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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DEEPER THAN HELL – Episode 3 & 4

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( Shadow That Dwell In Darkness)



Snow woke up slowly, even
after opening my eyes I still think I might be
dreaming, last night my heart kept beating fast
at his words, the way his dark blue eyes move
while talking, his white short hair that light the
room and oh is he tall.

But then am left confused, he says he had no
intention of bedding me, is it that I do not meet
his standards, why am I thinking such things, I
should be grateful am not a maid here but then I
can’t help but wonder what reasons he had to
bring me here?

Sitting up I look around my surrounding in
breathless wonder, last night I was too
confused to take in my surrounding but now
that I am doing so, I feel amazed.

Blue and white stripes wallpaper adored the
wall, heavy blue drapes cover the window, a
huge closet at my left. Before I could get off the
bed a knock sounded on the door.

” miss snow ”

” yes, come in ” grabbing the blanket I pull it
close to my chest, to cover my body and then
Leo step in.

” lord Alucard instructed me to take you to the
market after breakfast ”

Nodding I purred ” yes he told me ”

” they are dress in the closet for you to wear to
the dining room, unless you want to have
breakfast on bed”

I furrow my brows ” but am not sick ”

A faint smile appear on his lips ” will be
expecting you down then ” with that he step out
of the room and I shake my head ” breakfast in
bed, can you imagine that ” standing to my feet
I move to the bathroom, take another splendid

Pull out a dress of orange and brown taffeta,
with a square neck and a long fitted sleeves,
yellow silk flowers adorned the bustle, running
my hands through the gown, a smile appear on
my lips.

Snow dress slowly adoring the material as it slip
into her body and once again wishing there was
a mirror here to see her reflection, surly lord
Alucard could afford one.

Stepping out of the room after rolling my hair
into a messy bum, I will need some brush for
my hair.

My mind went back to the rumors spread about
this castle, how they believe it is hunted and all
the women that lord Alucard courted have never
been heard from again, all these should scare
me and trust me I am and that’s why I want to
be in his good side in order for me to remain

That’s the main reason I asked if he view me
ugly, I don’t want to end up dead because he
sees me ugly.

When I reach the main floor, I move from room
to room, heavy draperies at the windows, costly
paintings on the wall, different statues made of

The dining room looks amazing with long
tables, large, dark and expensive furniture,
pulling out a chair I stare at the gold empty
plate and silver cup” your breakfast ” Leo step
in with a tray which he later dropped on the
table ” enjoy ”

I have never seen so much variety of food
before ” oh yes ” looking at the table I smile then
look at Leo ” will lord Alucard come for
breakfast ”

” no miss, lord Alucard doesn’t dine for
breakfast” I should have feel relieved but I didn’t,
a wave of disappointed hit me hard, smiling I
nod and Leo left me alone.

After eating I decides to look around the castle, I
spent rest of the day admiring the castle, only
met two maids, for some reasons the man with
red hair seem to have vanished out of the

I turn down another corridor, luckily i brought a
lamp since it was dark, the first room i find was
the piano room, from the dust and spider webs I
realize that no one come here.

Moving to the piano I touch it slowly then stare
at the different painting on the wall ” weird, this
place should be treasured ” shaking my head I
move to the next room to find the library, with
enough books anyone will ever need.

The first books I happen to pull out is of
vampires, blowing the dust away I stare at the
name and smile, I should read this tonight.

Stepping into the next room which seem to be
deeper in the castle, I lift my lamp higher,
wrinkled my nose at the dust, step in and then I
realize I shouldn’t be here, is not the east tower
but the sound of breaking bones caught my

Lowering my gaze I swallow at the sight of
skeleton and fresh human body where maggots
are dancing in ” oh my god” the lamp fell from
my hand while I run out, not stopping till I arrive
in my room, shut the door and fall right on the

was that a dungeon, Lord Alucard really ki||
people? He looked nice and talked nicely.

The sound on the door made me flinch, my
heart almost drop ” miss snow, time for supper ”

” am not hungry ”

Leo step in” am sorry but lord Alucard asked me
to make you have supper tonight ”

” will he be joining?”

” No miss, my lord hardly dines at home ”

” I will be down soon ”

Alucard sit in front of the huge
fireplace that dominated his bedroom , his
elbows rest on the hand of the couch ” the letter
have been delivered my lord, it will take a week
before reaching her and two weeks before she
arrive here” Bevin mumble and I nod.

” I suppose she should enjoy her self for awhile
before this happened” looking at the fireplace I
just couldn’t stop thinking about how her blood
will taste in my mouth, being my bride means

She will die the moment I take all that confessor
blood from her body, been doing it centuries
and I don’t think this will be different ” you like
her ” Bevin voice out his thought and I $h00t
him my furrow brows.

” of course I like her, she needs to think that if I
will take what I need from her willingly ”

” don’t you think you need to stop this?”

” I can’t, I need to do this for a great purpose ”
standing up I $h00t him a glare ” shut up and do
your part Bevin’s, I have gone too far to back out
of it now ”

Glancing at the clock i nod knowing she will be
asleep by now, licking my lips I move from the
east tower to her room.

A thought took me to her bedside, i sit on the
bed, watching her beauty, her innocence, she
sleep at her side, her cheek resting on one hand,
hair spread on the bed.

Moving slowly i lift a lock of her hair, soft, I
muse, so soft, i let the fine strands slide down
his fingers as I couldn’t reject the urge of
touching her cheeks, my fingertips slide down
her check to the length of her neck then slightly
on the pulse throbbing in her neck, heat rushed
through his fingertips, Ah, yes i would have to
be careful with this one, she aroused more than
his hunger for blood, far more that’s not good
for her.

Mumbling a curse under my breath I withdraw
my hands from her, she stirred on the bed” sleep
sweet snow ” I mumble ” dream your young girls
dreams ” I brush a lock of hair out of her neck ”
rest well, you have nothing to fear ”

Slowly I bent my head towards her, my tongue
stroke the warmth of her neck, she Mõ@ɲ softly
as my teeth graze her throat ” sleep sweet snow”
I mumble ” its only a dream.”

I did tell her, she will pay dearly.

Waking up I felt slightly dizzy
and weak ” I certainly had a good night sleep”
sitting up I had to move my hand to my neck, I
really feel weird this morning, last night I had
the weirdest dream ever, lord Alucard sitting
right on my bed and touching me.

How could I dream something like that, it seem
so real, the knock on the door brought me back
from my thoughts ” miss snow”

” come in”

Leo step in with a tray on his hands ” I suppose
you will like to have your breakfast early in order
for you to make it to the market ” oh yes, I didn’t
go to the market yesterday

” I will like to take my bath first ”

” I will prepare your bath right way, the water is
still heating ” before he could leave I mumble,
stopping him right there.

” isn’t they other maids to help with your

” No milady ” he smile ” the two maids you saw
earlier only make the food, they are restricted
from coming close to the main castle ”

” why is that?”

” am afraid I can’t say ”

” you don’t talk a lot do you?” I ask and he nod
his head, watching him drop the tray of food on
the table close to my bedside he mumble ” your
bath should be ready now milady ”

” you can just call me snow ”

” am afraid lord Alucard won’t like that ”

” I suppose he won’t be joining for breakfast”

” yes milady, excuse me” with that he left the
room and I frown, knowing pretty well I locked
that door last night but this morning it seem

Standing to my feet I take off the night dress
then walk to the bathroom, the tub fill with
petals again, stepping in I gasp a sigh of relief.

I could get use to this , in this place am treated
like a human, no harsh words of bringing
disgrace, no throwing of stone at the witch and
other actions that makes me h@ťě myself.

Getting off the tub I move to my room, pull out a
green short dress, embroiled with flowers, long
sleeves and a little view of my cleavages, sitting
on my bed, I eat from my meal and after that I
roll my hair into a messy bum, I really need to
buy a brush today.

Running down the stairs to the hallway I stop
when I saw the red head man talking to Leo, his
gaze met mine, he said nothing, just nod at Leo
words before walking away” I feel he h@ťěs me ”
mumbling my mind to Leo he just nod ” he
h@ťěs me?”

” I have no ability to read his mind milady” Leo
smile ” we should go now, the carriage is
waiting ”

” Leo, do you think I can get a mirror? ” I ask the
moment I sit in the carriage.

” am afraid not my lady ”

” why is that ”

” only lord Alucard will be able to permit you to
buy such a thing, it have been forbidden from
this castle for a long time”

” oh” I look at him ” am guessing if I ask why,
you will say you have no idea”

” you guessed right milady ” averting my gaze
from him to the window I stare at the tress,
beautiful houses, people do live peaceful life,
everyone but me.

Snows life fell right into a routine, after that day
in the market she has done everything she
wanted, Leo taught her how to play the piano,
taught her to read properly, I later started taking
care of the garden, planting my own flowers.

Weeks has passed and she haven’t seen
Alucard, not a single day but then nightmares
didn’t stop coming, dreaming of blood with
fangs, other night she wake up with a racing
heart, feeling cherished and desired.

As if she could feel a hand stroking her cheek,
lips and then her neck, the touch strongly erotic
and always after such dream she wake up
feeling tired and hungry.

Having dinner I decided to voice out my trouble
to Leo ” I think someone keep coming into my
room Leo, each night I lock my door but the next
morning it’s open, do you think someone is
behind it ”

” No milady, maybe you forgot to lock the door
and think you did” he mumble refusing to meet
my gaze.

” is they something you aren’t telling me ”

” am being honest as I can be milady”

” when will I see lord Alucard ”

” I don’t know miss, I hope not ” he reply before
leaving the dining room making me even more

Once again, just like the other night i watch lord
Alucard bending over me, certain i was
dreaming, I close and open my eyes, the tall
dark figure was still there, hovering over me like
a smoke ” lord Alucard ” I couldn’t see his face
in the dark but then his white hair made it
difficult to mislead.

” go to sleep sweet snow ” he whispered ” you’re
very tired, your eyelids are heavy, so heavy that
you can no longer keep them open ”

” No ”

” sleep sweet snow, sleep is what you need ” his
voice deep and melodic, winding around me like
a soft cocoon, my eyelids fluttered down, i try to
keep them open but i couldn’t, my heart keep
racing, i could feel the blood in my ears as he
drew closer.

Wondering who awaited me in the shadow
tonight, the man who took me in his arms and
held me as a precious gift or the one who prey
against my flesh, will I wake up feeling love and
protected or sobbing with fright.

Or would this be the night i won’t wake up at

I came awake with the sound of my own eyes,
disoriented I look around the room, the key still
in the lock at the door and yet it has been so
real, I can swear I saw lord Alucard sitting
beside me on the bed, his eyes glowing with an
unholy light as he bend over me.

Shaking my head I fall back to bed, its just a
dream, none of that is real, just a dream, i brush
a lock of hair from my neck, my fingers
touching what feels like an insect bite.


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