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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Shadow That Dwell In Darkness)



Alucard watch the sun go back to
sleep, giving him the permission to step out of
his room, to take some fresh air, glancing at his
wristwatch he nod, snow should be having
supper, it won’t ki|| to join her for this night
would it?

Stepping into the dining room, I lean on the wall
and watch her, she look oddly scared, I might
have taken too much blood, her face looks pale
than usual.

Our gaze met and she literally jump to her feet ”
my lord ” my gaze lower to her trembling hands,
still scared of me huh.

” do you mind if I join you sweet snow ”

” of course not, is your house after all”she toyed
with her napkin while I settle back on the chair,
moment later Leo came in with my wine in a
glass cup ” thank you Leo” I mumble ” that will
be all ”

” as you wish my lord” Leo step out of the
dinning room, my gaze move back to meet a
nervous snow ” do you like it here ”

” oh yes my lord ” her eyes move to my
untouched food ” won’t you eat my lord, Leo is a
good cook..surely I don’t need to tell you that ”

Smiling I sip my wine ” no you don’t ” she tuck
her hair behind her ear ” less about me, tell me
how you have been spending your days ”

” nicely my lord, I think Leo has a talent of
music but its reading I love ”

” indeed?”

” oh yes, tales of brave knights, fair ladies,
dragons and creatures of the night ” her eyes
beam up as she mumble, looking so alive, so
young, heat flowed through me as she went on,
her voice fill with excitement, discovery, have i
ever been that young, so eager to learn?

My gaze didn’t leave her face as she suddenly
bite her lips and tuck her hair behind her ear
again ” am…am sorry ” she stammered ” I didn’t
mean to run on like that, it must have seem silly
to you ”

A smile appear on my lips ” certainly did ”
making her nervous is turning out to be fun”
perhaps you could read your favorite book to
me this evening”

” oh no my lord, am afraid it won’t please you ”

” it will please me very much”

” very well, if you’re sure ”

” quite sure ”

” would you care for a glass of wine my lord ” at
my nod she stand to her feet, pouring the wine
into my glass, bending over I couldn’t tear my
gaze from the formidable dress she wore, all I
could focus on was her cleavage, surely a lady
shouldn’t dress in such manners.

Taking the glass from her, my fingers touch
hers lightly, for some unknown reason, I wanted
to hold her hands, withdrawing I watch her
closely, still biting her lower lip ” did you miss
me sweet snow ”

” No…I mean yes my lord ”

A smile form in my lips at her plan to lie” finish
your meal snow, you need to keep strength ”

Sue look at me with confused expression ” but I
never do anything more than play the piano and
read ”

” because you’re hungry “obediently she eat her
food while I drink my wine ” tell me sweet snow”
she lift her gaze to meet mine ” would you like
to be my bride?” The moment the words left my
mouth, she choke out the water she was about
drinking to my face.

” oh my god, my lord ” before she could step
forward I lift my hand to stop her , picking up
my napkin I use it to clean my face ” am so
sorry my lord”

” could it be you wish not to Tie the knot with

” of course not my lord” she look down ” is just
that I barely know you, you never spare me any
of your time ” she gasp ” I only get to see you in
my dreams”

” your dreams?”

” oh” she look up immediately, that must have
slip out of her lips ” is not what you think my
lord ”

” what was i doing in your dream sweet snow ”

” forgive me Lord Alucard, I can not say”

” Lord Alucard? ” I furrow my brows high ” no
body dare call my name before ”

” forgive me ” watching as she stand there, head
bow down, body trembling with fear, standing to
my feet I make my way towards her then place
my hand on her head ” my lord?”

” is okay sweet snow ” that made her lift her
head to stare at me and I didn’t hesitate to kiss
her forehead ” you can call me wh@ťěver you
like” I smile ” you can also do wh@ťěver you wish
to me ”

” my lord ” a blush stain her cheeks and I

” that was a joke ” looking down at her I rob my
fingers on her lower lip” stop biting it, it will get
swollen ”

” I can’t help it my lord ”

” whenever you have the urge to bite it, call me, I
will gladly do it for you ” this made her face
flush down to her neck ” that is if you wish for
my lips to touch yours in an intimate way ”

” my lord”

” read to me now ”

Snow kept on reading, time and
again I will check to see if he is bored or sleepy
but his gaze didn’t move from my face, those
eyes burning with strange fire, a warmth hotter
and more penetrating then the heat radiating
from the cracking of flames in the hearth.

” tell me about yourself” he said, surprising me.

” they is little to tell my lord, my mother died
after giving birth to me ” my voice turn bittered ”
and as you know, my father sold me off ”
looking at him, I watch him sip his wine ” I have
to ask my lord, why did you buy me?”

” why do you think ”

” I don’t know ” my gaze slip away from his ” I
thought…I mean ”

” go on, what did you think ”

” nothing ”

” Tell me ” his voice seem compelling, I couldn’t
reject his offer.

” I thought that you bought me so that I can
disrobe in front of others”

” you’re very perspective sweet snow”

” but why, you never…” Fire climb into my
cheeks as I lift my book to cover my face.

” I never come to your bed?” He asked and I nod
my head ” and that bothers you?”

” oh no ” I rush my words, it didn’t bother me but
it sting my pride, to think he find me so ugly to

” snow look at me ” slowly I lower the book to
meet his gaze, I watch him lean close then
touch my cheek, his hands warm ” you are not
ugly, I do wish I could say the word you are
looking for but I can’t ” he lower his hand ” be
glad I do not come to your bed ” a shiver ran
through me as he held my gaze ” you will not
like what will happen if I did but then I still want
you as a bride”

” you bought me to marry you?”

” you could say that”

I stared into his eyes, even with the colour being
blue, you could still see darkness in them,
darkness that is icy cold yet hotter than flame,
looking closer my eyes change its colour to dark
brown, this only happens when am too
interested to see someone true intension if he
lies or not.

But I see nothing, just pure darkness and

Muttering an oath Alucard stand up ” go to bed
snow ” frightened by the turmoil in his voice, I
quickly stand to my feet and flew up the stairs
to my bedchamber, inside I turn the lock then
jump on the bed, feeling as if I just escape

Its yet another day, another
day of roaming in the castle with nothing to do ”
Leo!” I yell the moment I run from my room
downstairs to see him setting breakfast.

” my lady?”

Stopping I try catching my breath ” will lord
Alucard be joining us for breakfast?”

” am afraid not my lady ”

” why is that ” I asked but got no reply from Leo,
instead he change the topic ” what will you like
to do today milady ” looking at his composed
expression, he look so serious whenever he
talks, I have never seen him smile before.

” smile ”

” excuse me?”

” I want to keep seeing you smile today Leo” I
pout ” can’t you do that ”

” I haven’t smile for years milady, am afraid I
have forgotten how to smile”

” why is that?” I furrow my brows ” lord Alucard
knows how to smile and laugh”

” those are fake my lady ”

” fake? ”

Leo bow his head ” am afraid I have said too
much, excuse me for now ” with that he hurried
out of the dining room, pilling out a chair I sit
down and eat my food slowly, why don’t I get to
see Alucard during the day, its more like he
always vanish out of the earth.

Using the napkin I clean my mouth before
moving outside to the garden, bending down I
begin watering my flowers which will give me
amazing results later, making the castle life

After that I move to the library, open the
windows, clean the off dusts, set the books
properly, spend over five hours there before
moving to the piano room, also clean the entire
place and open the window.

Now these place will look a little lively ” my
lady!” Leo voice make me realize how shock he
is” you’re not to work, only save your strength ”

” what am I saving my strength for if I don’t

” you’re a lady here, not a servant ” he look really
worried ” my lord might ki|| me if he hears of
this ”

” he won’t ”

” trust me, he will ” Leo swallow ” he doesn’t
miss a thing ”

” fine, I will go clean up in my room then come
for dinner ” he nod and I move upstairs, have a
slow bath to think properly, the only person I
could think about is lord Alucard.

I never see him during the day, not his footsteps
or his voice, I sometimes wondered what he did
all day, he is like a riddle with no answer, a
puzzle that cannot be solved.

After that night I read to him, I haven’t seen him
for three days, making today the fourth, maybe I
angered him by allowing my eyes change it
colours but then, since the night he sent me
away, the nightmares stop, I no longer dream of
him sitting on my bed nor his hand touching me
in ways I wish he continue.

Alucard stood in one of the rooms
in the east tower, staring out the window, he
gaze down to the growing flowers snow has
planted, he felt a certain longing to step out
under the bright moon and stare at them ” a
letter have been received, your mother said it
might take a long time before she arrive ”
nodding to his words I turn from the window,
leaving the room and walking down the stairs.

My steps slows as I approach the stables,
abruptly I turn away and made my way to the
side yard, the fragrance of flowers rose up
around me as I walk slowly to the narrow path.

Snow has done this, have turn ugliest into
beauty, I wonder if I give her the chance, will she
ruin my own ugly ways, just like she keep
making me want to tear her dress off that body
of hers.

She doesn’t know it but her dress seduces me, I
stand in that room, watch how she water them
each day, give them attention, bend over to pull
out the weed thr_@tening to grow there.

I have brought young and beautiful women here
before, none of them made me think of these
things, maybe its because none has been this
beautiful and young.

The scent of warm skin alerted me to her
presence before she could even appear ” my
lord?” She gasp as our gaze met.

” what are you doing here by this time of the
night snow ” I watch her carefully, she hide her
hands at her back then look down.

” I wanted to watch the flowers ”

” no lies snow ” I look at her carefully ” tell me ”

” I saw you through my window and I wondered
what you’re doing out here this late”

” I was thinking of you sweet now ” I admit and
watch her lift her head to my direction.

” were you milord?”

I nod, my gaze sweeping over her, her feet bare
and oddly provocative, the night dress looked
transparent under the bright moon, her Ɲīpplë
visible to my view, the dress hug her just like the
first night dress she wore here ” why aren’t you
asleep sweet snow”

” because my lord ” she reply candidly ” I was
thinking of you ”

” indeed?” Surprise at how blunt she said it, I
step closer, for some reason, glad I was in her
thought” what were you thinking?”

” I was wondering what I have done to
displease you ”

” you please me very well snow”far too well for
my peace of mind and plans, I shove my hands
deep into my pocket to prevent me from
reaching her, from taking that for which I hunger

” I have not seen you in days my lord ”

” you should be glad you do not have cause to
see me”

” should I?”I gaze down into her eyes, probing
her thoughts, seeing her loneliness and
confusion, she is a young girl, in her brink of
womanhood, yearning for things she do not
understand, she awaited the touch of her
masters hand to bring out the music which is
locked within.

” will you like to have a walk with me ”

” huh?”

” walk with me? ”

” of course my lord, I will be delighted to” the
moment she complete her sentence I
intertwined our hands together then pull her
with me out of the castle into the lonely streets ”
my lord, were are we headed”

” I have no idea sweet snow ” my gaze move to
a huge rock by the road side, walking close to
that direction I pull her close as we step moving
forward” we will be attending a ball tomorrow
sweet snow ”

” a ball?”

I nod ” make sure to dress in your finest of
clothes ” stopping on my tracks I let go of her
hand ” if am to set you free right now, will you
leave ”

She didn’t hesitate to answer ” No milord ”

Looking down at her I title my head to my left
confused ” why is that?”

She smile ” because I like your company lord
Alucard “her words hit me hard, its been
centuries someone told me that, the way she
smiles after saying that almost made me
rethink ki||ing her.

” would you kiss me?”

” if you wish ”

” not if I wish snow, I want you to kiss me of
your own free will”

I step toward him until our
bodies touch each other, his clothes soft
beneath my fingers as I pass my hand on his
chest, my nostrils fill with his scent,a cold
musky scent that make me think of rain.

Shaking those thoughts away I stare into his
eyes which are wide open ” my Lord, surely you
have heard that while kissing your eyes need to
be closed”

A smile form on his lips ” is it necessary?”

” of course my Lord ”

” fine then ”

He close his eyes and I kiss him, his lips cold
and firm, when I start to back away, his hands
move to my waist, stopping me and deepening
the kiss, my eyelids fluttered down as his
tongue race my lower lip then plunged into my
mouth, heat and fire exploded into me until i felt
as though i was melting into his arms.

Distorted and disjoined images flicked into my
mind, a man teeth buried into another, the moon
awfully bright while blood drip from his mouth,
his fingers long enough to slice a throat,Eyes
red as blood but before I could see more.

Alucard swear under his throat then let me go,
withdrawing back completely, I knew for a fact
that wasn’t my power, am only use to seeing the
truth in people then confessing them to do my
bidding but seeing the horrible images isn’t in
my abilities.

Am still confused as to what just happened, I
look up at Alucard, feeling dazed and suddenly
bereft from learning more about this man I have
come to like


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