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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 7 💞 8

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{Love Like f-__-k}

Later on, Cleo and Janet both headed for the
music department.

There were many students there already, and all
of them held one instrument or the other, getting
ready for the music lessons.

Cleo went to pick up a violin, her specialty.
Janet didn’t pick any instrument, so she sighed
and put a hand in her waist.

” How are you gonna keep on doing like this? Do
you know how to play any instruments? Or you
wanna sing?” Cleo asked.

Janet was about to answer when the music
teacher came in, a female.

” Okay class. We’ll be learning how to sing
Acapella today, so prepare all your instruments
and voices for …”

She was still talking when she noticed Janet,
and she smiled slightly.

” It appears we have a new face among our
midst.” She spoke, and all eyes turned to Janet.

” Tell is your name, please.” The teacher asked.

” My name is Janet Coleman, and I’m a new
student.” Janet replued.

” Yes, we can see that since we’ve never seen
you in this school before. So, you’re in music
department? All students in this school have
one talent or the other, so you can’t just step in
here talentless. What talents do you have?” The
teacher queried all at once.

” I have all natural and artificial talents possible.
” Janet answered, and the teacher smiled

” Okay then. Will you please show us how to
work a piano?” The teacher demanded, and
Janet went to sit in front of the grand piano.

Without even wasting time, she placed all
fingers on different keys and began playing.
Everyone was immediately astonished by what
their ears heard, it was a beautiful harmony of
many nites together at once. The music was so
nostalgic that one could begin to cry

Janet continued to seize their hearts with the
piano music, amazing them more and more
over time. The teacher was already smiling so
much as she played the piano.

” Bravo! Bravo!” The teacher cried out, stopping
her from playing as she clapped loudly. Other
students joined in the clapping.

” How… How manage? How did you learn to
play a piano so impossibly? Your talent is on a
god-level, Janet.” The teacher commended,
wiping the little tears from her eyes.

” I’ve had these abilities since creation. I can
play or do almost anything, If necessary.” Janet
replied, and Cleo had to smile at this point.

” Well, you can’t just be an ordinary member of
this class. Your talent is too much to even still
be an ordinary student. I hereby declare you,
Janet Coleman, Star Student of the month!” The
teacher declared without further Ado, and the
whole students erupted into cheers for her.

The Star Student title was a really important
title, given to any student who has excelled and
has proven that their talents are being ordinary.
It’s normally given to a student after a month,
but Janet was receiving the title on her first day!

Janet stood, watching the students as they
clapped for her. Cleo smiled and came to hug
her tightly, almost crushing her infact which
was impossible.

” Janet, I’m so proud of you! Your first day here
and you already have a title! Gosh you’re on fire
today! Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” Cleo gushed excitedly,
hugging her again.

At that time, Melody came in with Violet. Both of
them were wondering and looking confused
when they witnessed them cheering for Janet.

” What’s going on here?” Violet muttered.

” I don’t know. Let’s go in.” Melody stated by the
door, and they both walked in.

” What’s happening here?” Melody asked when
she got to them, and all the cheering seized

” We’re celebrating, so why don’t you carry your
useless butt out of here?” Cleo spat, rolling eyes.

” You have no right to tell me what to do,
because I can make sure you get expelled right
away.” Melody retorted.

” Like when your boyfriend tried to expel Janet
too? But look! She’s still here!” Cleo mocked her
and laughed. Melody glared and clenched her

” One of your students, a new student in fact
just got her Star Student award. Isn’t that
fantastic?” The teacher said to Melody, and her
eyes and jaw fell out in shock.

Violet was also shocked too, looking with wide

” What?” Melody muttered surprisingly.

” Yes! She’s now the Star Student of the month,
right on her first day! In your face!” Cleo said
and laughed again. Melody’s eyes travelled to
the ground without blinking, still in shock.

” But… I’m the Star Student of the month. You all
know I’m still the Star Student of the month,

” You were the Star Student of the month. Say
hello to the new Star Student!” Cleo said and
went to Janet, whooping loudly.

Everyone exited the class with Janet after that,
leaving Melody to wallow in her state of
disbelief. She turned to Violet and started to
laugh, an insane wicked laugh.

” Can you see? Are you seeing what’s
happening? She had the guts to push me down..
. And now she wasn’t to snatch my Star Student
title? Wow.” Melody muttered and laughed

” But how come? I thought they were given only
at the end of each month.” Violet muttered.

” And despite that, they decided to give her
before the end of the month. This girl is playing
with her life, I swear. She doesn’t now what shes
doing.” Melody said.

” Should we go ahead to prank her?” Violet

” No, hold the prank. I’ll deal with that little butch
myself. She better hand me back that title, or
things are gonna get bloody.” Melody muttered

As soon as Janet got out into the hallway, she
got flooded by a crowd of students
immediately, blocking her way.

” Janet! I love you so much!”

” You’re my role model! I wanna be like you!”

” I want your autograph! You look stunning!”

” I love your hair!”

” Please be my best friend!”

” Janet, notice me!”

Students shouted insanely at her, just wanting
to get her attention.

Imagine, just a few minutes ago, she entered the
school and they all acted like she was invisible.
Now, those same students were worshipped her
with praises?

The students kept on bombarding her, and Cleo
had to drag her out of their midst to rescue her.
They both went away quietly from there so the
students didn’t know where they went to.

They both stopped in front of a class room, with
Cleo panting slightly.

” Wow! How did news of your Star Student title
travel so fast?” She wondered, facing Janet.

” I have no information about that.” Janet
replued, and Cleo creased up her face

Ever since she’s met this girl, she’s been acting
or speaking so formally. Again, she even had no
expressions on her face, which seemed too
strange to even be human.

” Janet, what’s wrong with you? I mean, is there
something going on with you that I don’t know?
Because you’ve been acting kinda…” Cleo

” I don’t understand you, Cleopatra.” Janet said.

” Call me Cleo, please. I h@ťě my full name.” Cleo
demanded, and Janet nodded, still with that
blank expression.

” I know that even a normal person cant stay so
reactionless for long. Is there something
happening to you that I don’t know? You know
you can tell me, right?” Cleo inquired curiously.

Janet almost responded when Platinum Boys
walked their way, and she froze on seeing a
particular member, Mario.

They didn’t notice them though, so they just
walked past the two girls. Cleo continued to
stare at Mario even till he was gone. She was
panting abnormally and her heart was making
crazy beats. Janet noticed this and wondered
why she acted like that.

” Cleo, are you okay?” She said to Cleo while she
continued staring at Mario’s backside, and she
held her chest.

” Yeah, I’m fine. It’s nothing.” Cleo mentioned
and turned to Janet.

Janet could still see the look on her face. She
had a crush on Mario, and it was showing
evidently in her reaction. Janet just wondered
how it felt to have a crush on someone.

” You said you are okay, but your expression
says otherwise.” Janet said again.

” Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Cleo said and smiled just
to dodge the question.


Melody later went to the Platinum estate, a
separate building beside the school specially
dedicated to the Platinum members.

She entered the estate with Violet, going straight
Rocky’s room. She entered and met him there,
but he was shirtless and lying in the bed when
they appeared.

He sat up on the bed with his bare upper body,
and Melody walked to him.

” What’s the matter? You even came with your
friend?” Rocky said, obviously uncomfortable
with Violet’s presence.

” I only escorted your girlfriend here, so beat it.”
Violet replied arrogantly and flaunted her hair,
then Melody sat beside him, wrapping her arms
around his chest and she placed her head there.

” Rocky, something happened again, and it’s
with that new girl.” Melody complained.

” But I thought I told that Ɓîtçh to get out of this
school. She’s still here?” Rocky asked, getting

” Yes. She even collected my Star Student title
from me. I deserve that title and I’ve been
holding it for five good years consecutively. She
just came in one day and snatched it from me.”
She said, burying her face into his chest as she
started shedding tears.

Rocky became completely angry, breathing and
looking with anger. He turned to the door that
Violet stood beside, glaring at it.

” Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this.” He promised
without looking away from the door.


Rocky came out of the estate into the school,
dressed into a different outfit. He walked
through the hallway with pride while Melody
stayed beside him. Violet had gone her way
long ago.

They kept on walking and dominating the air
with their attitude. Soon enough, they came
across Janet who was coming with Cleo. Both
parties stopped and looked at themselves.

” So, you had the guts to claim a title that isn’t
yours, and you even went ahead to slap her?”
Rocky said and students gasped, surrounding
them all immediately.

” What?” Cleo exclaimed.

” I am innocent of the accusations you’re
placing against me. Please don’t accuse me of
a deed what I never commited.” Janet said, and
Rocky scoffed.

” You’ll be on your knees begging soon after I’m
done with you. Come meet me at the cafeteria,
right now.” Rocky ordered, and walked out on
them with Melody.

Melody turned back and gave Janet a mean

” Come on, let’s go now.” Cleo said, and they
both went to the cafeteria.

When they got there, they met Rocky sitting on a
table with a cold-blooded look while Melody sat
on a chair beside him, still glaring meanly at

Everywhere was so quiet at this moment. The
air was suspenseful too as the students around
were wondering what would happen next.

” Will you keep in standing there so that I’ll meet
you or what?” Rocky told, and Cleo glared at
him from afar, getting pissed off.

They both went to stand in front of Rocky, with
Janet directly in front of him.

” Kneel down, and lick Melody’s shoes.” Rocky
demanded, and Cleo’s eyes widened while
Janet’s face remained expressionless.

” I won’t bend down to lick somebody’s shoes,
because it’s unhealthy, and you also have no
right to command me.” Janet replied, wowing
everyone with her response.

” So that’s how you wanna play it, right? Fine.
You’ll lick her shoes and apologise to her right
now whether you like it or not, and you’ll also do
wh@ťěver I tell yiu to do for a while week as your
punishment.” He stated grimly.

” My punishment for what offence?” Janet

” For stealing my girlfriend’s rightful title. You
have no right to…”

” So, she has no right to be better than your
smelly girlfriend?” Cleo spat, and Rocky’s lips
froze, turning to her.

Melody also sprang up.

” What did you just say? You called me smelly?”
Melody said unbelievably.

” Yes, because you’re smelly with disgust and
abomination. Janet never stole that title, she
earned it because she’s better than you in music
class. You’ve been with the title for five years,
but that doesn’t mean you should feel high and
mighty because someone else has claimed your
title, so cool down with your arrogance.” Cleo
came back at her, ruining her pride completely.

Melody couldn’t help but boil on a spot with
anger. She soon bursted into fake tears and
collapsed on the chair beside Rocky, covering
her face as she cried pretentiously.

” Okay, that’s it. Now you’re getting expelled
along with her, unless you apologize to her
instantly.” Rocky ordered and stood on his feet.

Cleo smirked and stepped closer to his face,
making sure that a tiny gap was left between
them. Rocky stayed still, looking back coldly at

” Make me.” She dared him and stepped back,
and Rocky couldn’t help but clench his fists. He
turned to Janet afterwards, ignoring Cleo.

” Kneel down and lick her shoes right now and
do wh@ťěver I tell you to do for a week, or I’ll get
you expelled for sure.” Rocky growled.

Janet was double-crossed, at a dead end. If she
refused to do what he said, she’ll get expelled.
She also didn’t want to do something she was
forced to do, so what was she going to do?

Cleo stepped in front of Janet, blocking her
from Rocky.

” Janet is better and talented than you in a
million ways, and that’s why you’re doing all
this. You’re only doing all this because you now
that Janet is also better than you, right?” Cleo
mentioned, causing the students around to

Rocky’s eyes also went wide a little, but he
returned it to the cold look he had.

” That’s impossible. No one can be better than
me in this school, I’m like the god of all talents
here. There’s nobody, boy a single soul that can
ever be better than me.” He bragged and Cleo

Then show us. Show this entire school that
you’re still the talent god you calling to be. Show
every single one of us here that you aren’t doing
all this because you’re jealous of Janet.” Cleo
challenged him, and the students gasped

” I can never be jealous of a low-life like her.
How could she ever possibly be better than
me?” Rocky muttered.

” Then show it, and brag less with our mouth.
Have a challenge with her, a quizzical
challenge. Unless you’re too scared to do so.”
Cleo said.

Rocky became quiet, looking around the
cafeteria. He also looked at Melody who as still
shedding unreal tears, then he turned to Janet.

” We’re having a challenge then, tomorrow in
this same cafeteria. If I win, you’ll do wh@ťěver I
tell you to do for a while month. But if you win,
you can stay in this school.” Rocky said.

As soon as he said it, Cleo left the cafeteria with
Janet. They later stopped walking out and
Janet turned to her.

” Thank you, Cleopatra. You really stood up for
me and saved me from getting expelled. I am so
grateful to you.” Janet thanked her, and Cleo

” Do you know a way you can really thank me?
By being at a clubhouse with me tonight, 9pm.”
Cleo replied.

” What’s… A clubhouse?” Janet asked, and
Cleo’s eyes widened.

” You don’t know what a clubhouse is? When
were you born, this year?” Cleo joked and
laughed heartily .

” I wasn’t born, I was made by humans.” Janet
said, and Cleo’s ribs cracked even more with
harder laughter.

” You’ve got to be kidding me! Such a
comedian!” She spoke amidst laughter.

” I’m not joking, Cleopatra. I’m speaking the
truth.” Janet mentioned, and Cleo gradually
stopped laughing.

” You really take this joke thing seriously. But
tell you what? Are you going to be at a club with
me tonight?” She asked.

” I will come as long as I have permission to.”
She replied, and Cleo squealed, jumping happily.

” Finally, a real friend!” She said and hugged
Janet dearly. Janet tom a while before
reciprocating the hug, and s Cleo broke it.

” Sydney Avenue, 3rd block from Greenwood
Street is my address. I’ll be expected you there,
and good luck with your challenge with Rocky.”
Cleo uttered.

” Thak you Cleopatra, I wish you good luck too.”
Janet replied.

” Cleo. Just call me Cleo.” Cleo replied, and she
went off on her way.

Janet also walked away, reminiscing over
everything that happened. She walked past
Mario who was watching her the whole while,
but she didn’t even notice him.

” She’s so beautiful.” Mario muttered and smiled
cutely while watching her walk away. ” I love
that girl like f-__-k.” He muttered.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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