She felt her heart touch the ground and her brain catapulted to Venus. She blinked her eyes repeatedly. It can’t be. Is this a dream?? She pinched herself and felt the pain. She looked again and saw her eyes weren’t lying.

She was looking at an unconscious Luke…..



He is alive!!!!

“” Dina called walking towards him slowly.

Is this real?

Was she dreaming?

“Dina” Elena called slowly looking at Dina.

“Mom, what’s going on? How long has he been here? Why are you hiding him? Why are..”

“Dina” Elena called

“There’s an explanation, right?” Dina asked

—One Year Ago—
Elena just finished attending to a patient.

“gosh, I need some air” She said as she left the hospital to take a stroll.

The street was unusually quiet. The only sound heard was her own footsteps.

“Why is today so quiet?” Elena asked having a weird feeling about her surrounding

She stopped walking when she heard a sound. She looked around but saw no one.

“Why does it feel as though I’m acting a horror movie” She said and chuckled at her own statement.

Soon the sound she first heard became clearer. They were sounds from footsteps. Running steps.

Elena shifted back a bit frightened.

-bang bang bang-

Was the sound of a gun

Someone must have been shot

Elena fell on her butt.

Who would try ki||ing someone and why??

She wanted to run, She wanted to go far away to her family but then


Elena froze.

“Please” The voice said making Elena turn.

Her eyes and mouth were wide agape.


He was in a bloody mess. His Left shoulder was pouring water like a tap.

“Please help me” was the last words he said before passing out.

Elena heard footsteps coming their way and she quickly hid herself.

He unknown person who turned out to be Mole checked him.

“He’s dead. We don’t need him. Let’s just get our package” Mole said running to a different direction.

Elena came out of her hiding place all shaking.

Was he dead??

She checked his pulse and noticed it was low. His heartbeat was also low, reducing his chances of survival.

She wanted to just go, runaway so she get involved with other people’s mess but her bloody conscience wouldn’t let her be.

She went back and took him. He was heavy so she had dragged him to the hospital.

She knew who Luke was and wasn’t going to let him die that way.

So she took it up on herself to treat him and care for him. She had built the ward with a button in her office because she needed to be sure he was safe.

At least, to fulfill his last wish before passing out.

—Back to the Present—

“Baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hid this from the family. We all could have been in danger. Those bad guys out there kidnapped me 17 days ago and I knew telling the family would be bad. Please don’t h@ťě…”

Elena’s words hung in her throat as she felt Dina’s hand wrapped tightly around her.

“I’m so sorry mom. I’m sorry for thinking you were cheating on dad. And thank you for…”

Dina couldn’t complete her statement as the sound of a fallen vase stopped her.

Elena rushed out to see who it was. She didn’t see the face but her eyes caught sight of his tattoo.

She immediately locked the door and rushed in.

“Mom what was that???”

“Dina, I think one of the bad guys followed you. So they know Luke is alive”

“What!!!!” Dina gasp covering her mouth

“Oh no, this is bad. What are we going to do”

“I think we have no other option that to wake him”

“And how would you do that? He’s been in coma for a year now”

“We will wake him by shock”

________JEWEL’S MANSION_______
“Start talking”

Mira and Alex just arrived at Jewel’s home. They had sabotaged the studio and just returned only for Mira to start her questioning section.

“Mira, can that wait for later?”

“Seriously Alex??” Mira asked walking after him. “What happened to no secrets, huh? I thought you were bent on finding out what happened to Luke”

Alex just sat down while Mira stood in front of him. ‘Should he tell her? How would she react? Would she call him crazy???’

“Start speaking” Mira said snapping him out of his thoughts

“Luke is dead” He said looking down

“What?? I don’t get it. Did you find his body?”

“No I didn’t”

“But I thought you said you wouldn’t believe that he was dead until you see his body?”

“Yeah, but I found out he was dead”

“Speak in English?” A confused Mira asked sitting in front of him

Alex looked at her and told her everything he knew leaving nothing out.

“So why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Mira asked with thin lines of tears showing on her face.

“I didn’t want to make you cry again. I knew you didn’t believe he was dead even though you acted like you did. I once caught you crying in your room while holding Luke’s photo”

“Still, I deserved to know the truth” Mira said turning away from him. “I h@ťě you” She said

“I know” Alex said as he chuckled a bit.

“So what’s your deal with that girl, what’s her name again??? Dina, yes” Mira asked facing him

“What? Come on, there’s no deal between us” Alex asked looking away

“You can lie to anyone but not a bestie” Mira said smacking his head.

“Do you like her?”

“Why would you ask that?” Alex asked facing Mira. “I thought you liked me?”

“So you knew I liked you but decided to play dumb??? You’re such a $cvm bag” She said

“Anyways, I used to like you and still do but you never showed any signs of liking me back” Mira said awkwardly.

“But when it comes to her, you’re different”

“What do you mean??”

“Like, you never for once let me sleep in your room in peace and you let her sleep all day” Mira said pouting her lips.

“Not like you would let her sleep in your own room” Alex conquered

“Wh@ťěver, but you are patient when it comes to her and her drama” Mira said while changing her sitting position.

“Wh@ťěver you are thinking, keep it to yourself” Alex said turning his direction from her.

“Aren’t you going to admit that you like her?” Mira asked coming to his front

“I don’t like her okay?”

“So you are saying that you h@ťě her” Mira said nodding her head

“No what I’m saying is I don’t like her as in like like ”

“So you are saying you like to h@ťě to like and h@ťě her” Mira said as she chuckled silently at her statement.


Soon the door opened and Glenda came in

“So did you guys find anything” Glenda asked as they sat round the table

“Nope, nothing. It was like they did everything without leaving a single trace” Mira said

“But we were able to spoil someone’s fun” Alex said and Glenda gave him raised eyebrows.

“You don’t worry, you will see” Mira said with a smirk.

Just then Luke appeared.

“Is Jewel here?” He asked but none of them heard him.

“Where’s Jewel?” He asked again but got no response because they couldn’t see him and none of them were wearing the glass.

“She said she was coming to find you” Grandma said behind him

Luke turned to her. If she was at his place, and he saw her earring on the floor, then something must have happened to her.

“Who are you talking to?” Mira asked

“I think Luke is here” Alex said as he rushed in to get the glasses.

Grandma looked at Luke. The expression on his face was readable. It was as though he was worried.

“Luke?” Grandma called slowly not wanting to think of any possible problem

“Where’s Jewel?”


Everyone faced grandma. What did she mean by what happened to Jewel? Nothing can happen to Jewel, right??

“Grandma, what are you asking?” Glenda said going closer to her.

“Where’s my Peanut?” Glenda asked again still not breaking contact.

Luke just faced her. What could he tell her? If he said the truth, she might have an attack but if he lied, they would find out sooner or later. He looked at her and with a sad look, disappeared.

“No, no, no” Grandma said falling down

“Where’s Luke?” Alex who just returned with the glasses asked only to see Grandma on the floor.

“Grandma, what’s no” Glenda asked

“It’s Jewel”


*********MK STUDIO***********
Zach laughed insanely. What was his producer telling him???? The story doesn’t just match.

“I telling the truth Sir. Please give me time to start again”

“Are you crazy? What time are you talking about? huh???” Zach yelled

“The album is supposed to be released today and you are telling me the song mysteriously got deleted??”

“I swear sir, I…”

“Keep your swears to yourself.” Zach was infuriated as he walked out.

“Take him out” He said to one of his bodyguards and he walked away towards his car.

Before he finally entered the car, Luke appeared.

Luke noticed a tattoo on Zach’s arm and he held his head as he felt a bang.

That tattoo, he had seen it somewhere. He held his head in pain but then matters suddenly became worse as he felt a shock.


He was shaking. He could feel his legs nibbling. Then it came again

“Aarhhhh” Luke screamed in agony falling to the ground.

“What’s wrong with me? why the sudden shock??? No, I still need to find Jewel”

“Aaaaaaaaaarrrrh f_ck” He cursed falling flat on the ground with blur eyes.

“Jewel…” He muttered…..

As e dey 🔥🥵

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