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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 47 💞 48 {FINALE}

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.



It’s has sadly been ten years since the explosion at the military prison happened.

Gladly, everyone has moved on from the sad memories, but unfortunately they can never be forgotten.

Most of the students attending Ultra Minds Academy are now graduates. Some are married, some already have kids, some are employees, some have their own companies while some are still jobless, single, poor or now criminals.

It was morning. Cleo and Mario planned to visit Disneyland for their child’s birthday, Crystal. Crystal was a jovial, loving and cute 6 year-old girl.

The family of three were smiling as they arrived at Disneyland. Mario lifted Crystal in his arms as she laughed playfully.

” We’re now at Disneyland Crystal. What do you want first?” He asked.

” I wanna ride the merry-go-round with you and mommy.” She spoke in her adorable voice.

” We’ll go ride after we eat first. I’m starving.” Cleo said, rubbing her empty belly.

” Then lets get some ice cream, banana flavour.” Mario suggested.

” Yay! Ice cream!” Crystal celebrated.

They went to get some ice cream from a nearby ice cream cart. As the family got their ice cream cones, Shady and Flash happened to be approaching the cart.

” I really love purple grape flavoured ice cream, and that’s because they’re purple, my favorite colour.” She said.

” I’ll rather go with blueberry.” Flash retorted.

” Blueberry? I’m allergic to those. Go with my colour and order purple Grape ice cream.” Shady protested.

” But I’ve been having blueberry ice cream just fine my entire life. It’s the only flavour I like.” Flash explained.

” But seeing blueberry ice cream in your hand could trigger my allergies. You don’t want me to get sick, do you?” Shady asked.

” Of course I want you to be sick. Then you won’t have to lift a single muscle, and I’ll be there to take care of you 24/7.” Flash said jokingly and laughed, and Shady punched his arm slightly.

” Psycho.” She smiled.

They finally arrived at the cart. As they were about to order their flavours, the two parties saw each other and gasped.

They were lost staring at each other in shock. They hadn’t seen each other in ten whole years, so it was bound to happen.

By the time they got over their shock, they all screamed and ran yo hug themselves, feeling so happy at last.

” OMG! It’s so great to see you again!” Shady gushed.

” Same here baby! You both have changed so much! I can’t believe this!” Cleo responded joyously.

Mario dropped Crystal to hug Flash for a while. Little Crystal latched herself to her father’s leg, then they broke the hug.

” It’s been so long bro.” Mario said with a smile.

” I won’t lie, but I wouldn’t stop thinking about you and Cleo ever since we seprated.” Flash said, and Mario chuckled.

Flash and Shady looked at Crystal at the same time, causing her to feel more shy and she hid behind Mario’s leg even more.

” Daddy, who are they?” She asked, and Mario lifted her into hus arms as Cleo came closer.

” They’re long-lost friends baby. Say hello to Shady and Flash, she’s like your aunty and he’s like your uncle. I know you’ll love them.” Cleo said.

” Wait… She’s your daughter? Like for real?” Shady gasped.

” Yeah. She’s six years old now.” Mario replied.

” For how long has this been going on?” Flash also exclaimed.

” Hi Crystal.” Shady greeted her and held her little hand.

Crystal didn’t refuse her. She even smiled at Shady.

” Hi Aunt Shady.” She replied.

” She’s a really smart one.” Shady complimented, causing them all to laugh.

” So, what brought you to Disneyland?” Cleo asked.

” We came here to celebrate our anniversary.” Shady smiled and held Flash, then she lifted her left hand to them.

There was literally an expensive looking diamond ring there. It looked so beautiful on her.

” OMG! I love it!” Cleo gushed and held the finger to admire the ring more.

” Congratulations.” Mario said.

” That looks pretty. Can I have it?” Crystal asked.

” Sure. Why not?” Shady removed the ring and grabbed Crystal’s right hand finger to put it there.

It wasn’t her size because her finger was small.

” You love it, don’t you?” Shady asked.

” It doesn’t fit. You can have it back.” Crystal removed it and gave it to her.

” We were gonna need it back anyways.” Flash said, and he laughed with Shady.

” And what brought you two here?” Flash asked.

” We came here to celebrate Crystal’s birthday. She’s the one who suggested coming here.” Mario replied.

” Disneyland is the best!” Crystal raised both arms in the air, and they all laughed.

” It’s been so long.” Shady said.

” Yeah. So, when are you gonna have your baby?” Cleo mentioned.

” Cleo.” Mario cautioned quietly.

” Actually, I’m three weeks gone.” Shady answered and touched her belly.

” OMG! You’re gonna be a mom!” Cleo gushed, going to stand beside her.

” Yunno, she’s a noisy one in bed. The first time I go in, she has already woken the whole neighbourhood with her screaming.” Flash said, and Shady’s eyes went wide as her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

” Flash!” She shouted, and Cleo laughed.

” Shady’s even quiet. If I start with Cleo, she’ll scream till I become deaf. She’ll be all like… ‘Oh Mario!, don’t stop! More baby, more!'” He imitated her Mõ@ɲing noises, and Flash bursted into laughter, almost dying.

Cleo glared at Mario like she was gonna ki|| him. Crystal found Flash’s laughing so contagious that she began laughing too.

” Let’s plan a prank with these two. They’re gonna regret this.” Cleo whispered to Shady.

” Oh, it’s on.” Shady agreed.

Cleo suddenly remembered something, causing her countenance to change quickly. Shady noticed this and became concerned.

” Is everything okay?” She asked.

” It’s… Janet.” She replied, looking downcast.

Shady’s countenance got affected too, and she became sad.

” It was tragic to lose them both, Rocky and Janet. ” Shady said.

” I know.” Cleo said sadly.

They both hugged it out to relief themselves of the pain from the memory.

The two parties spend the rest of their time talking and reminiscing over their past experiences since the last ten years. They also had a lot of fun at Disneyland and celebrated both Crystal’s birthday and Shady & Flash’s anniversary together. They had quite the time and experience of their lives.


The hut was placed in the forest, but instead of it to look dark, There were lights hanging around despite the fact that it got abandoned for years.

The only person present stepped out of the hut, hiding his face under a black hat. He also had a tuxedo on.

Guess who it was?

The guy removed his hat and looked up, allowing the lights to illuminate his face. He turned out to be none other than… Rocky.

Yes. He actually survived that explosion, but not without sustaining severe injuries. It took him a while to recover but… Here he was after ten years, looking hale and hearty.

He revealed a red rose in his hand and took some steps forward. He stopped right in front of a grave and dropped the rose on it.

It was Janet’s grave.

After the fire died down, her remaining ashes were packed into a coffin and buried here.

She might not be human, but she deserved as much respect as any other good human could get.

There were other flowers on the grave from other friends that still loved Janet. Rocky visited her grave everyday just to keep her company, so she won’t feel lonely.

He could never move on from her. He loved her with his whole heart so much that he was ready to die with her. But as fate had it, she died without him.

He fell on his knees in front of her grave. He couldn’t hold back his tears and began crying, resting on her grave headstone.

” I miss you so much my love. I miss you.” He cried sorrowfully.

Some steps approached him, making him look up. Surprisingly, he saw Dr. Mark and Beatrice coming, holding red roses in hand.

He wiped off his tears and stood from the grave, actually giving them some space. They came to the grave and dropped their flowers.

” She just wanted to live a normal life. I tried my best, honestly. I really didn’t mean for her to go liké that. I’m so sorry.” Dr. Mark apologized, though he wasn’t shedding a single tear.

” I understand.” Rocky said.

” I’m also sorry for acting like a stupid fool. I realized my mistakes over the years, and I feel really sorry for Janet. I hope you can forgive me.” Beatrice apologized too.

She was now a more mature girl, 19 yeas old to be precise. She looked more beautiful and changed, but Rocky could still recognize her.

” I forgive you. I’ve forgiven you since a long time ago.” He said, and Beatrice came to hug him, he reciprocated it.

He felt arms wrap around him from behind, and thought that it was Dr. Mark, so he didn’t move. He stayed still in their arms.

” I hope you didn’t cry too much.” A different voice spoke, and Rocky’s eyes went wider than wide on its extreme familiarity.

It was a feminine voice, a voice that always made his heart race, a voice that always made him smile, a voice that he could never forget even in a million years.

He broke the hug with Beatrice and slowly turned to the person at his back. His eyes met with hers, and he stared like she was a ghost.

After ten long years, she was finally back. She was finally standing right in front of him, looking prettier than before.

She had a smile on.

” Missed me?” Janet spoke, but Rocky remained frozen in her arms.

He finally overcame the shock and hugged her deeply, so tight that he could almost choked her. He released sighs of relief repeatedly, overwhelmed with various emotions as he didn’t even care whether it was really her or not.

He started to cry emotionally, remembering all the years he spent without her. She was finally here with him once more.

He broke the hug and palmed her face, scanning it more carefully. It was really her, he wasn’t mistaken.

” But… How?” He asked with tears on his face.

” My Dad rebuilt me.” She smiled, and he turned back to him as he had a smile on as well.

” She has been with me for months now. I realised that I still had her memory files, so I started to rebuild her back as an android. I was able to still replicate some of her good features, so she’s almost still th same Janet you know.” Dr. Mark explained.

” Thank you. Thank you so much!” Rocky ran and hugged him tight, like he would hug his own father.

” It’s alright.” Dr. Mark hugged him back.

He broke the hug to meet Janet again. As soon as he did, he bent her over in his arms and kissed her deeply, closing his eyes.

She closed her eyes and held his face, surrendering herself into the kiss. It has been ten long years since they last had one, so it’s bound to be long.

They felt so alive in the kiss. Their past emotions for each other for reawakened as their bodies felt hot for each other.

Their minds were filled with nothing but themselves. Their hearts reconnected once more as their feelings burnt bright in flames.

Janet stood back up, not breaking the kiss as she held Rocky’s face closer to devour him. His hands went to her hips, palming her butt in a romantic manner.

They’ve forgotten about everything around them. They felt teleported to a new world, a new world where they’re the only ones in it.

They finally broke the kiss ayer a long while, looking wistfully at themselves with lovely emotions. Their foreheads touched and they smiled at each other.

” I never stopped thinking about you. Not a single day passed without me thinking about you. I was so heartbroken as in f-__-k, I really thought you were gone forever.” He confessed.

” I was also sad about the explosion. My mind wasn’t straight, it was as if I was programmed to self-destruct.” She confessed.

He interlocked their pinky fingers together.

” Let’s make a swear, starting from today henceforth. No matter what we go through, we’ll go through it together. If anything happens to you, it happens to me to. Got it?”

” Pinky swear.” She answered, and they hugged.

Emotions get out of hand sometimes. Some people don’t wanna feel it, but as for Janet, it’s a wish come true.


How was the ending? Tragic or Ecstastic?

To think some of you really thought they were gone 😂

Who’s your favorite character?

Most h@ťěd character?

Who’s your favorite couple? ❤️‍🔥

Saddest scene? 😭

Happiest scene? 😁

What will you miss the most from this story 🥺

Please say a thing or two about the story, please 🥺💖

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