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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DIRTY SECRET – Episode 21

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🥀Dirty Secret🥀.
(S£x🍑 Machine)

Episode 21.

Series: Realities Of Life.

✍️Written by Madu Shedrack.

⚠️Do Not Copy Or Repost⚠️

So it has been days now which Damian switched Emilia out of the town into a new location.

Though since then, Damian has only called just once, he don’t really know how they are doing over there but Emilia is nevertheless happy with his boy.

Because, she’s afterall still the CEO of the Area Busy Restaurant, so she’s still getting enough fund to take care of herself and her son.

Being here has become the best decision she has made because Ivar resumed school again, she’s always having happy moments with Ivar.

Right now, she’s at the kitchen preparing her meal while waiting for 2:00pm so she can go bring Ivar back from school.

But she want the food to be ready so that Ivar can eat immediately he is back from school.

So while she was preparing the meal her phone began to ring, she picked it up and it was Damian.

“Hello… so we have finally came to your mind today?” Emilia said to him as she picked up the call.

“Ummm, I am so sorry about that, just that I was so busy, so… I know you are mis.sing me right?” Damian said as Emilia took in a deep breath.

“Of course I am, but honestly this was never my expectations about you being this far from me, I was hoping that we will together here, if not for Ivar, I feel so lon.ely here without y.ou” Emilia responded.

“Don’t worry, I will come over at the weekend to see you… So, I hope you are doing okay? you are not being bot.hered by anything?” Damian asked.

“Of course, I’m fine” Emilia responded.

“Alright bye” Damian responded and caught off the call and Emilia was surprised, because they usually talk for long before ending up calls.

“Why did Damian end up the call so quick…? I should say that he might probably be busy again?” Emilia said and kept the phone aside then focus on her cooking.

•Damian’s Home•

Meanwhile during that moment of call with Emilia, Sharon was with Damian.

Sharon visited him like an old friend and he was happy, and he did requested for s£x but Sharon refused.

Telling him that she can’t do that since she’s Emilia’s hu.bby now, and she wouldn’t want Emilia to ca.tch her, since they are best of friends too.

Moreover, with all those statement coming from Sharon, it seems but not t.rue, Sharon was only playing him but he doesn’t know.

“You see… I told you I have relocated her to Dawn City, there is no how she is going to see us or know about anything we will do here, unless you are the one that is going to tell her” Damian said to Sharon as he then approached her and sat closer to her.

“Well, Emilia is still a very good friend of mine, I’m only doing this because you keep insisting, but…” Sharon said as she then keep her hand bag aside.

“If she finds out… you should know that it is all your fa.ult” She added as she began to him.

Then Damian quickly lift.ed her up and to.ok her ins.ide the in.ner roo.m.

He kept her on the be.d and removed her w.ears just to discover that she’s all already, which means that she has already been cra.ving for this also.

But she was just prete.nding, just like as she plan.ned with Dean, she must not things up.

She has to do wha.tever it ta.kes to bring an important news to Dean, and that is what she’s doing right now.

So Damian looking at how she is already he quickly inse.rted his mouth and began to s.uck her.

“Ow…” She mo.aned out in pres.sure as she grabs her bo.obs with her two hands.

“ me already!” She be.gged as Damian pu.lls out his d!.ck and inser.ted it in her ho.le and felt the warmth of it.

Then they started ki.ssing again as Damian began to in and out.

They several sty.les ending it up with as Damian was span.king her while sma.shing her hole and she was really enjoying it.

•Area Busy•
•Restaurant and Bar•

So this lady, who is a worker at this restaurant that John collected her number for her to be giving him update about Emilia’s whe.reabo.uts, known as, Felicia, is here at the restaurant, busy serving the customers.

And her phone started ringing all of a sudden, when she saw that it was John who is on the call, she quickly susp.ended everything that she’s doing and stylishly left the hall.

One of the workers named Johnson, also discovered and susp.ected how she left, and followed her up se.cretly.

Then when she get to an area where she believed that no one can h.ear her she called back and John picked up immediately.

“Mr, John, please just leave me alone, you will get me into trou.ble! Emilia called us few days ago, and told us that she’s no longer in this town, she has relocated” Felicia said to John with a ha.rsh tone.

“Relocated…! please can you tell me the place they relocated to I’m be.gging you, even if it is the last thing you are going to do for me on this” John responded with a plea.ding voice.

“Am sor.ry Mr. John, but even me doesn’t know and none of us here knows her wher.eabout, and I want to stop doing this, I have done enough maybe you can look out for another person, I…” Felicia was still saying then Johnson walked in gently, clapping for her.

Then she quickly caught off the call. “Johnson, I this is not what you are thinking” Felicia wanted to start den.ying it.

“Yes, you are right, let me have your phone” Johnson ordered and as a to respect a senior colleague at the restaurant, she gave him the phone, and that’s another way of telling him to keep his mouth sh.ut.

She’s of being fir.ed right now. so while she handed over the phone she watched as Johnson quickly dial John’s number.

And she became so re.stless, because as it stands right now, Johnson has cau.ght her re.d handed.

“Hello sir, this is Johnson talking on the phone, I can help you try to get the loc.ation of Emilia, but that depends on the am.ount you want to pay, call back when you are ready” Johnson said and caught of the call then Felicia began sta.ring at him in sh.ock.

“Johnson what are you doing? I thought… I thought…” Felicia was still saying and Johnson inter.rupted.

“You thought what…? you are not br.ave, so.rry I mean you are d.ull, John is a wealthy man! this is our opportunity to make a very good heavy amount of money and free ourselves from being just a restaurant waiter or do you want to continue being a waiter your entire li.fe?” Johnson asked as Felicia paused and at him for a while.

“You are right Johnson, but how on earth are we going to get CEO’s loc.ation for him” Felicia asked.

“What the h.ell are you even saying? we are ne.ver going to t.ell him any loc.ation! we don’t have to, all we just have to do is to form.ulate sto.ries everyday, and get our!” Johnson said folding his hands proving to be intelligent.

…..To Be Continue….

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