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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Shadow That Dwell In Darkness)



Alucard frown” what’s wrong?” I asked after watching her for awhile, like she just saw her worst nightmare, her hand move to her mouth then cover them ” are you okay?”

She nod ” yes ” clearing her throat she smile ” it was nothing, forget about it ”

” you look scared ”

” oh no, am not ” she shake her head before standing up from the chair, returning the book she took, I have a feeling she doesn’t want to talk about it.

” have you eaten” she nod, saying nothing else, she look so deep in her thought ” what’s wrong snow ” moving towards her direction, I turn her around to face ” tell me what’s bothering you ”

” Alucard?”

” hmm”

” do you have a twin?” Blinking at her question I step back then chuckle.

“where did that come from, of course I don’t have a twin”

” is they anyone that looks exactly like you?”

” why are you asking all these ?” Placing my hands on her shoulder I frown ” tell me why you are asking me these”

” am just trying to form a conversation ”

” hmm”

She step away ” excuse me ” before she could leave I got hold of her hand, she $h00t me a furrow brow and I frown” my lord? ”

” where do you think you’re going ”

” for some fresh air ”

” I came here for you snow ” frowning I growl ” right after my meeting I had to see you, to ease my displeasure ”

” the meeting didn’t go well?”

” it didn’t ” pulling her closer I smile ” can we go to that small house ”

” why?” She look up at me and my smile widen

” I want to hold you close on a bed then talk about it ” her face heat up but she manage to nod her head ” great ” intertwining our fingers together, we walk out of the library, the projects are working fine.

Girls seem to be good in fighting and the hunters are bringing enough food back ” my lord ?”

” what is it ”

” do you think……” She stop talking, leaving me in suspense, stopping I glance at her, she look troubled, that am sure of ” do you think its weird that I saw your twin ?”

” you drank from my wine ” I mumble ” it gives you weird thoughts and silly dreams, pay no heed to it ”

” really?” She ask and I nod

” its just a stupid dream without meaning ” arriving in the small house, we step in and into the bedroom.

” you have no other duties today?”

” I do ” taking off my jacket I sit on the bed ” I need to have a word with white”

” are you planing on marrying her”

” marrying her will be good for my kingdom ” looking at snow, I watch her closely ” I will only marry her if you want me to ”

” you were even thinking of marrying her?” Snow glare at me and I quickly shake my head.

” of course not ” faking a laugh to lower the tension I exhale ” a war might be coming in you know ”

” war?”

” Devlin need his army back”

” and you’re with the army ” I nod ” why not give what rightful belong to him back”

” I can not do that ” Alucard shake his head ” they are too powerful, Devlin will become too strong with them backing him up ”

” where is this army ”

” sleeping ” I smile ” smiling on their bed ”

” what made them so strong ”

” they were the first set of vampires I made ” snow step closer to me while I murmur ” only my blood run in their veins” she sit next to me on the bed looking confused.

” why are they not obeying you instead” she ask and I shrug ” Alucard? ”

” I told them they were useless and they kind of left”

” are they useless?” Snow asked and I nod.

” you may not believe it but ” turning to her direction I kiss her lips, a quick one ” the man you love is the strongest ”

” oh really ” she smile and I nod

” of course baby ” after that she chuckle, she look beautiful whenever she is laughing, so beautiful.

” do what you feel is right Alucard ” silence fall between us, I refuse saying anything else, I watch how her hands keep moving, tucking her hair, biting her lower lip and occasionally stealing a glance from me.

” tomorrow night ” I smile ” am going to take you to a theatre ”

” really?” She look at me, her eyes beaming ” I have never been to one before ”

” am sure you will love it ”

Silence fall again and to be sincere am honestly enjoying it, her head on my shoulder as we look through the windows ” can we leave the palace, somewhere peaceful and watch the stars together?”

” its dangerous at night ”

” but am sick of staying in here” she pout her lips” I have nothing to do and besides you will be with me right, by my side ”

” snow ”

” pretty please”

” what’s in it for me” looking at her, she lick her lips seductively and I swallow” sweet snow” leaning close, she withdrew

” I let you touch me” I watch how she lift the hem of the T shirt she is wearing, just a little ” I will let you touch me all over ”

Licking my lips I smile ” what a naughty girl you turn out to be ” looking at her I nod my head then pick up my jacket ” since were already close to the ranch, it will be easy to get a horse” standing up I open my hands ” shall we?”

” yes ”

After getting the horse we left the palace into the town, appears they is a festival going on, people dancing, laughing, different shows happening” wow” snow giggle ” it looks fun ” she point at group of people dancing ” let’s…..” Knowing what she plan on saying, I hit the horse to run faster” not fair!!!!” She tighten her hands around my stomach, as if trying to choke me.

” what are you doing?”

” nothing”

Arriving in a cliff, I tie the horse to a tree close by ” you can stare at the stars all day, it seem you’re close to it because this spot is high ” the air swirl around us, her hair lose from the ponytail.

I watch her spread her hands and close her eyes, feeling the air ” I feel free Alucard ” she giggle ” is fun ” smiling I sit down while watching her, how she turn around, look at the flowers around, sniff them.

” beautiful ”

Few minutes pass by before she move towards my direction, hugging me and causing both of us to fall to the ground ” I love you ” she mumble looking at me.

” love you too sweet snow ” tucking her hair behind her ear, I pull her head down then kiss her, slow, taking my time to savour the taste while listening to her Mõ@ɲs.

She always feel so good and right in my arms, so perfect….breaking the kiss I smile ” don’t ever leave me snow, no matter what”

She nod ” I won’t ”

” promise ” I asked and she giggle

” I promise ” she bury her face on my neck and the next thing happening is her sleeping, sleeping soundly….I just hope she doesn’t forget her promise.

Snow look around, why I here, I was with Alucard, how did I get back here, in this building, with this coffins ” move closer ” hearing that voice, I move towards the coffin ” open it, I won’t ki|| you, I can’t even if I try to ” opening the coffin I watch him and notice his hands and body are chained.

He look exactly like Alucard.

Is this another dream?

” give me your blood when you find me” I blink ” give me your blood to get out of here ”

” I don’t understand ”

” you belong to me snow ” the scary man growl “find me and help me out of here, deep in the forest, search for this building ” he smile ” find me my dear mate”

After that I woke up, woke up to find Alucard giving me a confuse look ” same dream?” He ask and I nod.

” are you sure you don’t have a twin ” asking my heart won’t stop beating from fear ” am getting scared ” Alucard pull me into his arms but I just can’t forget what he said.

His mate?

Should I really find him?


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