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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 41 & 42

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 41 💞 42

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{Say Your Last Words}

She smiled, still watching the burning flames in front of her.

Out of nowhere, Melody entered the forest and saw the burning flames, and also Janet looking at it. Janet didn’t know about her presence and she began tiptoeing to her back.

She pulled out the magnetic rod and sighed. Even in her sigh, you could hear that she was dead scared.

Without wasting time, she raised the stick and hit it on one of Janet’s tentacles, pressing it as if to really electrocute her, but nothing happened.

Janet felt something and turned back only to see Melody. Melody dropped the stick with wide eyes upon seeing her broken face.

She started panting and immediately turned around to start running away. She hadn’t taken many steps when Janet hooked the fabric on her neck and lifted her off the ground.

” Aaarrrgh! Help me!” Melody screamed, kicking the air with lots of efforts.

Janet smirked like she was about to do something truly evil. She only watched as Melody kept on struggling.

She turned her other tentacle into something like a plunger and brought it to Melody’s stomach. Melody froze on feeling the cold thing press against her skin.

Janet began to suck the contents out of Melody’s stomach. Melody’s eyes and mouth remained wide without making a single sound, and it was scary.

After a while, the skin on Melody’s stomach fell off and got attached to the plunger when Janet pulled it out. Her intestines and guts came along with it and fell to the ground.

Like that, Melody dropped dead with her eyes and mouth still open. Janet dropped her body and began to walk somewhere else.

Violet palmed her mouth, watching through the branches with tears on her face. Her friend just got ki||ed, and she witnessed it all.


Cleo and Mario were currently rushing to their school in full speed. They were using Cleo’s car to drive.

They got to the school minutes after and met a crowd of reporters, policemen and even soldiers in front. There were caution rapes drawn at the front of the school entrance, and it was being guarded.

” So, the news was true? The news was actually real?” Mario panted despite sitting in a car to get here. He was even sweating despite the cold night breeze blowing.

They came here together after they saw the news about a terminator ki||ing students and terrorizing the forest. Janet’s face was captured and put on screen, and they just knew it was her.

Cleo past the crowd and tried to enter the school, but there was no way in. The guards were really blocking the way.

” Please, just let me in. Let me get in there! It’s important!” She told them, but her pleas fell om deaf ears.

She even became the centre of attraction as all the reporters turned their mics, lights and cameras to her.

” Cleo, please just stop. You’re creating attention.” Mario said and pulled her away.

” I just need to get in there! Let me go!” Cleo screamed adamantly, already tearing up.

Mario only let her go when he pulled her far away enough, and she stopped trying to go to the school and stared at it. She bursted into tears and hugged Mario, holding his shirt tight at the front.

Mario hugged her back tightly and rested his head on hers.

” Cleo, did you know your friend was a terminator?” He asked, and she broke the hug to look at his face.

” Yes.” She said with tears.

” But, why didn’t you tell me? You knew that she was not even a real human and you kept it from me. Did you really think that I can’t keep secrets that much?” He asked with all seriousness.

” I… I didn’t mean to keep anything from you. It’s just…”

” Shhh.” He said softly and placed a finger on her lips, shutting her up.

They stayed like that for a while until they heard ambulance sirens from a distance, and they turned.

Some students’ corpses were being wheeled into the ambulance vehicle on a stretcher with white clothes covering their entire bodies, and some were even stained with blood. But only one student’s face was left uncovered, Rocky!

” Rocky!” They both chorused and raced all their way to the ambulance.

The paramedics wheeling him in stopped when they saw them coming, and they stood beside his stretcher. He was bleeding from the stomach with eyes closed.

Despite the pain he was in, he managed open his eyes and saw them.

” Mario… Cleo…” He muttered.

Mario bent lower to his stretcher and held Rocky’s hand caringly. Worry was on his face.

” Rocky, what happened to you? Tell me why you’re bleeding? You’re f-__-kin’ bleeding dude!” Mario said, almost yelling.

” Where’s… Where’s Janet?” He asked.

” We don’t know where Janet is. But you might not be happy to know what she really is.” Mario said.

” What? Where is she? Is she alright? Did something happen to her?” Rocky asked, lifting his back off the stretcher a bit.

” We don’t know, but we’re gonna find her.” Cleo assured.

Mario left Rocky’s hand, and the paramedics wheeled him into the ambulance, taking him out of sight.

” Let’s go.” He told Cleo, and they both rushed to her car, driving off.


Brayden easily draged out Dr. Mark and Beatrice who’s arms were tied behind their backs. He threw them farther from the house so easily and held each of their heads, making them face their house.

” Now, watch what happens to your house after your android daughter messes with the wrong agency.” He said and left their heads to look at a special wristwatch on his hand.

He pressed a button on it, and the r house exploded in the next second, going up in a massive pile of flames and rubble.

” Noooo!” Beatrice and Dr. Mark shouted after witnessing their only home get destructed.

” Now, it’s gonna be your turn if your daughter doesn’t turn herself over to the agency.” He told them from their backs and cackled evilly.

” You’ll regret this you monster!” Dr. Mark roared at him.

Brayden placed pressed an ear pod in his ear, trying to contact Ms. Yasmin. No matter how many times he tried, he couldn’t reach her. There was no signal.

” What’s going on?” He questioned himself.

The house kept on burning to crumbles, brightening up the street with its bright flames.

Some twigs snapped behind Brayden, and then en rustling of leaves. Brayden turned back to the forest at the other end of the street, sensing someone approaching.

” Who’s there?” He asked, but no response.

More twigs kept snapping and the leaves kept rustling, getting louder as the figure approached. The trees were even falling down like they were getting cut down.

Janet emerged from the forest, positioning her tentacles on the ground as she saw Brayden. Brayden was a bit shocked by her new look, but he wasn’t scared.

Dr. Mark and Beatrice turned back too, only to see Janet. Their eyes widened in horror and disbelief.

” Janet.” Dr. Mark muttered.

Red circles were showing on their faces in Janet’s vision, indicating that they were thr_@ts. Janet started moving forward to destroy them.

Brayden also came forward, and he stretched out his palm as a giant sword came out of it. He stretched out his other palm and did the same, then he hit the swords against themselves twice.

He reached Janet and grunted powerfully, then he slashed the two swords at her. The swords met her tentacles and cut them off instantly, and she landed on the ground.

She stood up, left with her other two tentacles above her head. Brayden tried to cut off her head when Janet easily caught them in her palm and kicked his chest. He flew away from her and the swords got pulled out of his palms, which was very painful.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” Brayden screamed as blood came out of his hands.

Janet jumped into the air and landed right in front of him, startling him for a moment. He staggered to his feet and stepped back, trying to unlock another weapon from his android parts.

He was able to produce some electricity from his bloody hands, and shot a large ball of electricity at Janet. Janet dodged it and came closer to him, but he kept on $h00ting at her.

She dodged all the balls easily till she fot close enough to him and grabbed his neck. She lifted him off the ground and he choked against the hard pressure she used in holding his neck.

” Please… Stop… Please stop…” Brayden begged, literally dying slowly from her grip.

Janet remembered the heartbreak he gave her when he claimed to be a spy form SpiderWall. He didn’t even love her, he just toyed with her heart. Now he wants her to stop?

No. She’ll never stop. She must keep on going till she’s done with the purpose she was made for.

The red spider at the back of her neck sizzled and glowed brighter. Her anger grew even more, and her eyes turned purple.

She began to squeeze life out of his neck. His eyes rolled back and he gagged, trying to breath.

He later stopped moving and breathed his last, dropping dead in her hands. She dropped his useless body and turned to Dr. Mark and Beatrice.

Beatrice was looking traumatized. She had to witness their house getting blown up, and now a murder.

They both watched as Janet began walking towards them. Personally, Janet decided to approach Beatrice first, stopping in front of her.

Beatrice began to cry. Janet raised her upper tentacles and brought it down fastly on her.

” Nooooo!” Beatrice screamed and closed her eyes, and a cut was heard next.

Dr. Mark was looking at Beatrice without a word. Janet didn’t harm her, instead she cut the ropes behind her back and she was now free.

Janet turned her back on Beatrice for a while. Thinking she was safe, she shifted to her father and made to hug him.

Before she could, Janet turned back again and turned her tentacles into machine guns. She first began $h00ting at the ground and tracing it to Beatrice, who took and started running before the bullets could hit her.

” Janet, no! That’s your sister!” Dr. Mark shouted, and Janet stopped for a moment to look at him.

” She has never been a true sister to me. She has always h@ťěd me her whole life even after I saved her from death. She must now die since she knows my secret, including you. I promise, none of this is personal.” She said in her robot voice.

Dr. Mark stared at her speechlessly. Obviously, she has lost it.

Janet pointed the machine guns at him and made to $h00t him when Cleo and Mario arrived in a car.

Janet stopped, and they quickly rushed out, running to her.

” Janet!” Cleo screamed from a distance.

Janet pointed her machine guns at her, and she froze. Mario was still coming behind her when he saw what was about to happen.

” Janet, no!” He shouted and ran faster.

Janet started $h00ting at Cleo, and Cleo closed her eyes, expecting the bullets. Mario got to her and pushed her out of harm’s way.

He was unlucky because he got hit on the shoulder, and he yelled out painfully.

” Mario!” Cleo screamed.

Janet kept on $h00ting at them. They both hurriedly got up from the ground and ran off for their dear lives.

Janet stopped $h00ting after they left and returned the machine guns to tentacles. She then faced Dr. Mark with that soulless, expressionless eyes of hers.

She then turned to Beatrice who was on the ground. She dug her tentacles into the ground and sent electric currents into it, which headed straight for her.

Beatrice quickly crawled out of the way before she’d get zapped. Janet got a hold of Beatrice by the neck and raised her off the ground to keep her in position.

She was about to really injure Beatrice when something unidentified blasted Janet very hard, causing her body parts to scatter around the field.

Her oil which served as blood also spilled on Beatrice’s face. She got released and fell on the ground.

Right in front of her was the top half of Janet’s body. Her right arm was gone, her two legs were completely gone too and her tentacles were missing. Black oil was all over her body, she looked so disgusting, terrible and pitiful.

Beatrice put her hands over her mouth with wide eyes. Janet was looking even horrible than before, even worse!

Dr. Mark quickly came to cover her while staring at Janet. The pity in his eyes was so immeasurable that tears fell right out.

The person… The culprit who shot a large cannon ball at Janet which caused het to look like that stepped forward, turning out to he no other than Violet.

She held the cannon gun in her hand and faced it at Janet, looking so merciless.

” Say your last words, android.” She spat without mercy.

Even with a cannon gun right on her face, the next thing that Janet did was to pull out a smile, a cunning smile.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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