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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??D£VIL $£X
(His addiction…..)
BY, Mha Rhy


“Stop pacing around like a pregnant woman, that girl will be fine” Ronald complained loudly to Dianne

The doctor is attending to Eugene in her room so she is waiting for the doctor to comes out

” Shut up Ronald! Dianne snapped out loudly

” This is all because of you! She is fighting for her life in their because of your foolishness!! She screamed at everyone of them

“How is it our fault? We never forced her to stay herself” Xavier defended himself

” Really? So you expect her to watch six men and get trampled on” she said sarcastically

“Why are you defending that bîtch! It’s not like their is something special about her after all her father is the reason why Brandy lost his family

“You said her father right? So what’s the poor girl business there

“She is also a sinner because she is James daughter” Linda replied and Dianne stared at her with disgust

” I regretted ever texting the message to you, I thought you would help but it seems like I was wrong, an mentally derailed person like you can never understand the meaning of dignity since you are already a wide hole” She insulted Linda

” What?? How dare you?? Linda said angrily and was about to charge at her when a voice speak up

“ENOUGH!!! Brandon ordered coldly and glare at each of them

” One more words from the two of you, you are out of here” he thr_@tened and everyone became quiet

Ronald was about to console his girlfriend but a glare made him retreated his hand

Xavier on the other hand was quiet with different thoughts going through his mind

“Is that girl crazy?? How could she easily stab herself without thinking of the outcome? Is she not afraid of death? He scoffed mentally

Few minutes later, the doctor came out of Eugene’s room

Dianne was the only one who rushed to the doctor in anticipation

“Dominic how is she??? She asked the doctor impatiently

” She is fine for now though unconscious” Dominic replied

” But did she hit her head on something or was she hit on head?? Dominic asked

“I really don’t know, I guess she hit her head on the ground when she fell to the ground and why did you ask? Dianne questioned

” She had a deep cut at the back of her head and it might greatly affect her” Dominic replied

“What did you mean by that?? Xavier asked with a frown

” If the back of head suffers a deep injury, it might result to memory loss and sometimes schizophrenic, so that girl might suffer a short amnesia or become mentally unstable and maybe not” Dominic replied

” This is really serious” Ronald sighed

” This is all your fault, HEARTLESS PEOPLE!!! Dianne yelled at them before leaving angrily

“Hey Dianne wait! … Dianne!! Ronald shouted as he ran after her


Dominic enters Eugene’s room and close the door gently

He stared at the unconscious Eugene whose face looks pale and frown

“Don’t blame me for being heartless, your father turn me into this” he thought as he continues staring at her


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