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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DIRTY SECRET – Episode 8

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🥀Dirty Secret🥀.
(S£x🍑 Machine)

Episode 8.

Series: Realities Of Life.

✍️Written by Madu Shedrack.

⚠️Do Not Copy Or Repost⚠️

“He is just a b.oy, and he has no prob.lem, you can give him to the, the real person in is you, and it is only us tog.ether with our pre.vious li.fe that can you happ.iness again, come to me…?” Erica said awaiting Emilia’s response.

Emilia kept silent at her for a while as she roams a little bit around the room.

“Come on, Emilia… this shouldn’t be a hard decision for you to make, I told you about this before going into marriage and here you are” Erica said.

“You are definitely right, this shouldn’t be a hard decision for me to make” Emilia responded almost in

“Erica I know it would be definitely hard for you to understand me now, the truth about this, is that things have changed for me, I am no longer tha.t gi.rl I used to be”

“Things have changed for me, I have a responsibility now and Ivar is definitely the ultimate one of them” Emilia said and then approached Erica and grabs her hands.

“Erica please, you have to understand me, I believe that you can help me get back to my husb.and…” Emilia was still saying and Erica interrupted her.

“Come on! what are you saying! are you trying to tell me that if you have any chance of going back to John you w.ill? you can’t be serious” Erica replied as she ang.rily pus.hed Emilia’s hand away from hers.

“You no longer want me? I thought you will be happy that we are back together again?” Erica asked and Emilia nodded her head.

“Of course I am so happy to see you again, but the truth is that things can be the way it is before, please… this is not about you, you have to understand…” Emilia pleads as Erica took in a deep breathe and stared at Ivar who was sleeping on the bed.

“Well, all I can do for you as my friend is to give you home, you can stay with me here but wo.rk to feed your baby, I’m not going to take respon.sibility of another man” Erica said and ang.rily left the room.

Then Emilia sat down on the bed and used her hand to cover her face in frus.tration because she already know that her pre.sence here is no longer nee.ded

This is a friend she has lived with and as well know what she is capable of doing.

Erica might possibly n.ot show a happy face with her again because she refu.sed to back to her like they use to be.

And with that this place have become very dang.erous for Ivar, Erica can go any mi.le to get what she want.

So it will be good for Emilia to take her child and leave in peace or else it w.on’t end in a go.od way.

But the truth is that even if Emilia decides to leave here, she definitely have nowh.ere to go so she just have to manage and stay.

All she has to do is to be vigilant on her baby on what he eat and what he drinks and besides Erica just said she is the one that has to work for what Ivar and her will eat so she shouldn’t be too bothered about Ivar being poi.soned

•John’s Home•

Elisa has already finished preparing the meal for Ben, and Ben is definitely enjoying at the dining while Elisa was seating on his lap and they were both enjoying the meal like couples.

“So what’s probably your next on John, because I can’t really understand what you are saying? so you mean you are just going to live with him doing nothing till the day you feel like you can make further move?” Ben asked Elisa.

“Yes of course, you always make this seem so simple, maybe you probably have an idea so what’s your idea?” Elisa asked as she take a spoonful of her meal and began to chew.

“My idea? yes I think I have a better idea” Ben said and then Elisa seats up gazing at him.

“Really? then bring it on” Elisa said.

“Mar.ry him” Ben said as Elisa seized from eating her food and stared silently at Ben.

She slowly keep her spoon back to the plate. “How do you mean? we pla.nned…” Elisa was still saying as Ben interrupted her.

“Yes of course, I obviously know… yes I know that we are supposed to get mar.ried but marrying John doesn’t mean that we won’t be marr.ying again, just a court mar.riage with John is enough” Ben said as he took in a breathe and take a little sip of his drink.

While Elisa was looking silently at him trying to see sense in what he is saying.

“You know why am saying this? because John might probably discover about things he was not supposed to kn.ow about y.ou and might try to with.draw back from y.ou but then if you have already did co.urt mar.riage you can file a divo.rce and immediately get a share of his property” Ben said as Elisa looks away biting her finger nails, seeing so much sense it what Ben just said.

“Wow, that’s a brilliant idea, never knew you are this smart!” Elisa said out of happiness as she happily agree that everything Ben said is even the right and the easiest thing to do.

She doesn’t have to wait any.more till she give birth to her child or something like that, sh.are of his property is probably enough to make her a billionaire.

•At The Streets•

Erica already organized a meeting with Dean outside the house, at a particular area she don’t usually go to.

Although she wasn’t the one that organized the meeting, it’s definitely Dean who did.

So as they have beautiful wine on their table, Erica who wine alot is busy sipping from her cup while Dean was just looking at her.

“I am still wondering how many minutes you are going to stare at me before you can say wh@ťěver it is that made you to called me over” Erica said to Dean as Dean smiled at her.

“Of course, it was a really a long time, so how are you, missed you though” Dean said as Erica kept silent at her.

“If that is why you called me here, just tell me so I can le.ave” Erica said as Dean smiled.

“Not really about it, just want to ask about Emilia, and Ivar… how are they doing?” Dean asked while Erica was looking at him in shock because she haven’t told anyone that Emilia is with her so how the he.ll did Dean know about that.

While this quick little thought ran through Erica’s mind she still decided to pret.end like she doesn’t know what he is saying.

“Emilia and Ivar…? I don’t understand, what are you talking about?” Erica said as Dean smiled and swirled his rotatable chair around.

“Don’t play for me girl, I have something very big for you, huge am.ount of mo.ney, if you can help me Emi.lia to my, Emilia might be but Ivar is the person I nee.ded the most! I need th.em!, and you know you are the only one who can help me and I’m ready to pa.y you anyt.hing” Dean said awaiting Erica’s response.

…To Be Continue….

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