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Friday, October 18, 2024
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DEEP CRAVINGS – Episode 12

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“What the hell did you say?” Prince Jean lifts him by his collar.

“I tried. I…i fired the arrow and saw it hitting him but..i don’t know how…I had no idea someone else took it.” He said, shakingly.

“The f-__-k…. you ruined my plans!” He thundered, angrily.

“Please, you can give me another arrow…I will surely hit him this time.” He begged.

Prince Jean smirked. “There is no another time.” He smiled.

He looked deep into his eyes and the guy screamed in pain as blood flowed out from his eyes.

He dropped dead, his eyes unclosed!

“Why are you such a monster?” Voile enters.

“I’ve been since I was a child.” He smirked.

“The plan has failed…” She muttered.

“And who says we can’t make another one…” He stated, more like a statement.

“What do you mean? That arrow was the only darkest weapon of about a hundred years old and now, it’s wasted and ended up useless.”She half yelled.

“How can an arrow be a hundred years old?” He asked, looking back at her.

She almost laughed. “Are you even asking me that? Actually, there are many things you have to learn. You just have a dark heart, you are an illiterate in darkness.” She hissed.

He glared at her. “Illiterate in darkness?” “Does someone have to go to school of darkness?” He scoffed.

“That’s not my point here. Where do we get another arrow?” She folds her hands against her chest.

“I don’t know. We can’t go back to that scary wizard.” He said.

“The wizard looks scary to you??” She laughed.

“He looks so scary. He didn’t even open his eyes throughout our stay there. I don’t think he’d give us another arrow.”

She arched her brows in rememberance. “Hold on, he said no one else should touch the arrow except the one who would $h00t it right?” She asked and he nodded.

“Do you think someone else had touched it before?” He asked.

She nods. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking.”

“But, that’s not possible. The arrow was with me throughout. I gave the dead guy just this night when the gathering was about to start.” He shook his head.

“With you? Without the wrapped cloth?” She widened her eyes.

His eyes dimmed as he tried to remember. “f-__-k! It fell to the ground when I wanted to give the guy.”

“That’s not still the answer. It fell, did you…use the cloth to pick it up?” She asked, walking closer to him.

“I’m afraid not. I picked it with my…hands.” He sighed, heavily.

“Darn it!!” She half yelled.
“How could you do that? After the wizard warned you?”

“Stop yelling okay? It fell and I wanted to pick it, I didn’t remember at all.”

“Now, you ki||ed the innocent guy. It wasn’t his fault that the arrow missed the target because he has been hunting animals with arrow throughout his entire life.”

“He ki||s animals not humans. The wizard might not be correct when he said that.”

“What’s the difference between an animal and you who is a human?”
“Can you say it to the wizard’s face? He won’t hesitate at all to burn you to death with his wizard’s fire. f-__-king Çüñť!” She left.

He sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. Flynn, your days are numbered.


Brittany kept on muttering an entire different prayer in the gathering. It is compulsory for
everyone to partake in the rituals.

She found it very hard to leave Milena in that condition as Milena was shaking uncontrollably in the circle she was laid into.

“Please, Milena. You have to fight to save yourself and to save Flynn.” She hoped more.

She looked around and sighted Prince Flynn whose eyes were fixed on one particular place.

She trailed his eyes and gasped, seeing a man targeting his arrow at him.

She looked back at Flynn, gasping more. “Why isn’t he doing anything?” She asked no one in particular.

She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate, hoping to maybe see a vision if the guy would succeed or not but she saw nothing.

As many times as she closed her eyes trying to concentrate, she still saw nothing.

“What to do? What to do?” She looked around again. No one to help and she doesn’t have any other powers except for her to see visions of the future and the sorceress was so engrossed in what she was doing – chanting spells.

Suddenly, everything went still. She wondered what was happening, this is no vision at all.

Just when the arrow was released from the bow, instead of hitting Prince Flynn, it paved way as if being controlled by someone.

The tip of the arrow hit the palm of Milena. Her chest pushed out a little bit, cold wind emitting from her palm, melting the dark smoke coming out from the arrow….it fell to the ground.

“Milena?….” Brittany muttered, staring at her.
“Milena?? Is that you?” She asked, almost at the verge of tears.

“I think you are wrong. I don’t feel like me.” She huffed, looking at her body.

“Release them first and we will talk in the room.” Brittany said, cleaning her face. The time was still stilled.

She waved her hands, putting her forefinger and pinky finger together, the time began to tick again.

They used the opportunity to leave when the people started muttering about why they couldn’t feel anything a while ago.

“Red….” Milena muttered and Prince Flynn looked back, picking the voice.

“Huh?” Brittany looked back too.
“You remember him now?” She asked.

“I’ve always known him…” Milena replied and Brittany furrowed her brows, eyeing her from the top of her head to the sole of her feet.

“You…you are not Milena” More like a statement, she said.

“I’m still her…” She smirked.

“Have you agreed to be merged with the real Milena?” Brittany asked.

“Merged? What are you talking about?” She asked.

“You are to become one with Milena so, she’ll stop forgetting past occurrences.” Brittany explained.

“You mean, there’s another her?” Flynn who hasn’t said anything asked, pointing to the Milena standing and Brittany nods.

“There’s no way I’m gonna be one with that pucker head…” She scoffed.

“Stop calling my friend a pucker head.” Brittany eyed her.

“Sorry but she’s too fiesty and a little bit crazy.” She rolled her eyes.

“If you keep on fighting, Once it’s twelve midnight, the real Milena will be asleep forever.” Sorceress said as she met them on the way.

Brittany nodded, mocking the demon, Demon Milena rolled her eyes while the Sorceress glared at them.

“I should be the one living not her. She should be asleep for all I care.” She huffed, waving her hands in the air.

The sorceress bent a little to prevent the iced park which is in flames from hitting her.

“What power is that?” Brittany wondered.

“You know about this too?” Flynn asked Naptha.

“I will explain everything to you later Rej…. Prince Flynn.” She nodded.

“She’s a demon?” Flynn asked again.

“Prince??….” Milena shrieked, ignoring his question. She dramatically fainted on the ground, making dust fill the whole area.

The sorceress pulled her hair, dragging her into the room. “Argh!!…Leave me alone! I’ve always wanted to meet a Prince, my dream man.” She Mõ@ɲed in pain.

“Is she always like this??” Flynn asked, looking at her weirdly.

“I think I like her….” Brittany whispered and walked into the room.

Flynn shook his head and also enters. He locks the door behind. “What the hell!” He gasped, seeing the white Milena on the floor.

“What happened to her?” He asked, moving closer to the body. “Is she a sleeping ghost?” He asked again when nobody replied.

“Sleeping?” Demon Milena replied, rolling her eyes.

“Tell me Prince, does she look like me? We are so different so, you should choose.” She clasped her palms together, pushing her body closer to his body and he inhaled deeply.

His eyes flickering into Red. His demon wanting to be let out. “I know it’s me you want…” She whispered, licking his ears and he shivered, his eyes still flickering – Not wanting to let his demon have control again, not when he wants to know why he is losing part of his memories.

“Leave him alone you demon…” Brittany pulled her away, noticing how Flynn is trying hard to fight his demon.

Naptha re – lighted the candles as the circle became illuminated again.

“I h@ťě you…” The demon scrowl at Brittany.

“We’ll fight to death if we were to live together.” Brittany smirked.

“And I will be the one to ki|| you first” The demon smiled evilly at her that Brittany almost lost her breath.

“Demon, do you agree to be one with her?” The sorceress asked, pointing to the pale white Milena inside the illuminated circle.

“No!…” She scoffed back.


Somewhere in a dark cave….
Sisters. Dark sisters. Secret circle. All dressed in red. They are the sisters of the dark!

“Sister Voile…you are summoned.” A voice that sounds like that of a hawk called.

Voile came forward, looking towards a particular grave. This grave was carved with red stones, emitting powerful dark flames.

“You have been initiated into our midst by the dark wizard. Your mind is full of hatred,
resentment, war and you want…power!!” Another sister said.

Voile nodded. “I promise to serve well and do my duties, assignments given to me. My loyalties are with you, Princess.” She bowed to the grave.

“Sister Voile, your first assignment. We need more sisters in our circle. In your kingdom, there are plenty of maids there. Initiate as many as possible into this coven and you will be qualified fully to be part of us.” Sapphire commanded as the leader of the dark sisters, the dark circle.

“Yes, sister Sapphire.” She bowed slightly and smirked evilly.


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