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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★to love you ★

Theme (his soulmate)

written by Isabella library
Tags:Romance, love, h@ťě, segz, heartbreak, suspense, thriller.

Chapter Thirty-eight

Later in the dining, everyone was seated at the dining table waiting to be served except for Daisy who refused to leave her room.

“Where is Daisy? Why is she not here for dinner?”.Mrs.Ava asked.

” I guess she sulking in her room”.Blake muttered

“What do you mean? Did something happen while we were away?”.Mr.George asked.

“When she hungry, she will come down and have her dinner”. Desmond said and their parents stared confusedly at them. Nanny came and served their food to them and then walked away.

“I will be right back”.Mrs.Ava said as she left for Daisy’s room. “Daisy”.She knocked on the door.

“Mom?” She jerked up from the bed and ran to open the door. “Mom!”.She sobs and hugs her tightly.

“What happened dear? Why are you crying?”.She asked confusedly they pulled away from each and she wiped her tears with her hand.”What happened dear?”.

“Desmond”.She sniffs.

“What did he do to you?”.She asked.

Meanwhile, Desmond and the rest started eating when Mrs.Ava came over with Daisy.

“What happened?”.Mr.George asked seeing her swollen face.

“Desmond, why did you scold her? What did she do to you?”.Mrs.Ava asked as Daisy refused to tell her what happened.

“Mom, I didn’t scold her, I was only trying to caution her for being rude towards Nanny and the maids”.He said.

“Yeah, Daisy was mean to Nanny, she ordered them disrespectfully to wash her clothes with their bare hands without using the washing machine”.Blake said and their parents were surprised.

“Really, Daisy? Why would you do that?”.Mr. George quarrels.

“I didn’t mean to be rude to them”.She said sadly.

“You shouldn’t have, Nanny is like a mother in this house and she should be treated with respect, the same goes with the rest workers here, they are humans and they need to be treated kindly”.Mrs.Ava advised.

“Am sorry, I won’t do it again”.

“Is ok”.She pats her head.”Come and have dinner”. They sat down and she dished Daisy food on her plate.” Come on, eat dear”.She said and they continued eating.
The next day in school, at the canteen, everywhere was rowdy, Daisy picked up her food and moved to sit with Desmond and Jake.

“Hey Daisy”.Jake hailed and she smiled at him.

“Are you still angry with me?”.Daisy asked talking to Desmond whose attention was on his meal.

“No”.He replied without looking at her.

“You do, you have refused to talk to me since this morning, please I am sorry”.She begged making a baby face

“Come on man, your sister is apologizing to you, even though I don’t know what she did, she apologized already, so let it go”.Jake said and Desmond raised his face to her.

“I am not angry with you”.

“Are you sure?”.She asked smiling and Desmond smiled back.

“You are my twin sister, I can never be angry with you”.He said and Daisy sighed in relief.

“Thank you”.They smile at each other.

“Now it’s settled”.Jake said and they giggled.

Meanwhile, Jasmine was on the roof sleeping, she couldn’t get enough sleep last night, and she decided to take a nap. Some minutes later, Desmond came to the roof holding a lunch paper bag and he was surprised to see her sleeping.

“Why is she sleeping at this hour?”.He Wonders and then walks up to her.”Jasmine”.He taps her shoulder and she murmurs half asleep.

“What”.She muttered.

“Why are you sleeping? is the middle of the day, are you sick?”.He asked waiting for her response. no response. “Jasmine”.

“ooh, leave me alone Desmond, I want to sleep, is a free period throughout the rest of the day, so, let me have my beauty sleep”.She said still sleeping and Desmond scoffed.

“Didn’t you sleep last night?”.



“Mom fell ill all through the night and I had to stay up late to take care of her”.She muttered in her sleep.

“Oh, I guess is because of the pregnancy”.

“Can you leave me alone and let me sleep?”.

“I brought you lunch”.

“I will have it later”.

“It will get cold later on”.He said and continued to pester her to wake up. Jasmine grumbles.

“Can’t you just leave me alone?”.She frowned with her eyes closed as she sat upright on the chair.

“You can continue your sleep after you finish having your lunch”.He brought out the hamburger and a can of juice and placed them on the chair. “Come on eat”.

“I want to sleep”.She grumbles.

“This place is not comfortable for you to sleep in, you might have body aches later on”. He raises the hamburger towards her mouth. “Come on, have a bite”.

“Hmm”.She bites the hamburger with her sleepy eyes and Desmond giggles.

Desmond brought out his phone from his suit jacket and took a picture of her, meanwhile, Daisy saw what was happening and she frowned from her hiding place.

“Why is Desmond so sweet to her? The way he cares for her and treats her, he has never done that to me before, was he bewitched by her?”.She wonders. “Jasmine is taking everyone’s attention away from me, why won’t she just disappear”.She sighed thinking hard.

Some moments later, during the free period, all the students left to the hall to watch Desmond and his team playing basketball. Jasmine came to class to get her book and she was surprised to see Olivia sitting alone soaked in thought with sadness written all over her face. Jasmine suddenly knew all was not well with her family, she is always like this when something unfolds in her family business.

“Mind your business, Jasmine”.She said to herself and left for her seat to get her book, she turned to leave when Olivia called.

“Jasmine”. She called and Jasmine let out a deep sigh before she turned to her.

“Yes? How can I help you?”.She asked not feeling concerned about her. They stared at each other and Jasmine could see the sadness in her eyes.

“I–“. Olivia got interrupted as Daisy called her name from behind and Jasmine Walk away.

“What are you doing here alone? I was looking for you”.Daisy said and Olivia sighed.

“I just wanted to relax for a while”.She said.

“Really? I saw you were about to talk to that poor Jasmine, did she try to approach you?”.She asked and Olivia rolled her head.”Good, come let’s go and watch my brother basketball, you know you love watching him play”.

“Yeah, but I don’t think I can go”.

“Why not? is something bothering you?”.She asked.

“No, am fine”. Olivia smiles forcedly.

“Then let’s go, the match will soon be over and you don’t want to mis it”.She persuades her.

“Fine”.She stood up and they left the class.

The match was over and everyone cheered them up, Desmond looked around the crowd and noticed Jasmine absent and he knew she wasn’t present in the hall when the match started.


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