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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 33 & 34

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 33 💞 34

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.



As Janet kept on coming with her finger blades
scraping the ground, Rocky had his face on the
ground. He lifted it up only to see her in her
dangerous state and shifted into the wall

Her purple eyes alone looked like they could
roast him alive.

” J… Janet?” He stuttered, and she put one of
her finger blades went under his chin, raising his
face up.

” Finish him.” The voice in her head said, and
she nodded.

Janet raised her finger blades in an attempt to
slice him when he stood up.

” Janet, stop!” He said, but it was futile.

As she was about to seriously injure him, her
system seized functioning again and her finger
blades stopped middair.

“No!” Ms. Yasmin shouted, banging the table.
There was a big screen in front of her that
allowed her to see everything Janet was seeing,
and that’s what she used to control her. The
screen was currently glitching.

” Why did she have to stop functioning at this
time!” She ranted to herself, then she stopped.

She turned back to look at Brayden who was
currently unconscious while they continued the
robot installment on him, and surprisingly, she
found herself smiling.

” Dr. Mark, just prepare for your downfall.” She
muttered and proceeded to turn the screen off,
causing her to lose control over Janet.

Janet returned to her normal self, and her eyes
turned from purple to bright blue. Her eyes went
shut too before falling to the ground.

Rocky was fast enough to catch her, but her
weight was greater than his strength, so they
both fell together on the ground with Janet’s
head on his lap.

” Janet! Janet!!” He muttered, trying to wake her
up desperately as her lids refused to open.

Janet later came back to life and opened her
eyes, then Rocky sighed with relief.

” Are you okay? He asked with a lot of concern
and affection for her as he gazed down intently
at her beautiful eyes.

” I’m fine now.” She muttered, not removing her
head from his lap.

” But Janet, you’ve been acting too differently
today. You acted badly towards your father, and
you were coming towards me with some blades
in your fingers like you wanted to decapitate
me. What’s going on?” He asked.

” I don’t know, Rocky. I don’t even have any
memory of everything you said.” She said, and
he raised his brows in confusion and disbelief.

” What do you mean you have no memory?
What about the time you spoke with your Dad?”
He inquired.

” I don’t remember seeing him today, Rocky.”
She answered, and he sighed out hotly, hugging
her head really tenderly to his chest.

” Just remain safe for me, My Love.” He said
and closed his eyes on her, and they both
maintained that position.

Janet could never detect that the Spider was at
the back of her neck because she can’t feel,
which makes it harder and more challenging for
her. She also can’t be affected by water,
whereas she’s an andriod with electricity in her
body. It’s not possible for water not to affect an
andriod, so she must definitely be something

In that case, what is she?


Shady’s mother was tucked securely under
expensive gold blankets on a rich and exotic
bed, getting fed with food from Shady who sat
beside her.

She needs all the attention, care and right
nutrition to get her strength back if she ever
wants to live a healthy life again, and that’s
everything Shady’s ready to give.

Her tattered and poor outfit was replaced with a
more decent and cleaner outfit. In short, she
was looking much more better than before.

Flash was in the living room, examining the
interior decorations of the home whilw walking
with hands in pocket. From the look on his face,
he was obviously impressed by the richness
around him.

Shady was about to feed her another spoon
when her mother refused, and she stopped the
feeding and dropped the food immediately.

” Oluwashade,” Her mother called, sounding
even stronger than before. Shady made sure to
interlock her fingers into one of her hands
before responding.

” Yes ma?” She answered.

” Tani omokunrin ti o tele e wa (Who’s the young
man that followed you)?” She asked.

” He’s a friend of mine in school. We’re just
friends, nothing else.” She said, and Her mother
smiled softly. Shady wondered what that soft
smile meant.

” Iwo sope ore le je, sugbon emi n ri nnkan min.
Eyin mejeji ni nnkan pupo se pelu ara yin, mo le
ri (You said you’re friends, but I see something
else. You both have lots of things to do with
each other, I can see).” She said, and Shady
creased her brows confusedly.

” What do you mean by all that, mom?” She

” Don’t bother. Just be closer to him.” Her
mother requested.

Shady tried her best not to roll her eyes, which
made her turn away in silence.

The smile on her mom’s face also disappeared,
and she looked sober once more.

Shady turned back to her with a slightly
emotional look, feeling so remorseful when she
remembered how she treated her mother back
then for an offence she never commited.

” I love you so much, Mother.” She spoke
affectionately, caressing their interlocked
hands. Hearing those words hit differently when
it came from her. She was so overwhelmed with
joy to hear those words that she began to cry

” I love you too, Oluwashade.” Her mother said
in English, and Shady hugged her quickly before
she could see the tears in her eyes too.

Her mother kept on crying, which eventually
made the tears in Shady’s eyes fall out, and they
both cried with so much emotions as they

After spending about 20 more minutes with her,
Shady finally left the room when her mother
slept off and came to meet Flash in the living
room. She met him still standing.

” What next?” He asked.

” I never told you to stay in my house.” She said

The tears on her face were now gone. She was
looking cold now, like she could murder

” You don’t have to tell me to wait before I do.
Also, you might need my help.” He said, but she
stared without response.

She walked away from him and went to the
kitchen, and Flash rolled his eyes unseriously.

In the next second, she flew out of the kitchen,
rushing towards the entrance door with a large,
glistening knife in hand. His eyes widened on
seeing her, and he was quick enough to stand in
her way.

” Where do you think you’re going to with that
knife?” He asked.

” I want to make that bastard pay for what she
made me do to my innocent mother. Do you
think she deserves to keep on living happily
after what she did? I wanna go and ki|| her!” She
roared heavily.

She couldn’t control her tears after that, and
they rolled down her eyes in multiple volumes.

” But still, you can’t fight fire with fire. You have
to let things go, including that knife. Get a hold
of yourself Shady.” He warned.

” Get out of my way before I do something really
crazy.” She thr_@tened, gripping the knife more
firmly as her eyes blazed with wild anger.

Flash looked away from the knife back to her
eyes, before reluctantly leaving the way for her.

Shady dashed out of the house quickly, but
Flash still followed her out.


Mario was eating silently on a table with no
girls around him as usual. The cafeteria was
silent as well, and all eyes were on him alone.
He wasn’t even eating, he just poked around the
food with a fork.

Cleo walked into the cafeteria. She noticed how
eerie and quiet it was and froze in her tracks.
She noticed that they all had eyes on Mario and
resumed walking.

She went to sit somewhere behind him and
brought out some food, then she began eating
right away.

Mario got fed up of the food and slapped it all
out of the table noisily. It caused everyone to
get startled, that even Cleo left her food and
looked up at him.

Some cleaners immediately began to take care
of the spilled food on the ground, and he stood
to leave.

His eyes met with Cleo’s a little before he’d get
to the entrance, amd he stopped walking as
their eyes remained locked.

He couldn’t handle staring at her for long and
looked away, exiting the cafeteria completely.

Cleo’s eyes returned to the food in front of her.
She suddenly lost her appetite and stood up,
exiting the cafeteria too.

She walked into the hallway and found Mario
walking off about a few feet from her, and
quickly ran to catch up with him.

Mario could hear her running to him and
stopped walking, then he turned back to her.

Cleo stopped in front of him, and they began
staring at each other yet again, feeling a whole
cluster of different enotions rush between them.

” Why did you throw off your food like that?”
She asked, not taking her eyes off for even a

” I don’t know.” He replied, and silence returned
between them.

Their hearts were beginning to beat rapidly,
going crazy around each other. None could
control their feelings as long as they were close
to each other, and that was why Mario stopped
to look at Cleo earlier.

Cleo walked closer to Mario, closing the gap
between them. She held both his arms and
came even dangerously closer to his face,
causing Mario to gulp.

His eyes went from her eyes to her lips. It was
so close that with one short move, he could
snatch and kiss them swiftly.

None of them were thinking straight right now.
They just wanted to be close to each other with
no one coming between them, and it was
currently happening.

” Were… Were you angry?” She asked, her
orange scented breath fanning his face.

” No. I wasn’t mad either.” He answered.

” Then why did you do that?” She asked.

If Cleo kept on asking him questions like this, he
knew that they could spend an hour on the
same spot ‘cos he had no answer.

” Cleo, please stop.” He said and held her face,
flashing a gentle smile.

Cleo moved her face slightly against his palm.
She felt so soft in his touch, so tender and

Their eyes returned to stare at each other again.
Before they knew it, they closed their eyes and
leaned in, and their lips met in a sweet kiss
before they could control themselves. Their first

They both opened up, allowing their tomgies to
curl up in each other’s mouths. They both tasted
so sweet that they could keep on doing this for
hours to come. None was ready to separate.

Their hearts were pounding, they were blushing,
they were feeling so good in the kiss. Nothing,
absolutely nothing could come in between

As if to prove them wrong, some footsteps
approached the hallway, bringing them back to
their senses. Their eyes widened unbelievably
and they broke the kiss fastly.

” You… You kissed me. How dare you kiss me
Mario!” Cleo muttered, wiping off the wetness
from her lips.

” You tempted me into doing it. I already told
you that we should just stay as friends, but
obviously you couldn’t control yourself around
me.” Mario blamed her too.

The footsteps kept on coming, silencing them
up, and they both turned at once to who was

Green eyes, silver hair with a black outfit that
exposed most of her body. She had beautiful
curves that could make any boy run mad over
her. She also wore expensive jewellery, looking
like a rich, pretty girl she was.

Mario squinted his eyes at her, because she
looked familiar. Even in another million years,
he could still recognize those green eyes of

His eyes widened when he got her identity, and
he couldn’t believe himself. He staggered back
like he got pushed, sweating profusely all of a

” Keith!” He gasped, and Cleo’s eyes widened as
well. Keith bit her bottom lip naughtily and
segzily, then she smiled at him.

” Hello, Mario. Long time no see.” She replied.


Shady got to Melody’s house and stepped out
of her car, still holding the knife. Mysteriously,
she had Melody’s address written on paper with
her. she got that paper from the time she beat
up Melody and Violet for disturbing her.

She looked at the house shortly before going in.
Flash arrived minutes later on foot, and saw
Shady’s car parked outside already.

” Oh no. She got here before me.” He muttered
and quickly went into the house.

For some reason, the house was dark when
Shady entered. She could still find her way
around and walked into the bedroom when she
couldn’t find anybody yet.

The bedroom wasn’t locked, so she entered
easily. The lights were on, and the splashing of
water could be heard from the bathroom.

The water stopped running, and the bathroom
door opened, revealing a pretty woman in her
early thirties having a towel wrapped decently
around her as water trailed behind her.

” Mrs. Billy?” Shady muttered, attracting her
attention. The woman’s eyes widened upon
seeing Shady, and her jaw dropped. She was too
shocked to even scream.

Her eyes darted to the knife with Shady, and her
heart began to echo loudly in her ears. She
started trembling in fear and held the bathroom
door for support without looking away.

” Is Mr. Billy around?” She asked.

” No. He went on a business trip and won’t be
back until tomorrow. But, who are you?” She
asked as her voice sounded scared as well.

” You don’t need to know my name. All you need
to know is that you’re gonna die for your sins.”
Shady said dangerously, and she gasped.

Shady looked at the knife and the sharp end
glistened in her eyes. She then looked at Mrs.
Billy and heartlessly threw the knife, aiming for
her heart.

Flash arrived on time and saw the knife going
for Mrs. Billy. He quickly jumped in the way with
the intention of catching the knife, but he
missed and the knife sunk into his heart.

He dropped on the ground heavily and sat up,
looking at Shady. Shady’s eyes widened
uncontrollably as she stared at the knife in his

Flash looked down at the knife. Blood came out
of his chest and he began bleeding. He tried to
speak, but blood gushed out of his mouth
instead, and he passed out on the ground as his
blood formed a river around him.

” Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shady screamed insanely.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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