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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 31 & 32

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 31 💞 32

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{In Danger}

They continued to stare at their lips as they
remained connected in an accidental kiss.

As soon as Shady recovered herself, she pushed
Flash off herself and they both panted heavily.

Flash made to speak, but a deafening slap met
his nose instead, causing him to bleed quickly
as he palmed it.

” You pervert!” Shady growled at him.

” How dare you accuse me of being a pervert?
You f-__-kin’ kidnap me, you put me into a car
and drive us into a tree, then we got forced to
kiss accidentally and you punch me in my ear?
You’re a freakin’ @$$h0le!” Flash barked at her.

Shady kept on panting and staring at him
murderously. She ignored him and pushed the
car door open, getting out of the car.

Flash groaned loudly stared at the blood in his
palms. He quickly got a hankie to cover his
bloody nose and left the car.

Shady gasped immediately she saw where they
were. They were standing in the bushes next to
the Marketplace right in front of them.

She ran forward fast, then Flash followed her.
She quickly ran through the market in search of
the place where her mother usually stayed.

In no time, she already got there, but she met a
horrifying scene instead and stopped running.

A few feet in front of her, her mother laid on the
ground lifelessly with blood around her.

Shady’s eyes widened uncontrollably, and she
palmed her mouth as she began trembling.

” Mother!!!” She screamed horrifiedly and ran to
her, bending to her level.

Flash just stood there and watched the scene,
trying to hide his emotions. The scene looked
really pitiful.

” Mom.” Shady muttered, lifting her lifeless head
to lay on her thighs.

She was bleeding from the nose, like she got
attacked. Shady broke down and began to cry
regretfully, clenching her fists.

Her mother’s eyelids moved slightly, shocking
Shady. She stopped crying as her mother
opened her eyes weakly and looked at her.

” O… Luwa… Shade…” Her mother called her
Yoruba name, and Shady smiled with tears on
her face, then she held her mother’s face.

” Mom, I thought something bad had happened
to you. Why are you bleeding?” Shady asked

” Shade… Jo, forijimi. Emi ko ni mo… Pa Baba
re. ( Shady, please forgive me. I’m not the one
who ki||ed your father.”) Her mother said.

” I’m the real ki||er here, mother. I finally found
out the truth. You weren’t the one who ki||ed
him, it was another woman. I’ll tell you
everything later, but first you have to be okay.”
Shady said and carried her mother up in her
arms, standing up.

She turned to Flash afterwards. She frowned
and said nothing to him, then she exited the
place. Flash stared at her back and smirked as
she left.

Realizing that he barely know his way around,
he quickly followed her not to get lost.


Dr. Mark was panting seriously as he ran across
the road on foot, determined to get to Janet’s
school at all costs.

He was scared and worried to death. Janet
meant the world to him, and he wasn’t ready to
let anything bad happen to her.

He got to the school after a while, panting
profusely as he stood at the entrance door. All
the students in the hallway turned to him and
became silent, staring awkwardly.

Janet and Rocky walked hand-in-hand across
the hallway, walking towards Dr. Mark. All the
students paced away for them like they were

Dr. Mark caught his breath and looked up, only
to see Janet coming to him. His joy knew no
bounds and his eyes widened from shock.

” Janet!” He exclaimed.

” Dad!” She exclaimed as well and ran to him.

He left his arms open for her and she ran into
them, then they hugged tightly.

” Thank goodness you’re okay.” He said and
breathed out in relief, breaking the hug.

” Janet, you are no longer safe as long as you
remain in this school. They’ve found you
already, so we have to leave. You have to be
somewhere else right now, not here at all. Come
with me.” He said and made to drag her out, but
Janet resisted and pulled away from him.

” Dad, no. I can’t leave.” She said, and he raised
his brows.

” Why?” He asked confusedly.

” She looked back and exchanged glances with
Rocky, then turned back to her father.

” Everything’s okay Dad, I’m not in danger
anymore. Even if I need protecting, Rocky will be
there for me, so you have nothing to worry
about.” She spoke confidently, like a human
teenager would speak.

” Janet, how could you say that? Why would
you place trust in someone I don’t even know?
I’m your father, and I know what’s best for you.
Come with me now as I said, and let’s leave this
school.” He ordered more sternly.

” I can’t!” She refused, and he gasped

The air was so tensed between father and
daughter that anyone who interfered could get

” What’s the matter with you, Janet? Why are
you acting like this, as if I’m a stranger to you
now? Have you changed so much within your
stay in this school that you now defy your own
father?” He accused.

Janet put her hand on her waist and gave him a
badass look.

” Maybe I have, father. Maybe I have changed.
My stay in this school has helped me become a
better person for myself, and I have learnt to act
more human. I have emotions now Dad, all
thanks to this school. On the internet, I have
learnt that it’s not always that parents have
control over their children. Someday, you won’t
be there for me anymore and I’ll eventually have
to take care of myself. Change is constant,
father. It could happen to anyone, and nothing
will stop it from happening.” She said, passing
on a passionate feeling to everyone who heard
her speech.

With that, she turned back to Rocky and went
back to him. They held hands and left Dr. Mark
standing there in shock.

Dr. Mark had never looked more confused in his
life. She needed protection, but maybe not from
him. Maybe he had to leave her to live her life
for herself.

He turned his back at the school, then he walked
out slowly.

Rocky stopped walking with Janet and turned to

” Why did you have to speak to your father that
way?” He demanded.

” I understand that he wants to protect me, but
I’m not a baby. I can take care of myself.” She
replied carelessly.

” You’re acting so inhumanely, Janet. It wasn’t
very polite to just talk to your father that way
and leave.” He said.

Melody stood from the ground, rubbing her
head. She fainted a long time ago because of
them and now she’s awake.

She looked ahead of her, only to see Rocky and
Janet together. Jealousy struck her so badly
that she felt like murdering Janet entirely.

She saw a student holding a water bottle and
snatched it from her. The girl didn’t dare to do
anything about it, and Melody began walking to

” You should also respect yourself, Mister. You
aren’t the boss of me, so quiet telling me what’s
right or wrong.” Janet argued, leaving Rocky in

She was so not herself. She kept behaving
immaturely and impolite. There was something
totally wrong with her.

” What’s wrong with…” He got off when Melody
splashed water all over Janet, and they all

Janet covered her head and stood still as water
dripped from her body. Rocky turned to Melody
with shocked eyes, and she threw the bottle at

” f-__-kin’ loser. I clearly told you to stay away
from my boyfriend!” She shouted at Janet.

” Who told you that I was still your boyfriend? I
told you that we’re done, Ɓîtçh! You cheated on
me in my own bedroom with another guy!”
Rocky yelled back at her, and everyone around

Most had gotten their phones out already,
recording the dramatic scene.

” You broke up with me, but I haven’t broken up
with you. I’ll destroy any girl that tries to get
near you!” She growled and made to slap Janet

Rocky held those hands before they could touch
Janet. He pushed Melody back and gave her a
kick too, making her collapse on the ground very

” Mind who you try to touch. She’s my girlfriend,
the only person that matters the most in the
world to me.” Rocky said, leaving the students
to gasp shockingly again.

Melody’s eyes widened extremely as she stared
at him from the ground.

Rocky faced Janet and put his arm around her
protectively, taking her away from there.

” wh-_-re!” A girl said to Melody and laughed it
off, walking away.

Melody looked at the ground shamelessly as
the other students laughed at her jointly. She
bursted into tears and hurriedly stood up,
running out of the hallway.


Cleo was sitting on the stage while Mario
walked about the room. She rolled eyes, getting
tired of his silence.

” Why did you tell me to come here with you?”
She asked.

” I wanted us to talk about our relationship. The
way we’ve been behaving to each other lately
isn’t giving me any rest of mind, so I want us to
be real with each other.” He spoke, walking to

” Fine. You talk first.” She suggested.

” Cleo… I didn’t mean all those words I said to
you at the club. I get that you can be mad at me
forever, but I don’t want you to h@ťě me. I’m not
a totally terrible person.” He said, and her face
turned guilty.

” But, how could you even be in love with me? I
thought we were just friends?” He asked and
stood akimbo.

She took a while before answering and stared at
his face. He always looked cute without even
trying, which makes her fall for him even harder.
She stopped staring and looked away.

” That’s where you’re actually wrong. I love you
because… You’re a charming guy. You’re
handsome, alluring, quite too cute for a guy.
You’re a lovable person, and that’s what makes
me trip for you without even trying. I told you
this before.” She said, and he looked down.

He came to sit beside her. They were sitting
closely, so she shifted away from him a little
and looked at his face while he kept staring

” I have never had feelings for any girl since my
first relationship. The first girl I fell in love with
was named Keith. She became my girlfriend at
first glance, my first and last. I thought I knew
Keith very well, and I thought she loved me too.
Until one day, she just called me and said that
she… Liked another guy. Like that, she dumped
me.” Mario said, and Cleo looked at him

” That was 9 years ago. I only flirt with girls just
to make me forget about her, but it’s too hard,
and impossible. I’ve never dated any girl apart
from her.” He said and looked at her, and met
her staring. Her eyes widened shortly before
looking away shyly.

” I don’t wanna hurt your feelings, but I never
loved you. I don’t think I ever will, because I can’t
stand another heartbreak.” He confessed, and
she looked at him.

” But Mario…”

” Please, let’s just remain friends. I know it could
be hard for you, but I want you to see me as a
friend from now on. Please.” He pleaded and
held her hands.

Cleo looked down at their joint hands with her
pupils shaking, then she looked back at his

” Okay.” She promised, and he let go of her with
a smile.

” I have to go now. We’ll see later.” He said and
left the room.

Cleo’s eyes stared at the ground in silence. Her
lips quivered, then she burst into tears and let
go of her emotions, crying so loudly.


Ms. Yasmin was currently in a medical room
named HOTSI, which stands for Hospitalisation
Of The Severely Injured.

Someone kept groaning from time to time
behind her. She turned back only to meet
Brayden who was strapped down to a bed,
groaning and even screaming as his broken
back gave him a painful deal.

” I still need your life, and that’s why you’re here.
I’d have ordered for a sedative to put you to
sleep and ease you of your pains, but it’ll only
make all this boring.” She said and smirked a

” Why’d you need me? What do you want me to
do?” He spoke uneasily and returned to

” Her family. They’re the most important people
in her life, right?” She said and walked to stand
beside his head, then bent low.

” I want you… To bring them to me. If they
struggle or resist, you’re free to ki|| them.” She
whispered devilishly into his ear and stood
normally while giggling.

” And… What are you gonna do to me? My back
hurts so much!” He cried out and gasped.

” I’m gonna install some robot parts into you, to
enhance your human abilities. In a nutshell, I’m
turning you into an android.” She said, and
Brayden’s eyes popped out with a gasp.

” No, no, no!” He shouted, struggling to break
free from the straps.

Almost immediately, many workers came in,
wheeling in a disassembled robot’s parts.
Brayden stared at Ms. Yasmin in horror who in
turn gave an evil smirk.

” You’ll pay for this, Ɓîtçh!” He cursed.

” But it’s for your own good.” She replied and
laughed wickedly.

The workers surrounded him, blocking his sight
from Ms. Yasmin. After a couple of minutes,
they began work on him to install the parts into
his body.

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” An agonizing
scream escaped his throat, reverberating all
over the underground building.


Rocky took Janet into his secret room again,
and she was currently sitting on his bed with a
white towel wrapped around her body.

Rocky sat beside her and put his arms around
her, but she immediately looked away guiltily.

” I’m so sorry, Rocky. I don’t know why I acted
like a jerk earlier.” She apologized.

” Don’t call yourself names, Janet. You have no
fault here.” He said, and she looked at him to
give out a light smile.

” But… Why aren’t you acting abnormally? If
water comes in contact with machines, aren’t
you supposed to be…” He said and paused.

” I don’t know, Rocky. I have no idea why the
water didn’t damage my system. Perhaps the
only explanation for this is that I’m waterproof. I
came from outer space in a space pod, but I
don’t know how I ended up in space in the first
place. I need to know my origin story.” She said.

Rocky smiled at her warmly, then he gave her a
sweet long kiss on her cheek.

” That’s for being okay.” He said, and she smiled
at him too.

Janet’s smile disappeared instantly, and she
began staring at him awkwardly. Rocky became

” Janet? Are you okay?” He asked, but she kept
on staring at him silently.

Her eyes glitched, giving out rainbow colours all
at once. Her eyes closed, and when she opened
them back, they were blazing purple. She started
to twitch her eye crazily too, scaring hell out of

” Janet? You’re creeping me out, please.” He
said, but he got cut short as Janet ripped the
towel off her body and carried him off the bed,
then she threw him against the wall.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” Rocky groaned agonizingly
and fell flatly to the ground.

Janet stood from the bed and took suspenseful
steps towards Rocky. A creepy smile came over
her lips, and she spread out both of her palms,
growing out finger blades.

” Keep on going. ki|| him.” The voice in her head
said, and she nodded obediently.

Her finger blades went to the ground and began
scraping it as she kept on walking dangerously
to Rocky.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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