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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 39 & 40

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 39 💞 40

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{The Beginning of The End}

Shady kept kicking that same nose of Melody till she was sure it was broken. Melody was crying and screaming, but she didn’t take any pity on her.

” You bastard. Isn’t it your Ɓîtçhy mother that sent some thugs to ki|| me? She ki||ed my father first, but now she’s after my own life! You both should just die!!!” Shady screamed in anger, kicking her again.

That kick sent her rolling till she hit one of the walls with her back, and she groaned painfully.

” I know nothing about that, I swear! Please stop!” Melody cried out.

By this time, many students were recording the scene already. They captured everything.

Shady made to punch Melody in the face when Flash held her arm from behind, and she stopped.

” That’s enough. Don’t take laws into your own hands, or you might end up ki||ing her.” Flash warned.

” I want to finish her off completely.” Shady said adamantly and struggled to break free from him, but it was futile.

She finally gave up and sighed out, and that was when he left her. She walked out of the school and he followed her.

” What a scene.”

” Someone better call an ambulance. Melody’s still bleeding.”

” Who cares? She deserved it anyways.”

Janet and Rocky walked in at that moment. They gasped upon seeing Melody in her bloody state.

” What happened here?” Rocky asked.

” Shady just walked in and began to beat her up. She said it was because of her mom or something.” A student explained.

Rocky and Janet exchanged questioning glances.


Dr. Mark sat in front of his computer, monitoring Janet’s system from there.

He was currently sitted in his lab alone.

He sighed when he couldn’t detect anything wrong for a while, then he stepped out of the lab.

Minutes after he left, Beatrice walked in, looking suspicious while holding a flashdrive.

She went straight to the computer and didn’t think twice before inserting the flashdrive into it.

Some strange files appeared on screen, which didn’t look good at all. She smiled mischievously to herself.

She was about to send all those bad files into Janet’s system when she heard a loud and disturbing noise from outside, and she turned back to the door worriedly.

She heard Dr. Mark shouting and having a hot argument with someone. It sounded like some uninvited guest had entered.

She turned back to the computer and quickly sent all the strange files to Janet. The send was successful, and she left the room.

The computer’s screen began beeping red afterwards.


Numerous spies from SpiderWall immediately raided the school, causing panic and distress amongst the students.

They came in armed with weapons and gadgets as the students screamed and ran back from them.

Melody was still on the ground with her broken bloody nose when she saw them, and Janet was directly facing the spies.

Ms. Yasmin stepped to their front, facing Janet with a proud smirk.

” You thought you won already? Let’s begin Part Two of this chase. I’ll give you one last chance to surrender yourself.” Ms. Yasmin ordered Janet.

The students watched confusedly as everything kept on happening.

Janeet was obviously scared of them because of the fear showing of her face, and Rocky stepped in front of her, blocking her from them.

” Janet will never surrender to be one of your toys. She’s not just a slave you think you can order around, she’s human too, with feelings. She deserves to live a happy and normal life like the rest of us.” Rocky stated.

” She’s an android that should be working for me, not living amongst ordinary humans like you.” She said.

Students gasped on hearing that she was an android. Well, the secret was out already.

The important thing now was dealing with this Ms. Yasmin and clearing her out for good.

As if to shock them more, someone emerged from Ms. Yasmin’s back and stood beside her. It turned out to be none other than Violet, Melody’s best friend.

Melody’s eyes widened on the ground. Her heart began pumping so fast that it could burst.

Janet, Rocky, as well as all other Students who knew Violet were looking shocked as well.

Violet? With Ms. Yasmin? But… How? When?

” Hey Melly. What happened to your nose?” Violet asked from the distance like nothing happened at all.

Melody gathered her strength to stand up and face Violet.

” B… But… How can you… She…” Melody stuttered unbelievably.

” I know, right? By the way, she’s my aunt. I knew she’s been working as the head of SpiderWall ever since it even existed. You just have to believe what you see.” Violet spoke.

Melody kept on standing there in shock. Ms. Yasmin turned to Janet.

” Times ticking, android. I have your family too, Brayden is in your house right now and he’s probably given them a few scratches. You better surrender if you still want to see them alive.” She said.

Janet eyes went wide in fear and worry. Rocky held her shoulders and stared deep into her eyes.

” Janet, don’t. Don’t listen to her.” He said.

The strange files that Beatrice sent finally appeared in her system. But as soon as she tried to read them, they began to corrupt her system.

The red spider at the back of her neck got activated again, and her eyes began glowing red, really bright red.

She began to see various pictures, various pictures that looked really familiar. She could see herself in each of the pictures, it seemed like her pasr memories.

She was finally regaining the memories that she lost before she got sent into space.


Janet was getting createdin a special military room located in the forest. America had just fought off the last of their enemies from Canada, and now British armies were coming for them.

They were going to create Janet as a weapon. She was the only thing that could save them from getting ki||ed.

Kyra sighed for the fiftieth time and rested after working on Janet, sweating like hell. She had dried blood on her face and military uniform.

Her friend, Sydney came in at that moment, and she looked up.

” Kyra, there’s no time. The British armies have found us already. Everyone’s moving.” Sydney announced.

Kyra instantly got up and ran out of the hideout. Truly, the other military officers were already packing up to leave, fast.

” But I’ve barely finished work on her. If she isn’t finished and the British army finds us, then we’re doomed. She’s the only thing that can rescue us.” Kyra said.

“Forget about her and focus on getting out of here. We have to return to the barracks fast because we have no weapons. If they get here and find us, we’re in danger.” Sydney spoke impatiently.

” But she’s our weapon.” Kyra said, but Sydney didn’t wait to hear her and left.

Kyra took a glance at Janet and sighed. She went to place her in a black plastic bag and carried her out of the room.

Everyone already got out and started to run. They could already hear the British vehicles getting closer.

Instead of following her fellow officers, Kyra went to the back of the hideout uncovered a large thing covered with leaves. The large thing turnedout to be a small spaceship.

Kyra placed Janet inside the spaceship.

Sydney stopped running and turned back shortly to see Kyra. She saw her still staying behind, and her eyes widened.

” Kyra!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, and the other military officers stopped.

Kyra was already panting as she heard the British officers coming closer. She already placed Janet safely in the spaceship.

She took a step back and saluted to the spaceship, then she hugged and kissed it deeply.

” I’ll never forget you.” She muttered affectionately.

She stepped back and located a large red button on the ground. She pressed it, and the spaceship took off from the ground.

It blew a lot of wind around before finally leaving the Earth, and Kyra watched it go further into the sky, not leaving her spot.

The British already found the military hideout and sent a large bomb towards it. It was coming right for Kyra too, and Sydney saw it. Her eyes widened.

” Kyra!!!” She screamed and began running to her, but that was the last time she ever saw her best friend.

The bomb landed on the hideout, and it blew up along with Kyra, going up in a large heap of flames.


” You were the reason my best friend died that day. I watched with my own two eyes as Kyra disappeared into the flames. You think it was easy to watch your own best friend die? That’s the exact reason I’m on yoúr tail. I want to destroy you for ki||ing my best friend, and also before you ki|| anyone else.” Ms. Yasmin muttered, trying to hold back her tears.

A tear fell from Janet’s eyes as she saw everything. It was just too heartbreaking and emotional for her to watch.

She closed her eyes and faced the ground. Rocky was still holding her by the shoulders.

At that moment, her military instincts came to life. She was created, trained and programmed to destroy enemies and anything that stood in her way.

She was also meant to ki|| everyone that ever knew about her Identity.

Her face lifted back up dangerously, and chilly wind blew around, making the scene even scary. The clouds outside already turned dark grey.

Janet’s eyes opened, and they were f-__-kin’ purple and dark. She looked scary and dangerous.

Her eyes first settled on Rocky, and she spread out her finger blades, then let out an evil smile.

Before Rocky could detect what was happening, she pierced them through his tummy. He gasped with his eyes wide, and his jaw dropped.

His hands slowly left her shoulders while he kept staring at her. Thick blood poured out of the side of his mouth profusely.

” No one should know my secret.” She spoke in a different robot voice, and pulled her finger blades out.

Rocky fell on the ground painfully, and his eyes closed as he bleeded from his tummy and mouth.

” Catch that android for me at all costs. If she’s too hard to capture, you can destroy her.” Ms. Yasmin spoke heartlessly.

All the spies went forward with their gadgets and weapons, but one look from Janet’s eyes caused their weapons to catch fire.

” I’m not an android…” She said, and the spies dropped their weapons as they kept on burning.

” …I’m a terminator.” She completed her sentence.

She did a front flip into the air and landed on the ground with a powerful force. The force sent everyone around her flying away.

She began to transform. Two gigantic spider-like tentacles grew out of her back and dug into the ground. They served as her new legs and lifted her body from the ground, then two more tentacles sprouted out and stayed above her head.

Ms. Yasmin’s eyes slowly widened as she witnessed the new form Janet took. She even gulped and began to tremble.

Janet pierced one of her tentacles into one of the unfortunate students around her and lifted him up. She used her other tentacle to grab and tear him apart, and everyone screamed.

She picked up another victim and did the same murder again. The others stood and began to run fastly from her.

The spies began to run away too. She slashed at them with her tentacles, and their heads fell off.

Ms. Yasmin and Violet began to run out of the school for their lives. Janet chased them out, using two of her tentacles to run.

Within seconds, she caught up with Ms. Yasmin and pierced her tentacle through her tummy from behind. She lifted her from the ground, and Violet gasped.

” Aunt Yasmin!” She shouted.

” Remember me, Violet.” Ms. Yasmin said her last words in pain.

Janet emotionlessly ripped her apart as well, and Violet cried out painfully.

Violet kept on running away from Janet, and Janet continued to chase her.

Melody stood in front of the entrance, watching as Janet chased Violet off.

She pulled out the magnetic stick from her clothes, then she ran after them.

Violet entered the forest with the deadly World War II terminator running after her.

Helicopters appeared in the sky and pointed their headlights at the top of the forest. They spotted Janet and maintained lights on her. They were military helicopters.

A bazooka was fired at her from one of the helicopters, and it on the ground close to her. It exploded in the forest immediately, causing a large amount of dust and smoke to fly up.

Violet was able to run away without getting hurt.

” It got hit! It got hit!” One of the military men shouted, and the helicopters lowered, trying to view the area clearly.

The smoke cleared, but they could see Janet protecting herself with her arms. When she looked up, half of her face was gone, so right now you could see the insides of her face. It looked as horrifying as hell.

” Holy $h|t! Fly higher!” The soldiers shouted.

Janet pointed her finger blades at one of the helicopters. The engines failed immediately, and the spinning fan stopped working. The helicopter began coming fown.

Along with its passengers, the helicopter crashed in front of her and exploded, producing bright flames of fire.

Janet smiled and watched as the fire shone on her face.

” This is just the beginning of the end.” She muttered in her robot voice.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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