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Friday, October 18, 2024
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DEEP CRAVINGS – Episode 51

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They were both unaware that the door had already opened. “It’s her choice if she wants to.” He walked into the room, looking fiercely at Prince Jean.

Prince Jean glances at the back and smirked, releasing Milena who groaned and stood up weakly.

She had wanted to run and hide at Flynn’s back but remembering he is the cause of her running into the devil’s room, she paused on her tracks.

Prince Jean smiled. “You see she wants the lion’s den?” He smirked. “It’s her choice if she wants to stay with you or leave with me.” Prince Flynn repeated.

Milena almost rolled her eyes. “I’m neither staying with you….or leaving with you!” She pointed her fingers at each of them and quickly ran out of the door before something else happens.

Milena walked as fast as possible so she could get to her room fast but he caught her when she was about entering the door. Did he just use his Lycan powers?

She glared at him as he blocked her way. “What are you doing? Leave the way….” She grunted and he wanted to touch her but she pulled away.

She couldn’t afford to stare at him in the eyes, afraid that she’d lose control and try to bring them together again but it is never happening, not from her! “Leave the way!” She yelled angrily.

Her eyes were now yellow, Maltilda has taken control of her body. “I said, leave the way!” She repeated. Without warning, he carried her swiftly and started walking towards his room.

She yelled and yelled but he wouldn’t bulge and worst, wasn’t anyone hearing her screams to come and rescue her? She was pulled down and he locked the door.

She glared at him angrily, this time, she didn’t care if she was looking at him in the eyes or not. “What do you think you are doing?” She yelled.

He started removing his coat and hanged it on the bathroom door. “You should quit yelling, it doesn’t suit you.” He said, “I don’t care!” She yelled again.

She sat down grumpily on the bed, using the medium to look around the room. It was well decorated and furnished, a room that fits a Prince indeed but hold on! She was sure she had entered this place before.

That was their first intimacy, she blushed but frowned again thinking about all he said, all the bullshit the sorceress and Nora were saying about fate is nonsense. Why couldn’t fate pull them together and not apart of it were real?

He came out of the bathroom, his hair damped all wet. He didn’t shower, he only washed his hair and his face. What does he want to prove heh? She scoffed.

He squats down to her level, his eyes down. “I’m sorry…..” He whispered and she scoffed, standing up and almost knocked him down. “What are you sorry for? Should I start counting your offences?” She said.

He sighed and went to sit on the long stool beside the window. “Maybe it is really time to tell you….” He mumbled but she heard. “Tell me about what?” She asked impatiently.

He sighed again and gazed outside the window. “It all started when I was six….my mother gave birth to just two of us.” He started.

She narrowed her eyes at him, she has seen three princes already though the one who almost R@P£D her didn’t look like him at all.

“But then one day, she brought a grown up boy about eleven years old and when I asked who was he?” He continued and she sat well, listening to him with rapt attention.

“She said he was her son. I agreed later that maybe it was true because I didn’t get to know my father at all, he died before we could know him.” He shook his head.

“But later, I found out when I was twelve and he was seventeen that he wasn’t a biological son, according to my investigator, he was picked from a damp camp by my mother.” He continued.

She folded her hands under her jaw, who the hell has a private investigator when so young as twelve years old? “I confronted her and she didn’t deny it. I asked why she brought in a strange person, didn’t care to explain to her children and he already lived with us for five years.”

“What did she say?” She asked and he looked at her. “She wanted him to succeed the throne, giving a silly reason that I was still young. I was so angry, why will she wants to make a stranger inherits all that is ours?”

“And that was the first time my demon would surface but he didn’t have a red eyes then, she locked me up while my brother cried in his room, he was still so young then.” That must be the second Prince, Prince Carmen! She thought.

“She silenced me and banned me from attending to meetings, both family and kingdom meeting. She would always make Jean do everything but I didn’t talk.”

“And when she grew a little old and with so many helps, I pulled Jean to the ground and the elders made me the crown prince, she was angry that she let out her demons to fight me and….”

Milena shuddered, that was cruel of his mother. Giving a stranger power over the legitimate sons wasn’t enough and she wanted to ki|| him? That’s way out of it.

“Jean was angry and then, set me up because I womanize before.” She winced at the last statement and he chuckled. “What happened to your mother?” She asked.

He looked outside again. “I ki||ed all her demons and then, she pronounced something on me that day and that was the same day, it started working which made me lock her up.”

“Jean set me up with a female and I married her out of ignorance. It was the fourth year of our marriage and when I was to succeed the throne, she disappeared with no clue.” He said.

She looked intently at him, now she understands. He was afraid for her, he was afraid she would disappear too if he falls too deep and ends up marrying her, he was afraid his mother’s pronunciation would continue to have effect.

She wouldn’t deny that she felt jealous when he said he womanizes, he had tasted different women while she was here keeping herself for her man.

He even married and made love to another woman, she would probably not be here if the wife was still here but why did she suddenly disappear? She thought.

She looked at him again before she stood up and walked towards the door, she doesn’t even know how to register the mystery inside her head. “I will take a nap now.” She muttered.

He sighed when she exited the room, he knew this would be her reaction but for the first time, he feels like a burden has been finally lifted off his shoulders, secret kept for a very long time.

He didn’t expect she will come hugging or pouring pity kisses on him, he knew her well; she is stubborn and persistent, before she actually comes around, she will make sure she is sure of what she wants to do and until, she does it….she won’t rest!

Milena walked slowly taking another route and not the usual way that leads to her room, she needed fresh air to think. She wrapped her arms over her body, the different memories running through her head.

She didn’t know she had already entered the hallway that leaded to different torture rooms which was demarcated that no one except Prince Flynn and his bodyguard could enter.

She wasn’t even alert or watching where she was going and unknowingly entered the hallway, she shuddered sensing that there was a little drop of temperature in this area.

She looked around and gasped, sighting each rooms with numbers lined on it. She wondered what were in those rooms, where they keep animals? Or prisoners?

Her curiosity was pricked high when she saw that ‘Danger zone’ was written in a very deep red color which was entirely different from the other rooms as some of them only had padlocks and the ones that doesn’t, she was sure someone or something was definitely inside.

She moved closer to the door and pushed it a little, she was surprised it opened. Huh? She looked around and was sure that no one was watching, she entered into the room.

Just as she entered, the door slammed close. She gasped and ran to it, trying to open it but it suddenly turned like an icy rock that she couldn’t even turn the knob of the door at all.

She gasped again when she heard a chuckle, is someone inside the room? She asked no one in particular and she walked further inside but it just seemed dark.

Why are there no windows in the room? She thought as she coughed slightly, she was feeling heat already. “I don’t like this place, Mil.” Maltilda complained inside Milena’s head.

Milena winced when she heard the voice suddenly, she hasn’t yet gotten used to the fact that someone was present inside her head and mind.

She gasped again when the room suddenly got illuminated with a little amount of light and just before her, she could see someone in chains.

The chains were binding the person, each holding the hands to the wall and the person’s head was hung downwards. The person has a very long black hair which didn’t allow her see the person’s face.

She heard chuckles again and she turned back in fear, another round of fear gripped her when she saw three same persons in the room, in the same manner of the first one. Am I hallucinating or what? She thought.

She wanted to run but stopped dead on her tracks when she heard the person talk. “Enamel…..” The voice sounded like a croak.

Another chuckle but this time when she looked around, there were no any other person again, she heaved a sigh of relief. “I never knew I would live to see another Enamel over thousands of years.” She was sure the person is a female.

And it was confirmed when the person raised her head and smiled at her. Hold on, the….the resemblance! Is she….is she…”You are right, I am Flynn’s mother.” She smiled.


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