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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??D£VIL $£X
(His addiction…..)
BY, Mha Rhy


Eugene watch her steps as she walked steadily to Brandon who was waiting beside his car

Master Am here ” she bowed

“Get in” he ordered coldly not bothering to stared at her

“Yes master” she replied before entering the car while he sat beside her

“Drive” he ordered and the drive drives out of the compound immediately

Brandon’s Bentley halt in front of a big beautiful Mansion

Brandon step out of the car with the nervous Eugene

“Act normal, you won’t want everyone to think that I forced you here

“Like you didn’t” Eugene sneered in her head but all the same, she regain her composure and stand upright

“Don’t take too much alcohol, there’s will be a show tonight” Brandon said

” Oh! I won’t” she replied truthfully, not like she is a fan of liquor before so she took his words irrelevantly

” Ok master” Brandon was satisfied with her reply and started walking ahead while she followed behind

Walking inside the booming party, all eyes turns to them

?️ It’s Brandon

?️Geez! He is more hotter than ever

?️Who is the girl with him?

?️ Maybe his girlfriend

?️Wow! She is really pretty

?️I don’t think she is his girlfriend, Brandon had never been seen with another woman except Linda, maybe she is just an escort! One of the ladies snorted in jealousy

?️ You are right, even if she is beautiful, she is nothing compared to our Linda

This sassy comments never goes pass Eugene’s ear

Not like she minds but something prick her interest

It’s Linda”

She really wondered who Linda is to the Devil

If she is the devil’s girlfriend, maybe she can ask for her help to plead with the Devil in letting her go, I mean no woman will be happy to see her man being intimate with another woman

Having this in her mind, she felt a bit of hope in her heart

For the first time after she was taken forcefully, she was hopeful

Brandon kept walking till they got to a VIP where

Four people could be seen seated round a table

Two guys and two ladies, the couple among them were busy making out

“You’re here Brandy?? The second Lady who is Linda asked happily

“How are you Linda? Brandon said before facing the other lady

“Hey Dianne” he said with a smile

Oh! Oh! Who do we have here? the lady kissing one of the guys smile as Brandon enter

Hey buddy” Brandon exchange greetings with his friends

The four were not aware of Eugene’s presence until Brandon pull her to sit beside him

“Where did you see this beauty Brandon? Ronald the guy kissing Dianne asked with a smile on his face

“My new toy” Brandon replied plainly

“Wow! She is really pretty” Dianne said staring at Eugene in admiration

Linda and Xavier were quiet as they weren’t interested in Eugene’s presence


Eugene sat quietly as she watched the friends discussed with themselves

She was not interested in their discussion and could only pray that everything should end quickly

Just then, she felt the urge to go restroom

She tugged Brandon’s cloth for his attention

“Any problem? He asked calmly

” I need to use the restroom and it’s urgent” she replied slowly

“You aren’t planning to escape? Brandon asked with a frown

“No am not escaping,I really need to use the restroom” she replied and Brandon saw that she was sincere

” Is everything ok? Dianne asked

“She needs to use the restroom” Brandon replied

” Come, I’ll take_

“I’ll show you the restroom” Linda interrupted Dianne

” Thank you” Eugene smile realizing that this was her chance to ask Linda’s favour

“Don’t think of escaping or you Dad dies” He thr_@tened

Eugene could felt the seriousness in Devil’s thr_@t and her body shivered, not like she plans on escaping all the same, she is very scared of his thr_@t

“I won’t” she assured before following Linda who was trying to suppress her anger after seeing the interaction between Eugene and Brandon

Immediately the two ladies left, Dianne faced Brandon

“Brandon I really find your toy strangely farmiliar” she said

“I thought I was the only one” Ronald added

“She really resemble that bastard a lot_” Xavier stopped talking as he realized the puzzle, not only him Ronald and Dianne were not left out

“Don’t tell me….” Dianne gasped

“Exactly your thoughts” Brandon replied with a smirk



Linda led Eugene to the restroom

“Here it is” Linda said as she stops in front of the female restroom

“Thank you” Eugene said politely before entering

To her surprise, Linda also enter the restroom closing the door with a bang

Eugene raised her brow in question but instead Linda release a smug smile

“So you are his new toy? Linda asked with disdain

” Just a warning Ms Eugene, you are s*x slave, act like one and don’t think of forcing him fall in love with you because he is mine” Linda added glaring h@ťěfully at Eugene

Eugene could notice the hatred and jealous in Linda’s tone and she frown

“Ms Linda,I thought you are sensible as a woman and you will understand my helplessness but it seems like I was wrong” Eugene said disappointedly

“What! Are you saying am senseless You bîtch! Linda seethed her teeth furiously and Eugene frowned deepen hearing Linda calling her bîtch

” To be sincere Ms Linda, you are the real bîtch here” thr_@tening a girl because of a man who obviously had no interest in you is what bîtches do” Eugene retorted

“Then what about you? You are nothing but a sl*t! Spreading your legs for a man that is only interested in f-__-king you,is what sl*t do” Linda didn’t hide her hatred this time

” You are really pathetic than I thought” tsked Eugene

“Do you wanna know the difference between me and you? She asked leaning closer to Linda’s ear

“Because no matter how much you tried, you can never get him and I? at least I got to know what his body looks like, something a bîtch like you can never get” she whispered mockingly before leaving the restroom leaving the angry Linda

“Arrghhhhhh!!! Linda screamed out in anger kicking the wall angrily

“How dare that bîtch!! She clenched her teeth breathing heavily

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