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HomeDON'T GHOST MEDON’T GHOST ME – Episode 45 & 46

DON’T GHOST ME – Episode 45 & 46

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Slowly darkness crept in. She tried fighting it but failed

“Luke” the name came as a whisper before she finally gave into the darkness.

Luke walked slowly along the streets. He looked around watching the passerbys. He passed a play ground filled with kids who were playing cheerfully. He saw a girl who was same height as Jewel.

“I wonder how she’s doing” Luke said sadly as he walked away. For the first time in a long time, he felt that void. Was this really the end for him? Who would have thought that his life would be cut short? Was he really going to leave everything behind? His friends? What about Jewel? Would she go back to been moody? Now he really h@ťěd the fact that he died. Talking about that, how did he die? What really happened? Why was Zach singing his songs? It was just three days left and he still haven’t regained most of his memories of his death.

“Why can’t I just remember?” He asked as he came in front of his mansion. He took a deep breath as he slowly walked inside.

“I wish I could see Jewel one more time” He said walking into the living room.

He noticed his photo album on the floor.

“How did you get here?” He said picking it up.

“Didn’t notice I mastered it so well” He said as he inwardly praised himself for picking up the album.

He was about dropping it when he noticed a broken vase.

“Something’s wrong here” He said walking closer the the chattered vase.

“How did you fall down?”

“Was someone here??” He asked himself as he checked his surroundings when his eyes caught something in the floor.

He walked closer and picked up the object.

“An earring???” He said questioningly

“I have seen this somewhere” He said lowly as he thought hard

“Now I remember, it belongs to Jewel. But what is it doing here?” Luke asked.

For some unknown reason, he had a bad feeling about everything

“What’s going on???”


The trio got out of the car.

“Alright, Let’s act normal” Glenda said facing Dina.

“Dina!!!!!” She called half yelling making Dina face her.

“I just said we should act normal but you have been staring at Alex since the beginning of our Journey” Glenda complained hitting her hands in demonstration.

“It’s not my fault” Dina said making Alex raise his brows

“It’s his fault, Mr crazy pants” She said pointing at Alex.

“Me????” Alex pointed himself “How I’m I at fault Miss drunkard AKA Drama queen”

“There he goes again” Dina said smirking

“Dina, you…”

“It’s not my fault that he had to dress this way. You said we should act normal but his dressing is already extraordinary” Dina lamented interrupting Glenda

“But I see no reason why my dressing should affect you”

“It’s affecting my concentration”

“There she goes, Miss drama queen”

“Drama queen???? Oh Mr crazy pants, you forgot that….”

“Hey” Glenda called the two

“You can save your lover’s quarrel for later”

“Lover’s quarrel?????” They heard a voice say and they turned around to meet Mira.

“What are you doing here??” Dina and Alex said the same time.

“Alex, take back that question” Mira said looking offended

“Are you spying on us?” Dina asked making Mira face her.

‘Gosh, this girl loves getting on my nerves’ Both ladies thought in their separate heads.

“The house is boring with no one around so I went for a stroll and happened to see you guys” Mira said

‘Just the perfect lie’ Dina thought as she walked away

“You don’t mind if I hang around, do you?” Mira asked

“Is she your friend?” Glenda asked

“Best friend” Alex said

“Then you can come with us. We need as much help as possible” Glenda said walking in.

“No way” Dina said tapping her foot on the ground

“Yes way” Mira said following after Glenda.

Alex walked in with a small smile on his face.

“I can’t believe this” Dina said running to catch up.

“ID Please” The guard at the entrance said as Glenda brought out her card. The guard glanced at the people behind her.

“They are with me” She said, answering his unasked question as he opened the them for them to go in.

“Wow” Dina mouthed

“Get to work guys, Find anything that can be a clue. And be quick. You don’t want them to be suspicious” Glenda said walking away to meet some formalities.

“What are we searching for????” A lost Mira asked

“I was going to tell you later, but I’ll just brief you. Zach stole Luke’s songs so we are looking for any possible clue” Alex said

“Wait, what? And you did not think about telling me since but now????” Mira said half yelling that Alex quickly covered her mouth with his palm.

“I’m sorry okay? I’ll tell you about it when we get home” Alex said slowly removing his hand from her mouth.

Dina gulped down nothing as she watched them. She could feel her heart hurting. But why should it hurt???

“Let’s go” Alex said leading the way.

****Few minutes later*******

“There’s nothing here” Dina said facing them with a downcast face.

“Me too, I found nothing” Mira said

“Then I guess we should go” Alex said as they walked away. He saw Glenda talking with Mr. Ryder.

“I guess we will be leaving alone” He said as they left the building.

“Wait” Mira said and they turned to face her.

“What is it?” Dina asked, her voice clearly showing she doesn’t want Dina around.

“Isn’t that MK studio” Mira asked pointing the the studio opposite them

“Yeah, and what about it?” Alex asked

“I never knew you both were daft” Mira said as Dina rolled her eyes “I thought you said Zach stole Luke’s songs”


“Well that’s the studio that records his songs” Mira said and Dina’s eyes brightened.

“I you thinking what I’m thinking?” Dina asked

“Hell yeah, I am” Mira said excitedly

“Well, I’m lost” Alex said looking at Dina

“We are going in there, to find any possible clue and then probably, delete some songs. I heard he is releasing a new album today so we can just wreck the smile off his face by deleting the song or something. Let’s just go in there and have a little bit of fun. We can’t let someone who stole our bestie’s song go scot free” Mira said as they crossed the road.

They were about entering the studio when Dina stopped.

“You both can do this without me right?”

“Where are you going to?” Alex asked

“It’s my mom. I’ve been suspecting her for sometime now. Please, I need to find out what’s going on” Dina said as she faced a particular car.

Alex followed her gaze and saw her looking at a woman who just entered a car and drove off.

“Is that your mom?” Alex asked

“Yeah and I really have to go” Dina said as she board a taxi

“Please follow that car” She said to the cabman.

*********BROOKE’S HOSPITAL**********

“Why would she stop here” Dina asked no one in particular after she paid the cabman.

“Maybe she has surgery to do. I should probably return to the others” Dina said but stopped.

“Why do I feel a hunch???” She thought slowly.

“Maybe the proof I’m looking for is in here” She said as she walked into the hospital.

She followed her mom till she entered the office.

‘I wonder if my hunch is right’ She thought as she spy from the window.

“Is everything okay?” A nurse spoke behind Dina making her jolt.

“Yeah. I’m waiting for my mom” Dina said as she calmed her heart.

“Okay” The nurse said as she walked away.

Dina turned to look at her mom but didn’t find her.

“Holly hell, Where did she go? She was just here” Dina said entering the office.

Her mom was just here but where was she now? was she a ghost??? Oh no

Dina panicked as her hand went to her mother’s desk. She paused as she noticed something underneath it.

There was a button. What was it for? This button was certainly a door to somewhere. But what was her mom hiding?

Dina looked at the button and with curiosity at it’s peek, she pressed it.

Immediately, the wall behind her opened and Dina gasped.

What was in there? What was her mother hiding? She needed answers. It was now or never. So she took bold steps as she entered.

Immediately she was in the door shut behind her. She walked forward and saw her mom.

“Dina????” Elena called, shocked to the bones.

What was Dina doing here??? How did she find out?? Questions flew in and out in their heads.

Dina noticed someone behind her mother on a bed.

Was this the person her mom was cheating with her dad on????

Dina thought but the thought was erased when she saw the person on life support. It was a patient. Dina breath in relief. At least her mom wasn’t cheating.

But who was that? Why would he/she be in a special ward? Why would her mom build a special access to this ward?

So many questions were in her head but the only way to find out was to see for herself.

She walked slowly towards the patient and her mouth opened. She felt her heart touch the ground and her brain catapulted to Venus. She blinked her eyes repeatedly. It can’t be. Is this a dream?? She pinched herself and felt the pain. She looked again and saw her eyes weren’t lying.

She was looking at an unconscious Luke…..

As e dey 🔥🥵

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