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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DEEP CRAVINGS – Episode 29

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?? Deep CRAVINGS ??


??️‍?️ DO NOT COPY OR REPOST ?️‍?️?

Written by Blue Kiara ?️?

Chapter 29?

(Due to the people that can’t read the past chapters, I reduced it to just one chapter and let me see how it goes. Please, indicate if you can’t still read this, thank you!?)

Together they left the hall but were surprised to see securities lined up at the entrance, they all paused surprised.

One of them, a tall security man came forward. “Can we ask what you all are doing here?” He asked.

Britt and her friends looked at themselves consecutively. Maggie stepped forward. “Sorry sir, they are all friends and I only came here to free the one who was in detention.” She said.

“Are you saying you freed all of them from the detention room?” He asked.

Britt scoffed, about to talk but Ellen put her hand on her shoulder, stopping her from talking.

“You are misunderstanding something here sir.” Maggie says.

He walked closer. “Do you care to explain?” He motioned.

Kristen rolled her eyes. “This girl here was put into detention.” She stated, pointing to Brittany.

The man nods, giving her the chance to continue. “By one of our teachers and I begged on her behalf. He told me to go and release her after listening to my pleas so, I went to her in the detention room.”

He tucked in his shirt more into his trousers, pulling tight the belt up. “But what was the noise all about?” He asked.

“Fortunately for her as a newly admitted student who knows nowhere in the school, her friends here, came to help her out and here we are.” She explained further, ignoring the Man’s question.

He straightened his collar. “I certainly ask that what was that noise about?” He asked.
Nora fixed her glasses well, leaning unto Brittany. “Someone sent him here.” She whispered to her.
Brittany looked at her, trying to confirm it. “How did you know?” She asked.

She held her glasses again. “Look at him, he looks nervous and unbalanced. It’s weird for a lot of securities to come around the detention hall. And even to come when we just encountered something weird in there too. Don’t you think it’s such a coincidence?” She asked.

Britt rubbed her palms, thinking. “That’s right. I sensed so too but Ellen is the one stopping me from talking.” She whispered back.

The man and Maggie kept on arguing. “You will cause more trouble if you say nonsense to that man.” Ellen faces them.

“So, what do we do now?” Nora asks.

Christian was hearing them, his eyes focused on the security man. “We have to distract him.” He stated while the the others looked at him.

“How?” Kristen asks.
“I’m d@mn hungry…” She whined, rubbing her stomach.

Nora looked at him. “By stealing his gun?” She asks and Christian looked at her bewildered.

He scoffed. “How the hell did you know?” He asks.

“Where’s the girl who was in detention?” The security man asks, cutting the answer to Christian’s question.

Nora and Ellen looked at her. “You are the one who can still go near him. If we want to escape this questioning, you should distract him.” Milena says to her.

Brittany nodded and walked forward, towards the securities. “It’s I , Sir.” She smiled.

He eyed her from her head to her toe. “And why were you placed under detention?” He asks.

Britt walked closer to him. “Sir, does that matter anymore? I’ve been released and now, I’m going to class to learn.” She says, walking slowly around him.

Maggie watched, trying to figure out what Brittany is trying to do. “I haven’t learnt anything today and you know I am a student. If I fail, you will be to blamed at the end of the semester.” She
whispers, the others saw her leaning towards the man.

He cleared his throat, awkwardly. “Please, focus on the point and don’t drive me around. I want the answer now…” He uttered, angrily.

Brittany stepped back. “You might be fined for not being a proper and competent security.” She said.

His eyes dimmed. “What are you talking about? What do you mean by saying that?” He asks.

She laughs a little, waving her hands. “Sorry but SIR, you might need to check your gun.” She muttered, almost inaudibly.

At that instance, the six friends fled the opposite way. The securities scattered, running after them.

They were all giggling and laughing, Nora was trying hard not to let her glasses fall as they all ran faster and since, it was already lunch time, there were many students outside which made them escape more easily.

The securities lined out, scattered and panting hard. “Those girls are really scheming. I will lose my job if I don’t get my gun back.” The man says, hitting his big stomach.

“d@mn! That was so close.” Britt says, panting.

The others laughed. “That’s why I call you a freaking Ɓîtçh.” Kristen says and Britt was about pulling her hair again.

Maggie puffed out. “You guys have put me in trouble now.” She said and they all gave her a ‘how’ look.

“You stole his f-__-king gun. I will be the first person he attacks.” She half yelled.

“Calm down! He will be busy looking for me, not you.” Britt replied her.

Maggie rolled her eyes and muttered a ‘wh@ťěver’. “My eyes are on all of you.” She points to them, angrily.

“Don’t be mad, mum. But now, I’m hungry so, let’s eat first and then, we talk about it later.” She rubbed her stomach again, hugging Maggie.

Maggie rolled her eyes again. “This is the student’s cafeteria, I have to go now. Take care all of you, we will see each other tomorrow.” She blew them kisses and left.
As soon as she left, Kristen rushed to the counter to order food.

The lines created was filled with students as each of them order their food and take it to their desired table. “Five hamburgers and two sodas.” Kristen ordered, shifting on her feet uncomfortably as her stomach kept on rumbling.

The one of the female attendants attending to the students, smiled at her. “What type of soda?” She asked.

Kristen tapped the table, licking her lower lips on seeing the hamburgers placed in her tray. “The orange one.” She said, hastily.

She left the line as soon as her soda was placed in the tray.

Milena was next, she also tapped the table, attracting the second female attendant; the first one is now busy with the second line. “What do you want please?” She asked, sweetly.

Milena smiled at her warmness. “Two hotdogs and a soda.” She ordered.

It was placed on the plate in the tray. “What type of soda please?” The attendant asked, warmly, checking the remaining sodas in the refrigerator.

Brittany on the other line was frowning. “What’s wrong? Not happy that I am also aware of the Enamel?” The other attendant asked, smiling sheepishly, looking at Milena.

Britt scoffed, banging the table slightly. “I don’t care!” She said and walked out carrying her tray.

Nora was next on the line. “You don’t need that.” She whispered, ordering her snack.

The attendant rolled her eyes. “Everyone knows she’s the Enamel.” She replied, searching for coke in the refrigerator.

Nora almost laughed. “She isn’t revealed yet. Not everyone knows that except one with an insight, just like you.” She whispered back.

The attendant nodded, slamming the coke on the tray; feeling angry at Brittany’s attitude. “It’s okay…” Nora rubbed her hands and carried her tray to the same table where Brittany, Ellen and Milena is sitting.

Christian, lined up on the second side of the line, heard most of Nora’s conversation with the attendant. “One hamburger and a soda.” He ordered.

He watched Nora till she sat on her chair. “Anything else?” The attendant’t voice cut his staring.

He stared at his plate. “No veggies, please.” He added and she removed the hamburger, replacing it with another that has no vegetable in it.

Getting to the table, he sat down; his eyes on Nora. “Geez Kristen! How do you eat?” Brittany gasped and Ellen chuckled.

Kristen belched, rubbing her stomach. “At least, it’s better than none.” She smiled, sipping her second soda.

Milena scoffed. “It’s better than everything. d@mn, you took two sodas for Adam’s sake.” She almost screamed and Kristen giggled, sipping the last drop of the second soda into her mouth.

“Christian? Are you okay?” Ellen asks and he took his eyes away from Nora’s face, playing with his snack.

As if they were all thinking about the same thing, looking at Christian and Nora; they bursted out laughing.

“What?” He scoffed, opening the cover of his soda and they stopped laughing but Britt starts to cough.

Quickly, Kristen offered her water and she gulped it in one go but she still kept coughing and now, she coughed out blood!

They all gasped. “The f-__-k Britt! What’s wrong?” Milena rubs her back soothingly, there was blood all over Brittany’s mouth now.

They were all confused, Nora suddenly stood up. She walked to a table about six feet distance from their own, eastwards. “Stop! What are you doing to her?” She motioned to one of the girls.

“Someone needs a double lens.” The girl joked and there was laughter in the whole cafeteria.

Nora sniffed, fixing her glasses well. “Please, just release her.” She sounded like she was begging.

Three girls, sitting around a particular table.
Fire, their leader, daughter to a famous gangster – Loaner, accompanied with her two friends; Moon and Fur.

“I don’t understand what you are talking about…nerd!” She clicked her tongue.

Moon stands up, her white hair which reached the end of her back; held Nora’s glasses. “Now, it fits you well.” She smiled while her two friends laughed.

Nora was almost crying as her nose is becoming red. “I’m begging you, release my friend. She’s really loosing blood!” She begged really this time.

Fire stood up, folding her hands against her chest. “I still don’t know what you are talking about.” She smirked, making direct eye contact with Brittany and the coughing increased.

Milena wants to stand up from her seat but Brittany held her hand down. “Oh please! I’ve heard enough of this.” She scoffed, removing her hand from Brittany’s grip.

She walked to the girls mocking Nora. “You all are stupid to refuse such a humble begging for her friend.” She half yelled, pushing Nora to her back.

Fire catwalks to her front, flipping her red hair. “Look who’s here…the princess of their gang.” She said, breaking the eye contact with Brittany; the blood flow stopped I’mmediately.

She didn’t see Milena’s eyes flickering into yellow. “So dumb for constructing such a dumb sentence.” She said.

Brittany’s eyes almost popped out of their socket, catching a glimpse of Milena’s eyes. “I have no business with you!” Fire said angrily.

Milena smirked, her nails growing longer. “But I have one with you!” She pounced on Fire like a wolf would pounce on its prey, she scratched Fire and her nails landed on her neck; three long marks.

Half of the students in the cafeteria has started to take videos while one or two went to inform the principal about the fight.

Christian sprang up to his feet, running to the fight scene. “Milena, Milena!” He tried pulling her away from Fire.

Fire’s friends pulled her up while Nora and Christian dragged Milena back to her seat. “Wow…that was a super fight there.” Kristen hailed Milena.

Brittany wiped her stained mouth with a tissue paper. “Why did you resurface?” She asked, facing Milena.

Milena smirked, the others looked at her weirdly; as she was somehow looking different. “Are you okay Mil?” Ellen asked again.

She smiled. “This is Matilda…”She grinned.
“Milena has gone to sleep.” She said, picking Christian’s hotdog from his plate.

She vomited it back, wiping her lips with an handkerchief. “What the hell is this?” She yelled.

Kristen muttered a ‘ewww’. “It’s called a hotdog?” Britt answered.

Matilda scoffed. “This is no food? It tastes yuck!” She stuck her tongue out.

“It is called a snack, not food.” Brittany rolled her eyes.

Christian’s eyes were fixed on Nora’s face who just focused on her almost finished snack. ” Pass me one of the soda. I feel hungry…” Matilda says, collecting a soda from Nora.

Just then, Mr Paulson and three other lecturers walked into the cafeteria. “Where are the fighters?” Mr Paulson asks.

Maltilda taps the table. “I’m out!” She said and Milena gasped, back in her real self. “What happened?” She thought, holding her head.

The cafeteria went silent I’mmediately. Brittany scattered her hair, using it to cover all of her face as she made use of her fork as if she was eating.

Ellen chuckled. “Hiding from him huh?” She said and Brittany almost laughed.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’d recognize me if he sees me as the one who stole the officer’s gun.” She explained, using one of her eyes to look at Mr Paulson.

Cux stood up from pacifying her friend, Fire. “Sorry sir. It was all a misunderstanding.” She smiled.

Mr Paulson glanced at her and looked into the cafeteria. “Hey! Is what she said true?” He pointed to a boy nerd.

The boy hicupped, putting on his glasses. “There’s was…was no fight sir. They just misunderstood themselves.” He explained, using the corner of his eyes, glancing at the angry Fire and her friends who gave him a shut up sign and Brittany’s table, her friends silent, looking at their food.

Mr Paulson scoffed, fixing his suit. “It’s okay but don’t call teachers for a false alarm or an issue you can solve yourself.” He stated, sternly and left with the other teachers.


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