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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★to love you ★

Theme (his soulmate)

written by Isabella library
Tags:Romance, love, h@ťě, segz, heartbreak, suspense, thriller.

Chapter Nineteen

Desmond arrived with Jasmine at her house in a taxi and they were surprised to see their parent’s car outside. Isabella story don’t copy. They walk inside with Desmond assisting her by her hand and everyone turns in their direction.

“Jasmine?”.Mrs.Lucia called surprisedly and rushed to them and they helped her sit on the chair.

“Son, what happened to her?”.Mrs.Ava asked curiously.

“Well, is nothing to worry about, she is just having Valley fever and histoplasmosis, the doctor said she will be fine”.Desmond said.

“Thank you so much for bringing her home”.Mr. James said.

“How are you feeling dear?”.Mr. George asked.

“Am fine Dad, what a surprise to see you and Mom here”.Jasmine said.

“Yes, we came to see how you doing, and we miss you”.Mrs.Ava said.

“Well, am fine and I miss you all too”.She said and they smiled at each other.

“Are you sure you are fine?”.Grandma Alma asked.

“Yes Grandma, the doctor said I will be fine tomorrow to go back to school if I complete my dosage”.She said.

“No, you are not going to school tomorrow”.Mr.James declined.

“But Dad….”.She got interrupted.

“Your father is right, look at how yellowish your eyes look”.Mrs.Lucia said.

“They are right, staying home one day without going to school, won’t eliminate the rest day you have not been absent from school”.Mr.George said.

“Let me help you to your room, so you can freshen up”.Mrs.Lucia said. Isabella story don’t copy.

“We will take our leaves as well”.Mrs.Ava said.

“Thank you for coming, it was an honor to have you here”.Mr.James said as he shook hands with Mr.George.

“Same here”.Mr.George said.

“We really appreciate your gifts to us”.Grandma Alma said.

“It’s always a pleasure grandma”.Mrs.Ava said. Isabella story don’t copy. “Take care of yourself, my baby”.She said to Jasmine and they hugged each other.

“I will”.She said and they pulled away from each other and then Mrs.Ava hugged Mrs.Lucia.

“Thank you for coming”.She said and they pulled away from each other.


“Thank you Desmond for helping my daughter”.Mrs.Lucia said and Desmond smiled in response.

“Drive safety”.Mr.James said as they saw them off to their car, they bid each other goodbye and the driver drove them off. Then, they went back inside.
Two days later, Jasmine returned to school and left for her class.

“Hey, Jasmine”.Daisy said as Jasmine left for her seat. She stood up and walked up to her.”I heard you fell sick, aww, that’s too bad, I guess it must be too bad environment and lack of nutrients”.She said mockery. her friends laughed and Jasmine ignored them .Isabella story don’t copy. “Anyway, I heard that my parents came to your family’s aid by providing foodstuff for you guys, isn’t that great to help the poor?”.She laughed and moved to her seat chatting with her friends.

Some moments later, Jasmine was searching around for Desmond to return his jacket to him, she came to the hall and saw him practicing basketball with his friends, she hid quickly so as not to be seen, but Desmond caught sight of her and smirked as he continues playing the basketball. Isabella story don’t copy. After a while, the practice was over and his friends left leaving him behind. He sat down on the floor sipping from his water.

“You can stop hiding now”.He said and Jasmine came out from her hiding place.

“Um, am sorry I didn’t want to ruin the practice”.She said as she moved to him and then brought his jacket from her bag and it was neatly washed and ironed.” I came to return this, thank you”.

“Sure”.He took it from her.

“Thank you for the other day, I am sorry for the inconvenience”.She said and turned to leave, but, Desmond stopped her.

“Hold on”.He said as he stood up and moved to her front, Nathan caught sight of them as he hide staring at them.

“Is there a problem?”.She asked nervously seeing the closeness and she pushed back a little.

“I want you to come to the canteen later, I will pay for the food”.He said and Jasmine was surprised.

“No, you don’t have to”.

“I insist”.He said.

“You really don’t have to, I don’t want to be indebted to you or be dependent on you, I am fine on my own, thanks for your kind gestures “.She said and walked away. Isabella story don’t copy. Desmond sighed as he stared after her. Nathan sighed angrily and left.

Jasmine came to the roof to relax, she was shocked to see Nathan.

“Hello, Jasmine”. He said smiling and Jasmine scoffed.

“What are you doing here?”.She asked unfriendly.

“Why? Does it bother you that I am here? This place belongs to the school and anyone can come here”.He said.

“Well, suit yourself”. She moved to the other side and sat down.

“I can see you are caving your way into Desmond, you are trying to seduce him into liking you now that you know you two are not related “.He said and Jasmine stared hard at him.

“What nonsense are you blabbing about?”

“You heard me right”.He laughed. Isabella story don’t copy.”You think Desmond cares about you? Well, he is not, he only cares because he felt pity for you”.

“Thanks for the remainder”.She scoffed.

“Don’t come crying to me when you find out the truth, I like you that’s why I am coming clean to tell you, Desmond is not to be trusted, haven’t you wondered about the sudden kind gesture he is showing towards you?”.

“Will you just stop talking? What do you really want? You think I don’t know of all these you are telling me, I know Desmond more than you think, so please you all should leave me alone, most especially you Nathan, you are nothing but a cunning devil, I know what your stupid motives are and I will not fall for it”.

“We will see about that”.He smirks and walks away.
Later at home, Jasmine was helping her mom in the kitchen.

“How is school lately?”.She asked.


“Do you still have trouble with the students?”.

“Not really, I have more things to focus on than them”.

“That’s good to know”.She said and they were quiet for a moment. Isabella story don’t copy.”Your birthday is next month”.

“I know Mom”.She said.

“How do you want it to be celebrated? Because when Fiona was still with us, we made sure we celebrated his birthday for her on how she wanted it, even though we couldn’t afford all her demands”.


“Yes, since it’s your first birthday with us, we will do wh@ťěver you wish for”.

“Ok, I will think of one and give you a reply a day before my birthday”.

“Sure”.They smiled at each other.


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