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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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[ Her Only Harmony… ]

𝐂̌𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 27 ➪28



❝ ‹‹ 𝐿𝑖𝑧𝑧𝑦 …❞

Devyn’s soul kept screaming for help while the man-eating up her soul chuckled as he ate it.

He stopped when he felt something sharp pierce through his back. He turned swiftly to see what it was, but his neck got slashed too, yet he didn’t bleed.

” Ah! Yeomra’s dog?” The man said and Mu Yul smirked.

” You have no right to ki|| someone who isn’t destined to dié yet!” He shouted and the man laughed.

” Mu Yul ” Devyn called in tears.

” You mere spirit, you can’t stop me ” The man said and wanted to finish up Devyn’s soul when he heard another voice.

” Of course, we can ” He turned to see Blueberry. He then laughed briefly.

” Berry ” Devyn cried and made to go to him, but her motion was restricted by invisible forces.

” You came late, sorry I ki||ed your girlfriend ” The man laughed and Blueberry made to attack him, but the man aimed a powdery substance at him. He quickly used his hands to cover his face so it wouldn’t get into his eyes. Seeing that as an opportunity, Mu Yul appeared behind the man and stabbed him twice in the back. The man turned around fleetly and landed him a single punch which sent him flying across the room.

” I’ve told you, you’re no match for me, dog!!” The man shouted as he moved his gaze back to Blueberry who was staring at his hands with a frown.

Wh@ťěver the man aimed at him made his hands weak somehow, but then, the spot began to glow, it gleamed really brightly that he smirked. He looked up and immediately he did, he superspeed to where the man was, landing him an uppercut which made him bleed from the mouth, yet he began laughing like he was demented.

” You’re gonna dié anyway ” He cackled annoyingly as blood left the corner of his mouth. ” too funny a couple and a friend won’t leave here alive” He said amid laughter.

” Of course not. It’s gonna be the opposite, cos you’re dying today in place of her” Blueberry smirked and attacked the man, but he vanished and appeared behind Blueberry, kicking him from behind and making him stagger. Immediately he turned, he superspeed to the man and held his neck.

Knavishly, the man removed a substance from his pocket and tried to empty it on Blueberry but Mu Yul appeared where they were and took it from the man. A perilous smirk formed on Mu Yul’s lips as he signaled at Blueberry to leave which he did.

He made himself invisible and raised his hands above the man, emptying the powdery substance on him. A loud scream left his mouth, but he began laughing almost immediately.

Blueberry and Mu Yul exchanged glances.

” Let’s finish this ” The man simpered.

He rushed at Blueberry and Blueberry did the same, but on getting to the man, the man vanished into thin air after rubbing part of the substance Mu Yul poured on him on Blueberry’s hands. Blueberry stared at his hands which the man touched with the substance and it was red as if it got burnt.

” You okay?” Mu Yul asked.

” I’ll be ” He replied while Devyn’s soul rushed to him and hugged him tight.

” I’m scared Berry, I don’t want to die yet. I want to become a superstar like I’ve always wanted ” She sobbed while he exhaled as he made her soul sit at the edge of the bed.

” Tell me that when you wake up. Tell it to me if that’s the second thing your heart desires” He said and she nodded tearfully.

” I’ll try to revive you, but too bad you won’t even remember this ” He said and for the first time, he stroke her hair.

” Who’re you exactly? Who was that man? And Mu Yul… I saw him disappear and appeared ”

” You’ll find out soon ” He assured, and she nodded.

” Lesley, did she betray me? She’s been acting weird today at school ”

” You wanna go back to your body or you wanna know if she betrayed you?” Blueberry asked and she pouted sadly before nodding.

” I want to go home ” She muttered and he nodded. He made her lie beside her body before closing his eyes.

He was distracted by a sound and he opened his eyes to see Lesley entering the house. Her eyes widened when she saw Devyn on her bed with blood emanating from her stomach.

” What happened here? Devyn?” She rushed to her.

” Ask about it later. Right now, I don’t need distractions” Blueberry said and closed his eyes, focusing on healing Devyn. It took almost 15min before he could successfully combine body and soul which cost him most of his strength. Devyn inhaled a large amount of air as she opened her eyes.

” Are you okay?” Blueberry asked as she stared at him, then at Mu Yul before staring at Lesley. She frowned her immediately after she recalled someone attacked her.

She stared back at her clothes to see if truly she was stabbed and yeah, she saw blood. But what was surprising was that she saw no wound or cut, just her uniform was torn and blood was on the spot.

” Just why did you do it?” She asked slowly.

” Do what?” Lesley asked.

” Quit playing the innocent card ”

” I swear I don’t remember anything ” She replied. ” How you got to my house, why I was on the street and not in my room, why did I come home only to come see you, then him and him” She pointed at Blueberry and Mu Yul.

” And you expect me to believe that, Lesley? Is this what you meant by humans will always be humans?” She asked, but Lesley was in tears.

” I swear, It wasn’t me. Maybe I was under a spell or something. I don’t even remember if I went to school today or not. I don’t know who attac…” she paused.

” That evil aura ” She muttered lowly.

” Enough of the swearing. Let’s go, Devyn. You need to rest ” Blueberry interrupted them as he held Devyn’s hand and started taking her out of the house.

” Bye Lesley. Don’t think too much about it” Blueberry said loudly while Devyn kept staring at Lesley who had tears in her eyes.

” It really wasn’t me ” She muttered, still staring until she could see them no more.


They got home with Mu Yul and Blueberry took Devyn to her room where he placed her to sleep. Cecilia wasn’t back and it was almost 6 pm.

” Do you want something?” He asked as he covered her with the duvet.

” I’m hungry ” She muttered and he nodded.

” I’ll be back ” He said and left with Mu Yul.

” But you don’t know how to cook ” She muttered with a sigh. She didn’t call him back and just decided to let him do as he wished. Her mind drifted to Lesley and she got confused on what to believe.

Her tears were genuine, then who could have done it if it wasn’t her?

” Was she being controlled by that man? Or is she suffering emotionally?” She wondered as she closed her eyes.


Mu Yul and Blueberry got into the kitchen and Blueberry headed to the fridge where he saw some packs of beef.

” Beef? What are we doing with this?” Mu Yul asked.

” Cook of course” Blueberry replied and Mu Yul frowned.

” Okay, so what next?” He asked and Blueberry faced him properly with a confused look on his face.

” You have no idea how to go about the beef?” He asked and Mu Yul nodded. A loud sigh left Blueberry’s mouth.

” I don’t even remember how I died or how lived like a human. I don’t even remember what I did when I was alive, so don’t gimme that look” Mu Yul said.

” Wait, you have a phone?” He asked but Blueberry shook his head.

” What does phone has to do with beef?” He asked.

” Humans always use it to search I think. I’ll be back” Mu Yul said and left the kitchen to meet Devyn who opened her eyes immediately the door to her room opened.

” Is something wrong?” She asked but he shook his head in denial.

” We only want your phone, and please teach me how to search ” He added.

” Search? Like browse the web?” She asked and he raised a brow, confused at what she meant by browse the web.

” No… ” He shook his head. ” We just want to search ” He said and she giggled softly as she took her phone from the bed stand. She left the bed and headed to the kitchen where she met Blueberry staring at the beef in his hands.

” Don’t worry, you both can leave, I’ll make dinner before mom comes. It’s been ages since I entered the kitchen” She said, taking the beef from Blueberry. Mu Yul made to leave the kitchen but, Blueberry pull him back by the collar.

” Don’t worry, we’ll watch and learn ” He said and Mu Yul eyed him.

” Who’s we?” He asked and Blueberry shot him a strained smile.

Devyn started the cooking and the boys watched at how she did everything alone without their help cos they kept bringing her the wrong ingredients anytime she asked for it.


Cecilia stretched tiredly as she stood up from her seat. She’s been processing data for hours now and she was tired.

She checked the time and it was 7pm already. She arranged her desk before stepping out of the office. She made to flag down a cab when a car stopped in front of her. She frowned as the owner whined down the glass.

” Sir Jayden? Is there something you still want me to do?” She asked.

” Just left a meeting and was heading home when I sighted you from a distance. Do you mind if… ” He didn’t complete his statement when she entered and sat.

” Thank you sir ” She bowed as she fastened her belt while Jayden shook his head before driving off.



The boys all sat around the table in the sitting room after eating dinner. They decided to play a game together and the loser washes dishes for a week.

” Let’s play “ find the thief” ” Sweetheart said quickly like a baby. Nash chuckled.

” Find the thief? What’s that?” Alistair asked.

” I’ve never heard of it ” Maikel added.

” It’s simple. We’ll all write professions like the POLICE, JUDGE, THIEF, ACCOMPLICE, HELPER, MURDERER & WITNESS on a sheet of paper and wrap it up. The police gets to point out who the thief is ” Valerie explained.

” It sounds fun” Rema replied and Maikel quickly went into his room to get a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote the careers on papers like Valerie explained.

He folded them and then asked “What next?”

” Throw them on the table and everyone will pick up one piece.

” And?” Alistair asked.

” The police will make his career known first then anyone of us will ask the police to identify the thief and if he doesn’t get it right, the police lost, so he’ll obey wh@ťěver verdict the judge gives ” Sweetheart explained.

” What if there’s an accomplice?” Rema asked.

” If the thief gets caught, the accomplice will surrender and they’ll both be judged ” Sweetheart added.

” What’s the job of the helper and witness then?”

” The police will seek help from the helper, but the helper can choose to accept or decline. We all know what a witness is for”

” Not bad ” Maikel said and the boys all took their piece, each of them staring at what their careers were.

” Who’s the police?” Sweetheart asked while Ian pouted.

” I’m doomed” He said and the boys laughed.

” Identity the thief, police ” Valerie laughed while Ian began staring at their faces to see if he’ll notice any strange expression from them, but he got none.

” Why are you all so serious? Wow! At this rate, I’m sure my job is in the kitchen” He laughed and the others chuckled.

” Alistair?” Ian called and Alistair burst into laughter.

” Wrong, I’m the judge ” He laughed.

” Fůçƙ, then who’s the thief?” Ian asked.

” Nash ” Sweetheart and Valerie said at the same time and Nash’s eyes widened.

” How did you know? I’m really the thief ”

” Simple, cos it’s written on your forehead” Sweetheart said and everyone laughed hard.

” How did you figure it out?” Maikel asked.

” I think Sweetheart and I took a closer look at all of you and Nash’s eyes widened, then he frowned, but he quickly replaced it with a smile. I knew that guy was planning murder” Valerie laughed.

” Wow… It’s so fun ”

” What about the accomplice now?”

” He’s free, the police will do the work himself for judging someone wrongly” Rema replied and Ian facepalmed himself.

” I didn’t wanna play this from the onset” He replied.

” Should I just faint?” He added.

” We have a bathtub, we’ll just place you in there. You know Nash will be màd or probably ki|| you if you faint and don’t wake up within seconds, so you’re free, Mr police” Nash laughed as he tapped Ian’s shoulder.

” Since we all know the reason for the game, Ian should start his dishwashing tonight” Alistair, the judge said and the boys all stood up. Each of them took their phones and began playing games on it, except Sweetheart who was chatting.

” Accomplice should at least help out ”

” Maybe next time ” Valerie replied.

” So you’re the accomplice?” Nash asked.

” Yep, you actually taught me how to steal ” Valerie replied and Maikel laughed.

” Have a death wish, kiddo?” Nash asked and Valerie bowed twice.

” Sorry ” He said before facing his phone again.


” Thank you sir ” Cecilia bowed and walked away.

” Was I too hard on her? Now that I think about her past, I feel really bad for her. Gosh, some guys are animals” Jayden muttered.

” Wait, does she see me as one? ” He asked again.

” To her, all men are beast” His subconscious mind said and he nodded.

” With what she went through, and in her world, all men including me, are beasts” He muttered and left.


Cecilia got into the house and was welcomed with a table full of food. She started wondering who cooked the meal cos her daughter had only entered the kitchen twice ever since she was born. She was scared of fire since she thinks it’s acid cos it burns.

” Devyn?” She called and Devyn left her room with Blueberry and Mu Yul.

” You’re back. We made dinner. If I may ask, where did you go?” She asked.

” Got my job back, but we’ll discuss it another day cos Mom is so tired ” She slumped on the couch.

” Who’s the second guy ” She asked when she saw Mu Yul.

” I’m Mu Yul the best grim…Ouch! ” Blueberry pinched him before he could complete his statement.

” Her beef sauce almost made me reveal my identity” He whispered to Blueberry who scoffed at what he said.

” Huh? ”

” Actually, he’s also in my class. He and Berry are seatmates. I thought of teaching them how to sing ”

” Yeah, he’s the other guy who was screaming with me until we got kicked out of the hall ” Blueberry said and Cecilia chuckled.

” He’s cute” She smiled at Mu Yul which he returned.

” I’ll be back, I need to freshen up ” She said and stood up.

” I’ll go home now. Good night ma’am” Mu Yul said before facing Blueberry.

” Don’t forget, we’re going out together tomorrow okay? You can bring Devyn too. It’s gonna be fun”

” Wh@ťěver” Blueberry replied and he laughed before heading for the door. He opened it and as soon as he walked through it, he appeared in his own apartment.

Blueberry turned to leave, but Devyn held him back. He stared at her hand on his arm, then slowly at her face.

” Is there something you want?” He asked while she let go of his arm.

” Lesley… What happened to her? She wouldn’t have done that right?” She asked and he thought for a while.

” How do I put it….?” He trailed off.

” Okay, let’s say she has a split personality. Like she can sometimes be A and in another minute, she can be B without knowing it” He replied.

” Split personality? That’s strange. Thanks though” She said and made to go into her room but she stopped again. She walked closer to him so her mom wouldn’t hear her.

” How did you know I was in danger? And why didn’t I get injured after getting stabbed?” She asked.

” That’s because, I knew something was off about her and your wounds… ” He hesitated, thinking of how he was gonna tell her about it without mentioning his name.

” Ah, Mu Yul and I fought the bad guy and he healed you before leaving” He replied and she scoffed lowly.

” You think I’m a baby? Tch!. It’s okay if you don’t wanna tell me ” She smiled and left for her room. Blueberry watched her close her door before entering his room.



MARVINS left their rooms, ready to go to school since no one was talking about Valerie again. Ian glared dangerously at Alistair as soon as he saw him.

” What? Just spill the beans” Alistair clicked his tongue.

” After I was made the victim by you, the judge, now, you’re wearing my shoes? Hyung!!”

” It’s okay, the accomplice and the thief will assist you, okay? As long as I’m the… ” Alistair stopped talking when he saw Nash glaring at him too.

” Nevermind, we’ll discuss it when we get back” He laughed awkwardly while Rema chuckled as they left the house.

” I wanna see Devyn before heading to class” Maikel said and the rest nodded.

” As long as we’re all dating her, it’s fine” Rema said.

Maikel chuckled as they walked the hallway to their class.


Valerie, sorry about my hurtful comments.

You’re definitely the most beautiful.

Nash, you’re the best.

Sweetheart… I love you!


The students screamed and the guys waved this time with smiles on their faces. On their way, Maikel sighted Devyn and she waved at him.

She was with Mu Yul and Berry, Lesley wasn’t in school yet.

He walked to her and the students began murmuring.

I think it’s because she played well.

Sure, we know Maikel for his good heart.

” Good morning ” He smiled at her and she returned it, he bent sideways to wave at Mu Yul and Blueberry who were behind Devyn. They waved back too.

” Your hands ” He said and she diffidently gave her hands which he placed something on. She looked at the sparkling little box in her hands, then at him.

” Your gift ” He muttered.

” See you after class” He said again and joined his brothers who were throwing him mischievous grins.

He frowned. ” What?”

” Just wondering if you really don’t like that girl” Sweetheart said, but he only giggled as he made his way to class.

” I knew it!!” Sweetheart shouted and the rest laughed.

” Finally, we’re all gonna have a girlfriend” Rema added while Nash hit him playfully. They laughed after that as they entered the class together.

” Maikel!! Nash!”

” OMG… Sweetheart? Valerie? Ian? Alistair? And Rema.. wow! How long has it been?”

” Lizzy?” They all chorused and she nodded. She rushed to Maikel and hugged him before signaling to the others and they went to her. She began hugging them tight one after the other.

” I’ve really missed you all” She said after the hug before going to peck Maikel’s cheeks.

” I would have loved the lips, but not today honey ” She smiled and he chuckled.

” Where the hell have you been, love?” Nash asked and she pouted.

” Sîlly you. Well, I’m here to tell you the one who uploaded the pictures and you’re gonna tell me if I should deal with them, or not. It’s been long I acted cràzy. Australia was kinda calm for my likeness so I came home and decided to attend the party that day, but mom called me back 10 Minutes after I came” She folded her hands.

” Who’s the person?” Nash asked and she smirked as she stared at the students in the class. She pointed at a girl at the backseat, but she pointed at another girl almost immediately, then at another, before pointing at herself.

” Be serious ” Nash scolded.

” What makes you think it wasn’t me? The pictures were posted 7min after I came then in the next three minutes, I left ” She laughed. She went to Valerie and held his both cheeks.

” Babe, you’re so cute even with the freckles ” She smiled.

Valerie sighed and took her hands off his face.

” Will you get serious?” He asked and she smiled which faded away immediately.

” I came to ki|| that person myself anyway, so the culprit is…. ”



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