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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DIRTY SECRET – Episode 13

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🥀Dirty Secret🥀.
(S£x🍑 Machine)

Episode 13.

Series: Realities Of Life.

✍️Written by Madu Shedrack.

⚠️Do Not Copy Or Repost⚠️

“You skipped days without my permission. You were supposed to be even puni.shed for that,” the CEO added.

Emilia’s eyes was almost filled with te.ars but she just have to hold herself.

She must not c.ry every time and tell the world that she’s the most po.orest person on earth.

So with so.rrow in her she nodded her head a little bit and lifted Ivar to her arms.

“Am so.rry ma’am, I promise not to skip again without your permission” Emilia said and went home with Ivar.

•At Home•

At home the TV is on, so immediately they were getting home, Ivar took charge of the remote control.

And began to select a cartoon channel which is of course where he loves to watch as a kid.

But Emilia was busy roa.ming about at the house, looking for any po.ssible thing to put inside the stom.ach.

But she couldn’t even find a pin that doesn’t belong to Erica.

So just to av.oid tro.uble she didn’t touch anything that belonged to Erica but joined Ivar at the parlour.

She sat on the couch as Ivar started cli.mbing her bo.dy like a kid but she’s just too we.ak to react, she let him as she joined him in wa.tching the cartoon.

Not long, Erica came home with bags filled with goodies.

Ivar immediately ran to her ha.ppily and welcomed her, which Erica took him off ground also smi.ling at him.

But Emilia was just looking at her with a bi.tter min.d.

Though Erica opened the bag she was carrying and handed over a food flask to Ivar.

Then Emilia sits up from the couch staring b.adly at Erica.

Erica knows why Emilia reacted that way so she collected the flask from Ivar, opened it and ate from it just to prove that it wasn’t poi.son.ed.

Then after that Erica gave Ivar the fo.od then Emilia bre.athes down in a sigh of rel.ief.

Ivar who knew that mummy is very hungry, collected the food and handed it over to Emilia.

“Mum, here is food… you must be hungry right?” Ivar said while Emilia smiled at him and touches his cheeks softly and just as she was about to collect the food from Ivar, Erica inte.rrupted.

“Don’t worry Ivar… I have something for mummy” Erica said attracting the attention of both Ivar and Emilia.

It was a bigger takeaway filled with food, so Erica approached and handed it over to Emilia.

Emilia didn’t even hesitate to accept the food as she’s so hungry.

She began to eat hungrily while Erica was talking to her.

“Emilia, I just want you to know that I am sorry about Dean, I know we shouldn’t have gone that far, am really sorry about that” Erica said to Emilia.

But Emilia wasn’t even rea.cting like she’s the one Erica is referring to, she continues her food sil.ently.

“But, I… I… don’t really know how to say it but I want to plead with you, since D.ean truly love you… you should con.sider him…” Erica was still saying and then Emilia interrupted.

“Exactly the statement I was wai.ting for, I know this is exactly what you are going to say, but please I want to you” Emilia said as she slowly keep her plate down.

“Please don’t make me co.unt you as my en.emy because I have been trying not to but you keep pushing me, stay away from my pe.rso.nal life”

“I only ran to you for shelter, wh@ťěver business you have with Dean please go settle it with Dean” Emilia said.

Erica was trying to say something then Emilia in.terr.upted with a lou.der voice.

“Tell him to st.ay aw.ay from my me and my son! I don’t ever want to see him around me again! tell him to stay fara.way” Emilia yelled with a loud voice then angrily took fee food.

“Ivar come here” Emilia said and lif.ted Ivar to her and left the parlour with Ivar for Erica in the name of an.ger.

And there Erica knew that Emilia mea.nt every bit of her words.

•Night Hour•

•John’s Home•

Elisa was really bo.thered because the time which John usually comes home has pa.ssed and he hasn’t even ca.lled.

She has been ca.lling her but his nu.mber is not re.acha.ble, she don’t really know why.

So Elisa was roa.ming res.t.lessly up and down the parlour when she finally heard the sound of the car.

She imm.edia.tely ran out of the house because she fully ho.ped that it was John who just ret.urned.

But im.mediately she ope.ned the door, she was disappointed to dis.cover that the car wasn’t even John’s but Ben.

“Ben…?” Elisa ex.claim.ed out of because he was not supposed to sh.ow up by this no ma.tter what.

“Ben what the h.ell are you here?” Elisa asked immediately she ap.proach.ed the car.

Ben started ki.ssing her imm.ediately he ste.pped out of the car.

“Stop it!! what the h.ell are you don’t you know that John mi.ght see us! you are not even su.pposed to be here, or you will everything” Elisa yelled at Ben pu.shing him away.

“But un.fort.unately John is not around so he won’t see us” Ben responded as he still tries to continue her but Elisa pu.shed him again.

“Ben stop it! are you normal? this is ma.dness, John might be on his way co.ming back! please you just have to le.ave right away! or else you will eve.rything!” Elisa rem.inded him again but Ben sm.iled at her ag.ain.

“And you think that be.fore coming here, I didn’t get everything fixed up? you think am that fo.olish?” Ben said and rest his b.ody on his car but Elisa wasn’t really un.derst.anding what he’s to say.

“What are you tal.king about…? now I under.stand? you did som.ething right? tell me? what’s it?” Elisa said as she happily approached Ben looking into his e.yes as they both s.miling.

“John w.on’t return today, his at work, plus his cars isn’t working, he will defi.nitely sle.ep at the sh.op today, because even his ph.ones are not wor.king too” Ben said as Elisa’s smiled at him.

They both understand as they are both in the same Wha.tsApp group.

Then they were eng.aged in a de.ep as Ben ins.erted his h.and deeply Elisa’s pa.nt the house.

As they kno.w that John won’t be co.ming back home they deci.ded to take do it ou.tside as Ben quickly tu.rned Elisa over and pu.shed do.wn her sk.irt then rem.oved her p.ant and ins.erted his d!.ck into her ho.le and began to her.

Meanwhile John is on his way lo.oking so weak and exhausted.

“Gosh…. this is the wo.rst day of my life, if my phone were okay I could have pla.ced a cal.m on Elisa and rel.axed at work but if I don’t come back today, she will be so bo.thered ab.out me” John said in a of re.lief as he is al.ready reaching his compound.

Just a me.tre a he will get h.ome and see for hi.mself.

….To Be Continue….

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