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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??D£VIL $£X
(His addiction…..)
BY, Mha Rhy

(I’LL ki||. HER)


The bright sunlight piercing directly from the curtains woke up the sleeping Eugene

She blink her eyes repeatedly trying to force it open till she was able to open both

Her eyes darted around the farmiliar room,it was then she realized that she was back in her room

“Huh? How did she get back? She thought and tried to sit up but it was d@mn impossible as her body was in excruciating pain

The pains made her remember the hell she went through last night,

In just a night,her whole life had turn upside down

She was still in tears when her door burst open revealing the Devil himself

He was claded in short joggers with a pair of armless shirt

Seeing him, she spranged up from the bed not minding the pains in her body

“Good morning Master” she greeted immediately and Brandon snorted

“Get ready in twenty minutes, and meet me in the dinning room” he ordered

” Ok master” she replied bitting her lower lips to stop her tears from falling

His presence in her room,brings bad those disgusting memories of last night

“You must not be late” Brandon said sternly

” I won’t Master” she replied and Brandon left

Just as he left, Eugene fell to the ground as her knees were numb, she allowed her tears to fall freely


Eugene walk more limping slowly to the dinning hall

It was hard for her to find the dinning room due to how big and spacious the house

Thankfully she met one of the maid who showed her the way

Getting to the dinning hall, she met Brandon standing beside the table

“You are ten minutes late” he said coldly as she sauntered fearfully to his front

” Am sorry, I couldn’t find_

She couldn’t complete her words when the man in front of her threw a slap directly on her face and she fell

“Ahhhhhh…” She cried in pain holding her hurting cheek

Her whole body hurts more than ever, she could feel the weakness

Brandon lower to her and grab her chin which made her winced as tears never stopped falling

” Listen here bîtch, I h@ťě it a lot when i get delayed, and you aren’t worthy enough to delay me because you are nothing but a s*x slave and you should act like one,got that!

“Yes… Yes master” she choked on tears

“You won’t eat till evening, that will be your punishment

“My gangs are having a party tonight, and you will be partner, I’ll send people to dress you up for the party”

” Ok master” she choked on her tears

“Go back to your room!! He ordered and Immediately Eugene spranged up and ran to her room not minding the pains in between her legs

Brandon eyes remain cold as he stared at the running figure of Eugene

Suddenly he felt eyes on him which made him look at his side

True to his suspicion, Madam Bora eyes were staring coldly at him

“Any problem Madam Bora? He asked unfazed

” Don’t you think starving her till evening is too much

Madam Bora has been with Brandon for twenty years so he took him like her son, same goes to Brandon,he respects Madam Bora just like he would respect his mom if only she is alive

” No it won’t, after all her father made me go through more than that” Brandon replied heartlessly

“And don’t think of giving her food behind me, I have eyes on everyone” he added and left

Madam Bora watch his back and sigh

“Poor child” she muttered with pity
Getting to her room, Eugene fell on the bed and started her tears afresh

“YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A S*X SLAVE, SO ACT LIKE ONE” Those words hurt than anything

Two days ago, she was still a pure innocent girl who had just gotten admission into a college and now her pure innocent soul has been tainted

Her dignity, her pride as a woman had just been had just been trampled on like a piece of rag

“Right now, all she wants to put an end to her life but she can’t, thinking about her poor Dad, she can’t ki|| herself, she can’t leave her only family alone in this lonely world even though Leonard is not her biological father, she considered him as her real dad

She really wish all this were dream, she really wants to wake up from this bad dreams

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