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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★to love you ★

Theme (his soulmate)

written by Isabella library
Tags:Romance, love, h@ťě, segz, heartbreak, suspense, thriller.

Chapter Eight

Both families are set on a journey to where Mary resides with Doctor Ben with them. The journey took about four hours before they arrived, they met with Mary and her family and they welcomed them in warmly after a proper introduction.

A moment later, Mary was feeling guilty after they told her what brought them here.

“This is the biggest mistake I have made”.Mary sobs.

“Tell us how it happened?”.Doc.Ben asked.

“I was on duty that very day with my best friend, there were five babies delivered that day….”.She sniffs.”I and my friend, was in charge of bathing the babies, but unfortunately for her, she fell ill and I was left alone to do everything, I was done bathing all of them and I noticed two bands fell off two of the female babies’ wrists with their mother’s names on it, but I didn’t know whose name was on first, so I had to hurry and put the band back, I guess that was how I made the mistake, I am so sorry”.She said sobbing and both families became sad.

“This is not your fault, you don’t have to blame yourself”.Her husband consoles her.

“You know what, this is total nonsense, I don’t believe any of these, Jasmine is my daughter, I birth her and I won’t sit and watch you say all these”.Mrs.Ava said angrily.

“I agree with her, this whole thing doesn’t make sense, Fiona is my daughter”.Mrs.Lucia said sobbing.

“We will need the DNA of your daughter Mr.George”.Doc.Ben said.

“Why?”.He asked.

“To resolve this whole issue”.He said.
Back home, Jasmine was in her room operating her phone, just then a message popped in.

💬”Hey”. The unknown number texted.

💬”Who is this?”.She type.

💬”Is me Nathan”. He replied and Jasmine was surprised.

💬”Nathan? How did you get my number?”.She types getting pissed off.

💬”How I got your contact doesn’t really matter”.He types and Jasmine gets angry as the thought of Desmond comes through her head.

“That jerk!”.She stood up from the bed and rushed down to see Desmond and Blake in the living room playing video games.”How dare you!”.She yelled and they turned to her.

“What’s up?”.Blake asked.

“Did you give your friend my contact?”.She asked staring hard at Desmond.

“What are you talking about?”.Desmond asked.

“Don’t play dumb with me! You gave Nathan my contact, didn’t you? Who gave you that right?”. she said angrily and Desmond scoffed.

“What made you think I will wanna give Nathan your contact? You are not worth it, you should be happy that a guy like my friend is stalking you because I don’t see anything likable about you, you are just a dimwit”.He said.

“Desmond! How can you call her that?”Blake quarrels.

“Weren’t you here when she accused me of something I no nothing of”.He said unlikely.

“You are nothing but an annoying jerk and I despise you!”.

“So do I, I h@ťě the fact that you are my sister!”.He said rudely and their parents were shocked by his words immediately they entered the room.

“what was the meaning of that Desmond?”.Mrs.Ava asked surprisedly and they were surprised to see their parents.

“Mom! Dad!”.Blake rushed to hug them including Jasmine.

“Why will you say you h@ťě that she is your sister?”.Mr.George said to Desmond and Desmond sighed.

“I didn’t mean that way, she is pissing me off”.He said.

“Son, Jasmine is your twin sister, a little love for her won’t hurt your pride”.Mr.George said.

“Mom, are you sure they are twins? Because these two never agree on anything, is like they were switched during birth that’s why they don’t love each other”.Blake said and his parents shunned him.

“Don’t say that! Jasmine is your sister and she will always be”.Mrs.Ava said as she rushed to her room to prevent her children from seeing her tears, they stared confusedly after her.

“Dad, is mom ok?”.Jasmine asked.

“Yes, she is just tired”.He said.”Anyway, Jasmine, you will be going to the hospital with us tomorrow”.

“Really? Is it to see the victim?”.She asked excitedly.

“Um, yes”.He said smiling forcedly.

“Yes!”.She said happily.

“What about school? Is school tomorrow, she can’t go”.Desmond said and Jasmine frowned at him.

“Why do you care”.She snorted.

“Is after school hour, goodnight kids”.He said and walked away.

“Mom and Dad seem off a little”.Blake said.

“Yeah”.Jasmine said and they sighed.

~~At the bedroom~~

Mrs.Ava was sobbing bitterly as her husband was consoling her.

“You have to stop, you are not going to lose her”.He said.

“I can’t help it, I don’t want to leave my daughter, I love her so much”.She sniffs.

“We do too, it’s just happens, none of these is our fault”.

“This is going to be hard for me, how do you think she will feel if she finds out that we are not her biological parents”.

“Please stop, what if the children see you like this, it won’t be good”.he cuddles her in his arms and pats her hair.”Everything will be fine”.


Meanwhile, Mrs Lucia and her family were all in deep sadness.

“This is really annoying”.Grandma Alma said.

“I won’t allow this, Fiona is my child and no one will take her away from me”.Mrs.Lucia sobs as her husband cuddles her in his arms.

“Don’t worry, all will be fine”.He said.

“How do you think Fiona will react to this? Two people’s lives got ruined because of one silly mistake”.Grandma Alma said.
The next morning, everyone was eating in the dining and the children could see the dark circle around their mother’s eyes.

Mom, did you cry last night?”.Jasmine asked and Mrs Ava smiled at her.

“Not really dear, I couldn’t sleep last night”.

“Why? What happened?”.Blake asked.

“Just thinking a lot about our next show”.

“You shouldn’t be thinking about it, if you are still looking for a model for the show, you don’t have to worry about that, because I am here, and I will do it”.Desmond said smiling.

“Really Son, that’s so cute”.She said.

“Yes Mom, you will always have me, I got the looks and the body”.He gloats and Jasmine scoffs.

“That’s pompous show-off, you got no looks or body, you are just been deceived”.Jasmine said.

“Is that your way of saying that I am cute wishing that I am not your brother, but your boyfriend”.Desmond teased and Jasmine felt disgusted as she tried to puke, everyone was staring at them.

“In your dream, if truly you weren’t my brother, I would never date or marry your kind, I would rather stick pins in my eyes than have you as a companion”.She said.

“Don’t you think that will hurt?”.Blake asked.

“I prefer that pain to him because he is not worth it, and I so much pity the woman that will end up with him”.She added and Blake laughed while Desmond scoffed.

“You are seriously not my kind, I will never fall for a girl like you, you are not only ugly, you are clumsy and stupid, even if you are made the prettiest girl in the world, to me, you are nothing but lame”.Desmond said and Jasmine frowned at him.

“You two try to keep it cool”.Mr.George said

“Desmond be nice to your sister”.Mrs.Ava said.

“Jerk!”.Jasmine muttered and they continued eating.


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