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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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[ Her Only Harmonyโ€ฆ ]

๐‚ฬŒ๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ 37 โžช 38

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โ€œOhh!โ€ Blueberry chuckled, seemingly deriving the most enjoyment from the spectacle, while MARVINS watched in absolute shock.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ You bรฎtch, let go of her!โ€

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Why the hell arenโ€™t we moving?โ€

The boys who were infatuated with Elvira shouted in a struggle, yet they were unable to take a single step. Blueberry glanced at the screaming boys and chuckled.

โ€œWe should intervene,โ€ Miss Rachel suggested, but Blueberry paid no heed.

โ€œThis is just the beginning, and I mean it. Anyone who plots against her will face consequences. They wonโ€™t get away with it,โ€ Blueberry muttered, causing Mu Yul to fix his gaze upon him.

โ€œWas there something on her face earlier?โ€ Mu Yul inquired, and Blueberry nodded slightly before shifting his gaze toward Mu Yul.

โ€œI can now hear wh@ลฅฤ›ver she says from a great distance. Although I couldnโ€™t discern her exact words, I heard her desire to regain her face,โ€ he replied.


โ€œBefore the fight, I fulfilled that wish, as I sensed something was about to happen. And indeed, it did. Unless she pleads for her life or Devyn decides she no longer wants to be a criminal, something I wonโ€™t allow, Elvira can live,โ€ Blueberry stated, refocusing on the ongoing confrontation. MARVINS silently observed, not uttering a word.

โ€œHumiliation? Yes, Iโ€™ve endured a multitude of that from friends, and even my father humiliated me and my mother,โ€ Devyn laughed like a maniac, while Elvira attempted to slap her but found her hands held midair.

โ€œToday will undoubtedly be the last time I suffer such humiliation,โ€ Devyn declared, using her other hand to strike Elvira, causing her lips to burst.

โ€œIโ€™m curious about what Harriet will do to her. I canโ€™t wait to witness the downfall of BEAUTIES,โ€ Gemma remarked, and Honesty chuckled, gazing at Elvira with feigned pity.

โ€œYouโ€™ll regret this,โ€ Elvira warned, and Devyn nodded, delivering a powerful punch that sent her crashing to the ground once again.

โ€œThis is going to be even more enjoyable,โ€ Blueberry remarked. Just then, two boys managed to reach the scene and rushed to help Elvira.

โ€œHow dare you do this to our Elvira?โ€ they shouted in anger, extending their aid to Elvira. Devyn smirked, her body seemingly rejuvenated. She felt a strong urge to tear them apart, feeling invincible and capable of anything.

โ€œFrom this day forward, the lioness will always be the lioness. Nothing will ever stand in her way,โ€ Blueberry declared, glancing at the two boys who held Elvira by the arm.

โ€œWhy does it seem like youโ€™re teaching a baby how to walk?โ€ Devyn struggled to hold back laughter at the bewildered expression on Elviraโ€™s face but couldnโ€™t help herself.

โ€œI promise you, Iโ€™ll make you regret this,โ€ the boys thr_@tened, lunging at Devyn. She swiftly raised her hand, halting their advance. Lesley watched silently, her gaze fixed on Devyn throughout. How had Devyn become so strong?

โ€œElvira is falling,โ€ Devyn announced, catching the boys off guard. With a smirk, she delivered a powerful kick to one of them, hitting him square in the stomach. As the second boy turned, Devyn swiftly landed a punch on his face. Staggering, the boys retreated without a second thought.

โ€œThatโ€™s it. Itโ€™s just her and her opponent now,โ€ Blueberry affirmed with a nod.

Devyn walked towards Elvira, who seemed unable to leave the scene, and kicked her in the stomach. Elvira fell once again, blood trickling from her mouth as she lay motionless.

โ€œIs she dead?โ€ one of the onlookers whispered.

โ€œSomebody should do something,โ€ another chimed in.

โ€œWas she ever this strong? Was she hiding it?โ€ Gemma asked, her voice filled with unease.

โ€œI have to win this now, once and for all. Otherwise, Iโ€™ll be fighting against it every single day, enduring the bullying. But if I donโ€™t win, it will only get worse for me,โ€ Devyn sniffled, her eyes fixed on Elvira, who remained still.

Determined, Devyn approached Elvira and delivered another vicious kick to her ribs. Elvira groaned and rolled away, tears streaming down her face.

Devyn circled around her fallen opponent and kicked her again. Elviraโ€™s pain was evident, though she remained silent.

Pausing momentarily, Devyn locked eyes with Gemma, Honesty, and Zora, then turned her attention to the boys who had been shouting at her.

โ€œYou might be considering teaming up against me. You may think you could beat me up pretty badly. But remember what Iโ€™m capable of doing to those who try to hurt me. From this moment on, youโ€™ll be wondering when and how Iโ€™ll get to you, and the consequences will be far worse,โ€ Devyn sneered, delivering a final kick to Elviraโ€™s face. Blood from her nose stained the ground beneath her.

โ€œIt wouldnโ€™t be as bad as this,โ€ Devyn declared. โ€œIt would be worse.โ€ With those words, she departed from the scene.

โ€œWow,โ€ Blueberry began clapping enthusiastically, , leaving MARVINS confused. But soon enough, they joined in the applause. Mu Yul, also bewildered, decided to join them.

In that moment, Devynโ€™s departure for class could have been an opportunity for everyone else to leave their spots. However, a sense of hesitation filled the air, and no one dared to follow her. , witnessing this unexpected turn of events, was rendered speechless.

โ€œOur parents havenโ€™t called us,โ€ Sweetheart whined, concern etched on his face.

โ€œCalm down, kiddo. Do your job, and Iโ€™ll do mine. Letโ€™s go to your place for some ice cream. When you bring it, your parents will surely contact you. This world operates on the principle of give and take, or at least thatโ€™s what the movies I watch suggest,โ€ Blueberry reassured, a warm smile gracing his face as he began walking towards Marvinsโ€™ residence.

The boys watched him, their gazes filled with a mixture of bewilderment and skepticism. However, Sweetheart seized his phone and dialed their managerโ€™s number, urgently requesting 50 larger cups of yogurt. Determined to uncover the meaning behind Blueberryโ€™s actions, he followed in his footsteps.

โ€œWhatโ€™s he thinking? How can he trust that guy so easily?โ€ Rema asked, his eyes fixed on Sweetheart as he trailed behind Blueberry, accompanied by Mu Yul.

โ€œLetโ€™s try to have faith in him, okay? I donโ€™t want to go home,โ€ Alistair suggested, his voice tinged with hope and uncertainty. Nash nodded in agreement, both of them deciding to follow them.

โ€œI should see her after settling the issues among us,โ€ Valerie mused silently, his thoughts focused on Devyn, as they made their way back to their residence.

โ€œShe was scary,โ€ Gemma exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear.

โ€œIndeed, very scary,โ€ Honesty agreed, taking hold of Gemmaโ€™s hand and taking her towards their classroom.

Zora hurried over to Elviraโ€™s motionless body, her concern prompting immediate action. Miss Rachel swiftly arrived to provide assistance, and together they carefully transported Elvira to the hospital, seeking the necessary medical attention.



Cecilia, exhausted from a night of inadequate sleep, let out a weary yawn. The demanding task of processing hundreds of data entries daily had taken its toll on her. Despite arriving home late and fatigued, she still managed to arrive at work early.

Lost in her work, Ceciliaโ€™s gaze remained fixated on her computer screen, oblivious to her surroundings. Suddenly, her boss, Jayden, walked into her office, yet she failed to notice his presence.

โ€œJeez, Iโ€™m so tired,โ€ she muttered, her weariness evident in her voice.

โ€œYou can take a break now,โ€ a familiar voice chimed in, causing her to look up. There stood her boss, Jayden, motioning for her to remain seated.

Approaching her, Jayden placed a cup of coffee on her desk, a gesture of consideration and kindness.

โ€œYouโ€™ve been working relentlessly ever since the day you handed in your resignation,โ€ he acknowledged. Taken aback by his unexpected attentiveness, Cecilia remained silent, her thoughts in disarray.

โ€œGreat job. After work, letโ€™s go grab something to eat,โ€ he proposed.

โ€œOkay, sir,โ€ she replied before realizing her response.

โ€œWhat?โ€ she faced him.

โ€œYou heard me,โ€ he replied and left the office, leaving Cecilia with a confused expression.

โ€œWhy is he suddenly being caring after I resumed?โ€ Cecilia wondered as she stared at the coffee in front of her.

โ€œWell, thank you anyway,โ€ she muttered and took a sip from the coffee. When she was done, she sat back down to continue her work.


Elvira received immediate attention, and a bandage was carefully wrapped around her face, leaving only her eyes visible. Although she was still unconscious.

โ€œWill she be alright?โ€ Miss Rachel asked, her gaze fixed on Elvira. The doctor examined Elvira once more.

โ€œIt will take some time for her to regain consciousness. However, she will still experience pain and require a considerable recovery period,โ€ the doctor explained, preparing to leave the room. Just as the doctor reached the door, she paused and faced them again.

โ€œWhoever did this to her must hold a deep resentment towards her or perhaps she may have inadvertently offended them. If itโ€™s the latter, I would advise her to keep her distance from that person.โ€ With those words, the doctor departed, leaving Miss Rachel to confront Zora.

โ€œWhat did you and Elvira do to Devyn?โ€ Miss Rachel asked, her tone demanding answers. Zora swallowed nervously, realizing the gravity of the situation.

โ€œWe should discuss this when sheโ€™s fully recovered. I need to know all the details about what she did to Devyn to deserve such treatment,โ€ Miss Rachel stated firmly, and Zora nodded, biting her lower lip in apprehension.


Blueberry patiently awaited the doorbellโ€™s ring, knowing the delivery had arrived. Sweetheart stood up eagerly and made his way to the door, a smile forming on his lips upon seeing someone holding a cartoonish packageโ€”he knew it contained the yogurt they had ordered.

He gestured for the delivery man to enter, which he did, accompanied by another man. This additional presence puzzled Sweetheart, causing him to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

โ€œWhy two deliveries?โ€ He inquired.

โ€œThe manager instructed us to bring as many as we could carry,โ€ the first delivery man explained, and Sweetheart nodded in understanding. He pointed towards Blueberry, and the men proceeded to place the items in front of him.

Blueberry smiled, opening the carton to reveal the yogurt inside. He took one for himself and handed another to Mu Yul.

โ€œA spoon, please,โ€ he said, and the boys frowned.

โ€œAre you sending us now?โ€ Nash wondered aloud, but Blueberry simply chuckled and left for their kitchen to fetch two spoons.

Returning with the spoons in hand, Blueberry sat down and began to enjoy his cup of yogurt, savoring its refreshing coldness. Mu Yul followed suit, opening his own container and indulging in the creamy treat.

โ€œMmmโ€ฆ delicious,โ€ Blueberry exclaimed.

โ€œIsnโ€™t it great?โ€

โ€œSo d@mn good,โ€ Mu Yul replied, and the boys stared at each other in confusion. Alistair was already frustrated.

โ€œSee, my life depends on this. I donโ€™t know, but you can ask, my dad is the scariest among our families,โ€ Alistair said.

โ€œCalm down. The mayor wonโ€™t get madโ€ฆ hmmmโ€ฆโ€ Blueberry Mรต@ษฒed in delight at the sweetness, before turning to face Mu Yul.

โ€œI ate eleven of these the other day,โ€ he said, but Mu Yul was so engrossed in the yogurt that he didnโ€™t respond until he was done. He let out a loud burp, just like Blueberry.

โ€œWeโ€™re leaving this here, and one mustnโ€™t go missing. I have a quick temper,โ€ Blueberry licked his lips, and as soon as he did, the boysโ€™ phones vibrated. They exchanged glances before picking up their phones.


The boysโ€™ eyes widened, especially Sweetheart. He jumped up, while his brothers stared at their phones in disbelief.

โ€œWho are you?โ€ they all turned to face Blueberry.

โ€œMe? Iโ€™m Blueberry. And again, this evening, I want to go to the amusement park with my friend to ride those big circle human rides. You can tag along if you want. Donโ€™t worry about your fans; they wonโ€™t even notice you. Just for tonight, though,โ€ Blueberry stood up, taking another cup of yogurt, same as Mu Yul.

โ€œKeep the rest. Iโ€™ll come back for it. Bye,โ€ Blueberry said and started to leave.

โ€œThanks, hyung,โ€ Sweetheart said aloud as he watched them leave.

โ€œHow the heck did that guy manage to manipulate Dad?โ€ Alistair wondered aloud.

โ€œAre you sure heโ€™s human?โ€ Ian asked.

โ€œBut I want to go to the amusement park too,โ€ Rema pouted.

โ€œShould we?โ€ Sweetheart asked, while Maikel chuckled.

โ€œWh@ลฅฤ›ver he is, Iโ€™m glad heโ€™s helping us for the second time,โ€ Maikel said, and Nash hugged him. Soon, they all hugged each other.


โ€œLesley stared at Devyn in disbelief, unable to comprehend the extent of the beating Devyn had inflicted on Elvira.

โ€œWhat? Youโ€™ve been staring for too long,โ€ Devyn remarked, and Lesley nodded in response.

โ€œYeah, I canโ€™t help but wonder if youโ€™re still the same girl Gemma nearly blinded. And Iโ€™m still curious if youโ€™re the girl I tried to save but arrived too late after the class made fun of your voiceโ€ Lesley said.

โ€œWaitโ€ฆ how did you know about that night?โ€ Devyn asked, raising an eyebrow.

โ€œOh! I was on my way home when I heard someone crying, so I went to investigate. But you were already beaten to a pulp, so I left to find the culprits and teach them a lesson,โ€ Lesley replied.

โ€œWhy are you telling me this now?โ€ Devyn inquired.

โ€œWell, I didnโ€™t think it was necessary at the time,โ€ Lesley responded. Devyn stared at her for a while before embracing her tightly.

โ€œThank you for being such a good friend,โ€ Devyn whispered during the hug.

โ€œBut I almost ki||ed you,โ€ Lesley said.

โ€œAnd I forgave you a long time ago,โ€ Devyn replied. โ€œLetโ€™s be friends for a long time,โ€ she added.

โ€œHmm,โ€ Lesley held her even tighter. Blueberry observed from the doorway before walking into the classroom with Mu Yul.

They looked attractive, and their lips had a pink hue, perhaps from the yogurt they had been licking so vigorously.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ โ€œThey look so handsome today.โ€

๐Ÿ‘ฅ โ€œYeah, I agree.โ€

Blueberry paid no attention to their comments and quietly took a seat. Devyn faced Blueberry and he gave her a thumbs-up. She smiled slightly before looking away.

โ€œLetโ€™s take a stroll before heading to the amusement park,โ€ Mu Yul suggested, but Blueberry had a different idea.

โ€œLetโ€™s hang out with MARVINS,โ€ Blueberry said, and Mu Yul agreed, respecting Blueberryโ€™s preference.


Blueberry and Mu Yul spent the entire day with MARVINS until evening. Earlier, Blueberry had informed Devyn that he would return home later, since she had requested to know. He provided her with a response, and she understood his plans.

As the appointed time arrived, the boys were ready, dressed in new clothes that Alistair had arranged for Mu Yul and Blueberry. They all left the house together and climbed into their car, while Sweetheart decided to ride with Mu Yul and Blueberry.

โ€œAhโ€ฆ!โ€ they screamed in unison, their voices filled with excitement and a hint of fear, as it was their first time sitting in a car. Sweetheart couldnโ€™t help but laugh at their reaction.

โ€œAre you afraid of a car?โ€ Sweetheart asked.

โ€ Iโ€™ve never been in one before!โ€ they both shouted simultaneously. Sweetheart chuckled and accelerated the carโ€™s speed until they reached the amusement park.

Upon arrival, they purchased tickets and were directed to their seats. Just as Blueberry had predicted, nobody recognized them, although the boys were too preoccupied to notice.

They boarded the horse ride and took their seats. Initially, it spun slowly, but soon picked up speed.

โ€ Arghh!!โ€ Blueberry let out a loud scream as he held the iron bars firmly.

โ€œHow do humans enjoy this?โ€ Mu Yul exclaimed over the noise, catching the attention of MARVINS, who found their reactions amusing.

โ€œTheyโ€™re so fun to be with,โ€ Ian chuckled.

In a hidden corner, a mysterious figure observed the boys playing with childlike delight. A sinister chuckle escaped him as he watched them.

โ€œIโ€™m back, and you shall all perish by my blade,โ€ he declared ominously before vanishing into thin air.



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