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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DIRTY SECRET – Episode 12

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🥀Dirty Secret🥀.
(S£x🍑 Machine)

Episode 12.

Series: Realities Of Life.

✍️Written by Madu Shedrack.

⚠️Do Not Copy Or Repost⚠️

•At the Hospital•

“You said you are my dad? and you poi.soned me?” Ivar voiced out as Dean and Emilia’s eyes flashed on each other immediately and Emilia is already vibrating in an.ger.

“How could you?! go.ddam you Dean?!” Emilia in angered and ma.d voice as she rushed Dean and la.nded a heavy sl.ap on his face.

And still ready to him again but was grabbed by Erica.

“Get off me!!” Emilia yelled at Erica who holds her continuously.

“You stay away from me and my son!!! you ended up ru.ining my home like you have always wanted and now you want my son!!!?” Emilia yel.led at Dean in anger.

“Am so sorry about that but I never meant to hurt you! I was only trying to get your attention!, if the food was seriously po.ison.ed then Ivar is too yo.ung to survive it for that long, so am sorry!” Dean said as Emilia gives out a kind of pa.inful smile.

“Can you hear yourself? you are trying to get my attention and you were ready to ki.ll my son!?” Emilia responded.

“Don’t you understand!?” Erica interrupted hoping to convince Emilia.

“I understand nothing!!!” Emilia responded to her immediately, just as Erica was opening her mouth to say another speech.

“Look at you!? why the he.ll are you even ac.ting like you care?” Emilia yelled at Erica leaving her startled because she was never expected such a speech from Emilia.

“I??? like seriously I am acting like I c.are?” Erica asked.

“Of course you don’t! if you do then you will have to tell me how Dean get to know that Ivar is hungry, and he could get him that way, how did he even know that I was staying with you!?” Emilia asked but then Dean interrupted.

“If anyone should be blamed then it doesn’t have to be Erica, it has to be me, I’m definitely sorry about the way I did it but I just want to let you know that you should come home”

“Ivar is my child, you and I purely know th…” Dean was still saying but Emilia shut him up with a heavy sl.ap

“You are not his father! can you please just stay away from us already! haven’t you hu.rt me enough? you ruined my mar.riage, I know you are claiming a child that is not yours!” Emilia yel.led at him.

Though he was still surprisingly looking at Emilia placing his hand on the cheeks Emilia sla.pped him on.

“If you ever call him your ch.ild again! petit I would call the police for you because this is ma.dness!” Emilia said then walked out of their presence angrily.

Then they both stares at Ivar who was equally looking at them.

•Few Days Later•

Ivar was discharged and his mom took him home, where she began to be very much more careful with him.

She can’t leave him alone at home and go to work any longer since the incident.

So this early morning, Emelia has just a little food which was given to her at the hospital in the name of taking care of Ivar.

Though Erica gave her the food and she collected it without caring if it is Dean that gave her the food.

There are some situations where you wouldn’t want to care about anything else but that thing in you need in particular.

If she rejects the food, then where the hell is she going to get food.

So the food was remaining a very little, she warmed it and handed it over to Ivar who finished it but wasn’t satisfied.

But he will just have to bear it that way since there are no more food.

Emilia bathed him and herself as well, wear him some nice clothes and so as herself.

She’s ready to return back to the fast food restaurant, where she worked the other day and received free food.

She want to check in there and see if they can give her another job to do so they can give her food too.

•At The Fast Food•

When Emilia reached the fast food restaurant, the person she headed to see direct was the owner.

Since she has been here before, she obviously cannot take ins.ult from the workers here, that’s exactly why she did not ask any of them.

“Like seriously you skipped days before coming to work! how you do that?” The owner yel.led at Emilia immediately she saw her coming.

Though Emilia was so shocked to hear such statement from her because she was never told that she is employed.

She remembered be.gging out her li.fe just to work for them.

Moreover even with that Emilia showed Ivar to the lady.

“Am sorry ma, it is my son, he has not been healthy, we just came back from the hospital” Emilia explained showing her cute and handsome Ivar.

The lady stared at the prince charming and smiled. “Such a cute and handsome son of yours?, come…” The lady said referring at Ivar.

Then Emilia kept Ivar at the floor so he approached the lady with his feet.

She carried him up to her own laps. “Hey cutie? you are fine right?” She asked and Ivar nodded his head while Emilia was just smiling at him.

“So… what do you want me to do for you? I hope you have eaten?” The lady asked while Ivar first of all stared at Emilia know you so well that his mum would want him to say no just like she has always advised him to stop accepting things from people for his own good.

“Oh… nope, he hasn’t really eaten since morning” Emilia answered by herself leaving the lady staring at her in disappointment.

“Why?” she asked.

“Nothing, I mean there’s no money to get food and that’s exactly what brought me here” Emilia explained while the lady kissed Ivar on his cheeks.

“Don’t worry, you are free to go and join others in work, do wh@ťěver you feel like you can do, then leave Ivar with me, I will take care of his meals today” The lady promised and Emilia puts her knees on the ground, thanking her.

After that, Emilia joined all others and worked till night when they have closed.

The lady handed over Ivar to her, Emilia took his son and appreciated her very much for her generosity.

But was still expecting food which is of course what she worked for but the lady was acting like she didn’t even remember.

“Ma’am please… the…” Emilia said to the CEO hoping that she can understand easily of what she’s trying to say.

“The what…?” the lady said to Emilia, an Emilia was even more confused.

“Come on… the food” Emilia said making the CEO st.ared at her with a n.on smiling fa.ce

“What food? what about the food I Ivar? oh you think it’s f.ree? he was fed very we.ll! and are the food you are sup.posed to” the lady said as Emilia began to look at her in shock.

She was never expecting such, if so then she couldn’t have given her Ivar to feed, Emilia hasn’t ea.ten since morning but has been working

Her bo.dy has already be.gan to and Ivar too needs to eat tonight as well.

“You skipped days without my perm.ission you were supp.osed to be even get pun.ished for that” The lady added.

To Be Continue….

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