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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DIRTY SECRET – Episode 16

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🥀Dirty Secret🥀.
(S£x🍑 Machine)

Episode 16.

Series: Realities Of Life.

✍️Written by Madu Shedrack.

⚠️Do Not Copy Or Repost⚠️

•John’s Home•

It is actually to reg.ret what he has done, John couldn’t believe that he could be that hear.tless to his own child and wife under the rai.n because of that gre.en sn.ake in a green garden.

It has been days now that Elisa div.orced him and m.ade aw.ay with his prop.erties, he was so tra.umat.ized to the extent that h.e is always home alone thinking of the next ac.tion to take.

He has thought about it severally to go look for Ivar and his mother Emilia, and bring them back home but the truth is that he can’t even find the face to stand in their midst.

He k.nows that he has wro.nged them in every aspect but he wis.hed if it could be something they will fo.rgive him but he knows that it is definitely not po.ssible.

John overnight became a dr.unker, a who has no, and since he has been staying at home drinking nob.ody have come to ch.eck up on him.

Not even the so ca.lled Dean, of course Dean will ne.ver to his bec.ause they both have the same age.nda now and will probably become the wo.rst enemy to ever if they get to know abo.ut that.

Since John became a drun.ker, he sme.lls so bad, nobody can en.ter that house and withstand running o.ut of it immediately.

John as well became so sli.m like ne.ver before, handsome John turned over ni.ght because he is no longer taking care of his anymore.

Just like now, he is still holding a bottle of beer drinking unstoppable till he was almost cho.cked then he quickly ran into the toilet and vom.ited.

While panting heavily he discovered that he is a man now and if he continues like this he might probably di.e.

He needs to visit the hospital for proper checkup, at least eat Good food not drinking every now and then.

“Gosh… am fini.shed… what have I done to myself? how fo.olish and was I that I aba.ndoned a lovely person who choose to sac.rifice her bo.dy just to be with me…?” John murm.ured as he stood up and looks at his reflection on the mirror.

“Am asking you, why are you not answering me?” He said looking at himself at the mirror but of course, mirror is only someone’s reflection and does what you do, it can never answer question because it has no mouth.

“Don’t repeat after me!!” John ye.lled at the mirror and picked up something on the floor and use it to br.eak i.t into pieces.

And a little piece of the glass out with for.ce and gave him a blo.ody inju.ry on his hand.

“Goshh!!!!” he shouted in as he fell on the floor with in his eyes.

“Just take a good look at me now! John please can you please take a good look at yourself…? all because of your fo.olishness you have everything you owned? where is your chi.ld? where is your w.ife?”

“Where is Ivar!!! and where is Emilia! I don’t even know there were about, I haven’t seen them for days now! if I am to look for them where will I start? what if I found them? how would I apologize? where will I see the energy and the boldness to talk?!!” John mur.mured in

As grown as he is, you ne.ed to see him cr.ying and sh.ading like a chil.d, it was as if he was Bewi.tched when he was all this because he couldn’t it.

John managed to turn on the shower, and the water started showering on him then he was slowly washing away the blo.od on his inj.ury and was feeling pains.

“Hmmm!” he kept on mo.aning in

•Area Busy•
•Restaurant And Bar•

Just like a joke Emilia is the owner of this place, the CEO, having her managers and workers.

She never believe that she will ever find herself in this position ever since John aband.oned her and her child thinking that they will probably in a street but her God Is al.ive.

Emilia having to be the owner of this place was through the help of Damian, is it a help or issue just be the work of Damian.

Because she never contributed a buck about acquiring the restaurant.

It was Damian it and was actually hoping to make her a manager, Damian is a rich wealthy young master that has so many paying properties and this restaurant is one of them.

After seeing Emilia at her working place at the Fast Food Restaurant, he hoped to make her the manager of this place so that it could easy for him to approach her admiring her beauty and hardwork.

But he definitely change his mind after hearing the stories of Emilia, the things she pas.sed through in ma.rriage and how she man.aged to sur.vive, all the tem.ptation she pa.ssed through for being aba.ndo.ned by her husband.

Hearing all of that, Damian was touched and he decided to give her the restaurant for her to use and start life once again but the truth is that even Emilia knows that he didn’t for

He was actually expec.ting som.ething very gemmy in retu.rn, Emelia knows that for sure but he hasn’t proposed anything for now so she’s kindly waiting for him but she’s surely knows that he will.

So since given this restaurant, Emilia have been living a happy life, she didn’t think about it twice to aw.ay from Erica’s apa.rtment.

She ren.ted an apar.tment she’s just managing for now, she will po.ssibly buy a ho.use la.ter but she have to focus on business and st.and fir.m for now.

As the CEO, before she will come to work everywhere has been arranged, the workers will be busy attending to people, if she will visit she just have to walk in straight to her office and sleep, operate her phones.

The wor.kers are the one to do calc.ulation of the things they are sel.ling, alth.ough she’s aware that she have to alw.ays and see if they are not tr.ying to her you know wor.kers can be somehow som.etimes.

So this blessed day she came with Ivar as they are both dres.sed in a spar.kling unifo.rm that left people being hun.gry to give birth but they will ne.ver kn.ow how she suff.ered to get to this place.

So Emilia came and like always she entered her office and relaxed but that’s after exchanging some words with her workers.

Then John was coming back from the hosp.ital where he went to treat himself from the m.inor inju.ry, and he normally bra.nch here to ea.t fo.od since the of Emilia from his home.

Like usual, he came and some of the work.ers who knew him as a regu.lar custo.mer welcomed him and him VIP sit.

“Need something cold to calm down myself” John ordered and they obeyed him knowing very much the type of drink he loves so they went to bring it.

“Daddy!!!” A little cute voice called on John while he was waiting for his drink and he looked back and discovered that it was Ivar, smiling at him.

Ivar must have left mum inside the office and cane out and suddenly met his dad.

John couldn’t believe his eyes as he was just looking at his boy in shock.

….To Be Continue….

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