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Friday, October 18, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 25 & 26

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 25 💞 26

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{The Terrible Accident}

With the way Janet looked ‘different’, even
Rocky was wondering what was up with her.
She had changed and was looking even… More
blank than she used to look.

His words had changed her completely. She
couldn’t think smartly anymore cos her
computer side had shut down. He ki||ed her
innocent will of feeling emotions entirely. Now…
All she felt was emptiness. Nothing.

Janet faced the door and began to walk out as
slowly as ever. Rocky just watched her till she
left the door, then he decided to follow her.

As soon as she got out, she met Brayden.
Brayden was so happy to see her that he smiled
almost immediately.

” Hey, cupcake. How are you doing?” He greeted
her and pecked her in the cheek. Rocky saw this
but didn’t react at all. He already promised
himself not to have any freakin’ d@mn feelings
for anybody.

” I’ve got a proposal, and I’m sure you’re gonna
love it.” Brayden said, but Janet stared at him
like a mindless zombie, which Brayden quickly
noticed and creased his brows.

” Janet, are you okay? You look… Different.” He
told her.

” I’m… Fine.” Janet found herself lying for the
first time.

He held her hands softly and looked directly into
her eyes. For someone who cared about her so
much, he should have noticed the change in her
eye color, but he didn’t notice anything.

” Janet Coleman… Will you go out on a date
with me? Tonight?” He proposed to her.

Janet nodded to his question, then he smiled
and hugged her warmly.

” I love you so much.” He confessed and hugged
her even tightly, which she didn’t respond to at
all, then he broke it.

” Let’s meet at the car park by 7pm, we’re going
to have our date in Club Freaky. It’s official.” He
told her and like that, he went off.

Rocky watched the whole scene till Brayden left.
For some strange reason, he was currently
beginning to feeling kinda guilty for saying all
those words to Janet. She was an android, but
not just an ordinary android. She was an
android with emotions.

He felt restless after realizing what he had done
to her internally. He would try to apologize, but
that’s something he has done to no one in his
entire life, and he’s not finding the courage to do
so right now.

She walked away afterwards, and he stared at
her back till she disappeared.

Meanwhile, Cleo had seen Brayden talking with
Janet and also heard their convo. If she wanted
to win Mario over, she could invite him on a
date too.

She quickly walked to the entrance door with the
intention of finding Mario. Coincidentally, she
met him entering the school. They immediately
stopped in front of each other.

” Sorry, but I have to go.” Mario said and walked
past her, but she quickly held his arm back, and
he looked at her.

” 1 minute, please. I won’t take much of your
time.” She pleaded and left him, then he folded
his arms.

” I was wondering, if by any chance you had
some free time tonight and…” She began, but
she was already feeling nervous. She could feel
herself sweating profusely from inside.

” Are you okay?” Mario asked when he detected
her uneasiness.

” I’m alright.” She said and laughed funnily.
Things were obviously not going great between
them because of her uncontrollable feelings
around him.

” Would you go out on a … Date? With… Me?”
She finally asked and looked down. She could
feel her heartbeats racing and her eyes were
wide as she couldn’t believe she just said that to
her crush.

Mario placed his finger under her chin and lifted
it up, causing her eyes to widen as they directly
met with his. His touch was already driving her

He left her chin and held her hands. They’ve
never been this close apart from the time he
rescued her from Rocky. Her heart was almost

” Remember that I told you, you owed me a
favour, right?” He said, and she nodded

” I think that favour will be letting me go out on
a date with you.” He said and smiled. Cleo also
smiled back in relief.

” Thank you.” She said and seized the moment
to hug him, and he returned it in a friendly

Girls around just kept on glaring jealously at
Cleo with her eyes, almost murdering her in her


Beatrice was presently sitting in her room and
playing with some of her Barbie dolls. This was
what she always did since she had no
playmate, but it was getting too boring and
lonely for her.

She sighed and dropped the dolls, then made to
stand up when the door opened, and Janet

She smirked heavily immediately she saw Janet
walk in, but Janet didn’t even notice her
presence. She just started to walk upstairs.

” Hey, freak.” Beatrice rudely called her, and
Janet stopped at the middle of the stairs before
turning slowly to Beatrice.

” I’ve got no one to play with. So if you wanna
make yourself useful for once in your limited
robot life, come and play with me… Right now.
Maybe then I’ll forgive you.” Beatrice demanded.

‘ Useful’. She seemed to question the meaning
of that word ever since Rocky said she couldn’t
be ‘useful’ in this life. If she had no destiny in
the world just like Rocky said, then why was she
ever created?

Infact, she came from outer space right?
Perhaps researching about that will shed some
light on why she was ever created.

” Hey freak! I’m talking to you!” Beatrice spoke
rudely, bringing her back from her thoughts.

” I’m not called a freak. My name is simply
Janet.” Janet answered her, but Beatrice

” I don’t care even if your name is garbage can.
Come play with me, or I’ll never forgive you for
taking my father’s love from me, psycho robot.”
Beatrice said disrespectfully again.

Janet ignored her and simply went up the stairs.
Beatrice was shocked because Janet never
disobeyed orders, or even anything else. What
was going on with her lately?

” She… Ignored me?” Beatrice muttered to
herself and continued to stand there on


Janet went to meet Brayden at the car park,
remembering that they had an appointment.
She met Brayden dressed in such a glamorous
and hot manner, but she was just not getting
turned on by his looks.

Her eyes should have turned red by now, but
they remained their pale and almost colourless

In addition, she didn’t even dress up for the club.
She came in the normal clothes she wore to

” Janet… You look… Dazzling.” He said and held
her hand, trying not to ruin the mood of the

She simply kept quiet, but Brayden took her
silence for shyness and smiled, then they both
began to walk to Club Freaky.

It wasn’t a long way at all from the car park. It
was more of a 2 minute walk to get there.

They entered the club together, hand in hand. As
soon as they arrived, Cleo also arrived with
Mario. Both were looking stunning in their
outfits, and Mario was looking extra charming

Brayden and Janet went to sit on a table
together. Cleo and Mario also entered, and
coincidentally they went to sit on a table just
beside them.

They all didn’t realize on time that they were
sitting right next to each other.

” You look beautiful, Janet. Blue is really your
color.” Mario complimented her, amd she
blushed uncontrollably.

She tried to hide it with her hands, but it was
impossible. Mario already saw the red-hot blush
on her cheeks.

He took her hands way from there and stared
directly into her eyes. Cleo felt so lost that she
stared back in the same way.

” Don’t try to hide anything from me. We’re on a
date together, so we should be open to each
other about everything.” He told her, not leaving
her hands anytime soon.

What was this guy, a love guru? Perhaps he was
talented in romance, ‘cos he kept making her
trip for him repeatedly.

Cleo searched around for Janet with her eyes.
She was supposed to be here already with
Brayden, but unknown to her that they were
sitting right behind her.

” Is something wrong?” Mario asked, and she
stopped searching for Janet.

” No. Everything’s fine.” She replied with a warm

Everything was going perfect tonight, and she
wouldn’t want anything to ruin the moment. She
was finally on a date with her crush, after 3 long
years of staying in the shadows.

Her hair was rolled into a bun, but it couldn’t
stay in its form for long so she added a hair clip
to keep the bun intact.

It was made from metal. Janet had a magnet
inside her body, and it wasn’t long before it
found the hairclip and began pulling it out of
her hair.

The hairclip finally got our of her hair and fell to
the ground, right beside Janet. Cleo’s long blue
hair came loose in one second and fell heavily
on her shoulders, causing Mario’s eyes to

Cleo’s eyes widened as well. She slowly lifted
her hand to touch her hair, and realized what
had happened.

” OMG, my hair clip!” She gasped and tried to
find it, so she eventually had to look at her back.

She found her hair clip right beside Janet and
tried to pack it together again, and that was
when she first saw Brayden on seat.

” Brayden?” She said and left her hair unpacked,
and Janet also turned back at her.

” Janet?” She muttered too, and the hair clip fell
from her hand.

Mario stood and went to meet Cleo. He was
also shocked to see Brayden and Janet on seat.

” Brayden! Janet!” He exclaimed happily.

” Say some words, people. We already know our
names.” Brayden spoke playfully, and Mario

Cleo’s eyes were fixed on Janet throughout.
Something was just not right about her.

” Mind sitting with us?” Brayden said

” Not at all.” Mario replied, and they both sat in
their table.

Mario’s attention instantly turned to Janet. She
wasn’t in club outfit, but she looked beautiful to
him in anything. He found himself staring
uncontrollably at her and forgot all about Cleo.

As time went by, the two couples engaged
themselves in talks about so many things. But
Mario was giving all his attention to Janet.

Cleo noticed this and creased her brows. She
stopped talking with Brayden for a while, and
realized that he hadn’t even spoken a word to
her since they sat here.

Brayden didn’t notice anything at all, but Cleo
was beginning to feel unhappy and left out. She
came in a date with her long-time crush only for
him to give all his attention to her best friend.

She looked away sadly and began to watch
some performers on stage.

They were strippers who were dressed almost
nakedly in thongs, looking so hot in their outfits.
Men were screaming and spraying money
lavishly at the girls as they danced naughtily on
stage. They were dancing to Tyla’s Water song.

Cleo suddenly pitched an idea. If strippers could
get so much attention, then why not Mario’s
attention too?

She quickly tried to ignore the idea because it
was undignified of her. But watching Mario
smile and laugh with Janet made her even more
determined, and she stood from the table.

Her outfit was a crop top over a skirt that
reached her knees, all blue. She folded in the
skirt and raised it high above her waist, so in a
nutshell it was barely covering her thighs.

During all this time, Mario still refused to notice
her. It made her even jealous and fuelled her
determination to get his attention even more.

She went to meet the strippers on stage, and
snatched the mic dominantly from their leader,
interrupting their performance. The DJ had to
pause the music.

” Resume that music. I’ll be dancing on the
stage tonight.” She said aloud on the mic. Men
instantly whooped for her, so the strippers had
to leave the stage all to Cleo.

Cleo grabbed a water bottle nearby and dropped
the mic. The DJ resumed the music afterwards.

🎶 Make me sweat 🎶

🎶 Make me hotter 🎶

🎶 Make me lose my breath🎶

🎶 Maje me water🎶

” Mario!” Brayden called when he suddenly
noticed Cleo standing on stage, and Mario
turned to him.

” What’s the matter?” Mario asked.

” Your date is on the stage, holding a water
bottle. Did you even notice when she left?”
Brayden told him, and Mario’s eyes instantly
dashed to the stage.

Brayden wasn’t lying at all. How stupid was he
to forget Cleo? Seeing Janet made him forget
about everything else that he must have gotten
carried away.

Without wasting another second, Cleo
immediately turned her backside to the men and
bent down dangerously low, making their heads
go wild with crazy thoughts as they screamed.

Mario’s eyes widened, and he slowly stood on
his feet. What was she trying to do there?

She opened the water bottle and poured the
water on her back, then she started to wiggle her
butt cheeks vigorously.

Mario’s eyes went even wider once more, and he
couldn’t believe what he was watching. Was
this the same Cleo that he had a date with?
Twerking on a stage for strippers? He felt so
confused and lost.

She poured more water on her back while
shaking her @zz as everyone always did when
dancing to the Water challenge, making her @zz
shine that it almost blinded many eyes.

She concluded the dance and stood, facing
them all wet from head to toe with loud pants
as the song ended.

Loud cheers erupted into the air for her, but she
wasn’t even smiling or jubilating. All she cared
about was that she was able to get Mario’s

Her eyes met with him, and they with began to
stare at each other with mixed feelings. He was
looking so astonished by her whole display.

Cleo climbed down the stage and went to meet
him. She was so crazy to get his attention that
she downgraded herself totally amd went to
twerk on stage, just to get his attention.

Janet and Brayden stood from their table, and
Brayden took her to the dance floor. He
suggested that they had a dance together.

A romantic music was played, and they turned
to each other.

Janet found it difficult to think without her
processing system, but she could still remember
how to dance. She put an arm on his shoulder
and let him hold the other one, and he held her
waist with his free hand too.

They moved their hips in rhythm with the music
while their eyes locked firmly.

Brayden twirled her around a bit and resumed
holding her just like he did before. He couldn’t
help but smile at how good of a dancer she
was, but she wasn’t returning it, still looking as
pale and emotionless than before.

Despite this, Brayden’s smile never disappeared.
The one thing he wanted to tell her right now
was the fact that he loved her to the moon and
back; he was just waiting for the right moment
to say it.

If there was one thing that Janet wanted most
in the world than to feel Emotions right now, it
was how to get rid of the emotions. It was
making her feel so negative about everything.
Rocky’s words never left her system and felt like
a deadly virus that wouldn’t leave her.

It felts so terrible. So sad… So miserable, so
devastating. She wanted to get rid of the feeling
so much that when she looked at Brayden, all
she saw was Rocky’s face instead.

His words were ki||ing and piercing her
internally. She was forced to close her eyes and
laid her head to rest on Brayden’s chest. He
wrapped his arms completely around her and
stared at her hair.

The most bizarre incident happened afterwards.
Tears slipped out of Janet’s eyes, real liquid
tears. More slipped out of her eyes, and she
closed them deeply on Brayden.

She didn’t look sad… But her silent tears said it
all. She wanted to be free from the cage that
Rocky placed her in. She wanted to return to her
normal self once more. She didn’t want to have
emotions anymore… They only hurted. She
wanted to be an android permanently and quit
trying to be like a human.

As Brayden stared at her hair, he slipped out
something from his pocket. It was the same
virus that Ms. Yasmin once held in her hand, the
Red Spider.

He carefully lifted her hair and placed it on the
back of her neck without her noticing. The red
spider latched onto her neck immediately and
had an insanely strong grip on her neck. The
virus was successfully planted on her.

He left her hair and stroked it, then he rested on
her head and smiled. His real mission in the
school was finally completed.

Janet separated from Brayden. Brayden’s brows
raised confusedly, but before he could say a
word, he saw the tears coming out of her eyes,
and his own eyes widened in shock.

Janet stared back just as speechless. When she
turned to leave, that was when he found himself
and grabbed her hand immediately, turning her
back to himself.

” Janet…” He muttered astonishingly, watching
the tears roll down her cheeks.

” How… How is this possible? But you’re an
Android.” He muttered.

” I feel so terrible, Brayden.” She spoke as she

” I feel so dead within, like a person dying in
extreme pains and wishing for a quicker death. I
feel so sad and awful, unhappy… And all I want
us to get rid of this negativity that’s slowly
eating me up.” She confessed, the tears on her
face making it look more pathetic.

” But, why? What could make you feel so ugly
about yourself?” Brayden asked.

” Rocky did this to me, and all I want is to meet
him and clear things out.” She replied.

Brayden kept quiet after that. She turned to
leave again, but he didn’t stop her this time. He
stood in silence and watch her leave his sight.

Mario and Cleo were also staring at themselves
silently. Mario was still so shocked to say

” Why would you climb a stage for strippers and
dance like that?” He finally asked the one
question in his mind, and she felt butterflies eat
up her stomach when she tried to reply.

She started to think that he might think of her as
a slut now. How would she explain to him that
she got jealous when he gave all his attention to
Janet and all she could think off was to
downgrade herself just to win back his
attention? She couldn’t. She would sound like a
complete fool.

She started to pant loudly that she had to
quickly palm her mouth. She was worried that
he’d h@ťě her after she confessed her real
reason for all this.

She looked away from him and closed her eyes
tightly, wishing that the ground could swallow
her up, but that wasn’t stopping him from
getting the truth out of her.

He grabbed her arm and turned her back to face
him, and her eyes flew open. His eyes were
seriously demanding answers from her.

Things got so tense between them that she
couldn’t look away from bus eyes anymore. His
charms finally held her captive.

” For the last time… Why would you dance on a
stage of strippers?” He questioned in a more
firm tone.

Cleo gulped, but she realized she couldn’t hide
her feelings for him anymore. She had to come

” I’m in love with you Mario. Okay? I’ve had a
crush on you since three years now, and that
was since I first got admitted into this school. I
always find myself behaving strangely when I’m
around you. You’re the most handsome and
charming boy I’ve ever met. I always feel jealous
when you’re around other girls and I couldn’t
control myself anymore when you gave all your
attention to Janet, my best friend on our date. I
did all this just to get your attention back,
because I love you insanely. I’m senselessly
head over heels for you, Mario.” She finally
confessed everything nervously to him, not
stopping to breath till she said it all.

Mario’s expression became surprised. Surprised
was even an understatement for what he felt, he
was bewildered! Gobsmacked, astonished,
caught off-guard.

He had no affections for her at all. When he
said ‘yes’ to her proposal, he only did so
because he saw it as a friendly one, not a
romantic one. How could she be in love with

” But, Cleo… I have no feelings for you.” He
confessed too, and Cleo’s eyes went wide with

Her heart fell out of her chest and broke on the
ground with its pieces shattering all over. She
was almost going crazy after hearing what he
just said. So, all these years of loving him later
went in vain?

She staggered back weakly as if she’d fall,
feeling repeatedly crushed as his words echoed
in her mind. The rejection was too heartbreaking
for her to handle.

Tears slipped out of her eyes and fell to the
ground. He felt so sorry and tried to touch her,
but she shifted away from him and ran out of
the club in a flash.

Janet was presently walking on the deserted
road with no direction as the white moon stood
in the sky as her only companion.

She stared down at the ground in thoughts
when a car came speeding towards her with its
headlights on. It was a red Lamborghini coming
with full speed, but she was too lost in her
thoughts to notice it.

The driver desperately honked at her, and that
was when she looked up. Before she could act,
the car crashed right into her and hit her terribly,
causing a fatal accident to occur.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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