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HomeDON'T GHOST MEDON’T GHOST ME - Episode 3 & 4

DON’T GHOST ME – Episode 3 & 4

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By; Authoress Lovie🥰
Chapter 3&4
Make sure to complete the requirements, for next chapter


The morning alarm rang for the 78th time on Jewels phone.
“Is it morning already” Jewel asked as she opened her eyes. She found herself in the living room and wondered why she wasn’t in her room. At that moment, the things that happened before she fainted came rushing in her mind.

*It was all a dream. Take a hold of yourself. It is a nightmare to be forgotten* Jewel chanted only to turn around and meet a pair of beautiful green eyes.

“Good morning”

“Aaarrh” Jewel screamed and fainted again.

“What’s with her and fainting” Mr. green eyes muttered.

“Hey, hey” He said as he waved his hand in front of her. Soon Jewel opened her eyes and saw him in front of her. She shifted back not knowing what to say.

“Where am I?”He asked

“Luke???” Jewel called
“Is that you? You’re alive? What are you doing here? How come you mysteriously appeared in my house last night?? No no Jewel, You’re still dreaming” Jewel said to herself as she shaked her head like a maniac. “Jewel, it’s time to wake up, WAKIE WAKIE, open your eyes now” she told herself but nothing happened so she pinched herself. “Ouch” She yelped in pain. “So this is real” she muttered

“Are you done accessing yourself” Mr. green eyes who happened to be none other than Luke Anderson said.

“If this is real then… OMG, I’m talking to my celebrity crush, aaarrh, this is too real to be true, I can’t believe it” Jewel said pacing around the room.

“But what are you doing here? How did you find me? Wait is it because of your journal you’re here? I didn’t mean to steal it, well technically, I only took it and……”

Luke could only look at her an listen to her endless speech. After ten minutes of running her mouth, she was interupted by a video call from Dina

📞DINA: Hey, guess what?

📞JEWEL: You know I’m a bad guesser

📞DINA: Uuhh. Well I got this bag. I found them in a pair and I thought you would love it so I got the two. What do you think?

📞JEWEL: It’s beautiful and—

📞DINA: It’s 11:00 clock Jewel and your still at home??? What’s your lazy butt still doing at home? Oh I get it now, I left the country for a week and now you’ve decided not to school anymore? Do you want to repeat? Or are you not planning on graduating? huh???

Dina complained like a mother

📞Jewel: I’m sorry I woke up late and…. besides, guess who I met??


📞JEWEL:He’s right beside me

Jewel said as she looked at Luke but all Dina could see was her friend staring at an empty space.

📞DINA: Jewel, I’m so sorry, I left you. Now your health is deteriorating. I’m such a bad friend. Don’t worry I’m coming back tommorrow, okay?

Dima said as she cleaned unseen tears dramatically.

📞JEWEL: You can’t see him??

📞DINA: Jewel, I see no one except you. Just take a short nap maybe you are seeing things

📞JEWEL: Okay, I got to hang up. Have a good day.

Jewel quickly cut the call and faced Luke.

“Why couldn’t she see you?”

“Because I’m a ghost?” Luke replied more like a question.

“Ghosts don’t exist, okay?”

“But you can see I do exist”

“You’re not a ghost” Jewel said not wanting to believe she was seeing and talking to a ghost.

“But I am enough proof. You can see me but not feel me Luke said as he moved closer to Jewel. She tried touching him but her hand passed through him.

With a shocked expression Jewel said “If you’re a ghost, that means you are dead”

“Yes” Luke replied

“So you are trying to say that I didn’t meet my idol when he was alive, the only one that made me smile for the past four years?” Jewel asked with a teary voice while Luke just gave her an unreadable look.

“But if you are a ghost, why didn’t Dina see you, or I’m I the only one seeing you? But I have never seen a ghost before. so why now?” Jewel asked

“How did you find me??” She asked again

“I should be the one asking you that because I never knew I was a a ghost until last night”

“So if you are a ghost why not cross over to the after life?” She asked again

“I don’t know anything about ghost. So please don’t ask, and what is this you are wearing” Luke asked looking at her appearance from head toe.

Jewel checked herself out and noticed her appearance. All of a sudden she became gloomy, Yeah, back to her old self. She had forgotten about her sadness.

“What’s up with the gloomy face?” Luke asked

“Nothing. Stay here, l’mma take a bath real quick”

***MK Studio***

Zach could be seen in the studio recording a music. The producer was swirling around his chair enjoying the music. Zach had a nice voice but the lyrics were just out of this world. Few minutes later he was done as he came out.

“That was powerful” Mr Owen his manager said.

“That’s just a bit of me” Zach said as he walked out. “Is my dad around?” Zach asked one of his bodyguards. “Yes”

“Then I’ll see him frist before leaving

***Mr. Ryder’s office****

Mr. Ryder was has the CEO of MK Studio and the father of Zach. He was on the phone when Zach came in

“Lemme call you back” he said and cut the call. “What do you want?”

“That’s the last song” Zach said

“You don’t have to worry. I’m working on it” Mr. Ryder said

“That’s what you said a month ago. What would i do when this one is released” Zach said almost yelling.

“I said I’m on it. So if you don’t mind, excuse me, cause I have alot on my plate” Mr Ryder said as he walked out leaving Zach behind.


A car parked at the entrance of the building and a pair of silletto heels steped out. Mrs. Rise (Glenda, Jewel’s mom) looking stunning in her white suit on a pair of black pants walked into the building.

Glenda was once the best boss one could ask for. But everything changed when her husband died. She became a workaholic but worse of all was her cold character. A woman that doesn’t give second chances. Her employees were scared of this new her and were always on their toes.

The moment the employees saw her, they lined up and greeted. She walked with her secretary by her side and two bodyguards behind her.

She was about to enter the elevator when she saw a male staff. His shirt wasn’t properly buttoned and his zipper to left open. She turned to her secretary
“Get rid of him”


“So I finally met my role model but the it turned out he died a year ago and I’m speaking to his ghost” Jewel said and Luke nodded.

“Then why didn’t you cross over to the afterlife”

“l don’t know” Luke replied.

“Then look for a way to cross over. So why did you appear to me as a ghost?”

“I can’t believe I’m talking to a handsome ghost” She mumbled. lf people see me, they would say I’ve gone mad” Jewel said as she laughed.

“But what I don’t get is why I can see you” Jewel touched the necklace in her neck and got an idea and took off the necklace and just as the thought, she couldn’t see Luke but she could hear him.

So she put it back on “I think I know someone that might help”


This was the first mansion built by Jewel’s grandft. But only Jewel’s grandma lived here with some maids.

“What are we doing here?” Luke asked.

“I’m here to see my grandma. I started seeing ghost when she gave me this on my birthday that was yesterday” she said pointing at the necklace.

“OH, happy birthday”

“Thanks” Jewel said only to notice the maids giving her a look that says ARE YOU RIGHT UPSTAIRS.

Jewel smiled in a funny way and asked “Is my Grandma home??”

The maid nodded and Jewel made way to meet her grandma in her room. Her grandma was knitting a top.

“Grandma” Jewel called as she hugged her.

“Peanut, how are you?”

“I’m fine, grandma” Jewel replied.

“And who is this you brought with you?” Grandma asked

“You can see him? He’s Luke Anderson and he is the reason I came to see you” Jewel said.

“Good day grandma” Luke said and grandma nodded.

“I knew you’d come. You wanna hear a story?” Grandma asked

Jewel nodded and grandma tapped the seat close to her so Jewel and Luke could sit.

“Centuries ago, our ancestors were tormented by a ghost” Granny stated and Jewel looked at Luke who returned the look.

“Our first ancestor had ki||ed a man. The man wanting to get revenge became a ghost and asked the gods to make our first ancestor see him. He did this so he could torment her. And so since that time till now, whenever a female child reached the age of twenty, she would see a ghost”

“Oh my God!! does that mean a ghost I did nothing to would come and torment me” Jewel said already frightened.

“No, Peanut, it doesn’t work like that. You see, when our ancestors found out, they appeased the gods. So the gods gave us two ways out. First is that once a female child turns twenty, she would see a ghost who has an unfinished business on earth. She would have to help the ghost finish his unfinished busines, so he could cross over to the after life. Second is the necklace on your neck, I gave it to you so that instead to the power been attached to your soul, it stays in the necklace. So that if incase you no longer want the power and ability to see ghost, after helping the first ghost, you can break it. After breaking it, you would live like a normal person who can’t see ghost” Grandma said

“So you are saying he has an unfinished business that’s why he was sent to me??” Jewel asked looking at Luke.

“Yes dear. You have to help him finish his unfinished business or else….”

“Or else what, grandma” Jewel asked

“Or else in one month time, he would turn to an evil spirit and ki|| you”



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