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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 1 💞 2

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{Escape from SpiderWall}

SpiderWall was a secret CIA agency, designed
specially for dealing with androids and many
other amazing technologies.

Outside the agency, some workers were
wheeling out destroyed and useless parts of
androids. It made the front of the agency look
like a dump, serving as the perfect disguise for
the agency.

Some of the workers were still dumping when
they heard a sonorous noise coming from the
sky. It got them alerted and they looked up at
the sky, only to find a little fireball up there.

” Oh my gosh. What’s that?” One of them

” Oh my gawd. It’s getting huge.” Another added.

” It’s not getting huge, it’s getting closer! It’s
f-__-kin’ heading our way!” Another panicked, and
the others started running off fearfully.

The huge fireball got nearer to the agency
within seconds and crashed into the ground in
front of it, creating a huge hole. The workers
came back to the spot to see what had
happened, and discovered a big space pod lying
in the hole.

As their responsibility, other workers joined
them on the field and they went to the pod.
They got it opened and pulled out an
unconscious female who looked dirty and
unkept, but she was really attractive.

” Whoa! A girl’s in the pod!” One of the workers
shouted as she was brought out.

” Where the heck did she even come from?”

” Is she still alive?”

” She look f-__-kin’ pretty!”

A female worker stepped forward to check her
vitals. She placed two fingers on her neck, but
raised her eyebrows when she detected no
pulse. She checked for her heartbeats too, but
there were none. she immediately knew that
from the girl’s look, she was an android.

She was placed on a stretcher, and was carried
into the agency afterwards.

When they got into the agency, she was given to
the head of all workers there, Dr. Mark. Since he
was the best of them there, they knew he’d
know what to do with her.

” What’s that? Is she dead?” He asked when he
saw the girl.

” I don’t know Dr. Mark. I tried checking for the
necessary vitals, but I felt none. I can detect that
from the way she looks, she’s an android.” The
woman that checked on her said.

” And where did you find this android?” He

” Outside, sir. She came with a space pod that
crashed into the agency. We just found her dirty
and unconscious in the pod. The pod is still
outside.” She replied.

” She crashed into the agency in a space pod?
From the sky, right?” He inquired, and she

” Then she must definitely be from outer space.
Take her into my lab, I’ll see what to do with her.
” He said, and she was wheeled there.

He began to be supervising the activities of
other workers around him. They were all
seriously focused in the making of different

He continued to walk and watch their progress
peacefully. Alarms suddenly blared out, and the
whole place got covered in red instantly. There
was much screaming and panicking.

The doctor looked ahead of him only to find
that an android was outta control, which
triggered the alarms. It was choking a man
above the ground while other workers tried to
stop it.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” The man cried out,
struggling to breath as the android’s robotic
eyes glowed red at him.

Dr. Mark instantly ran to the spot, grabbing a
huge hammer with him. The workers trying to
stop the android were thrown away by it and it
continued to choke the man who was already
nearing his death.

He got to the android and jumped on its back
bravely, and it released the man it was holding.
It had a saw for an arm and tried to slice off
wh@ťěver was on its back, and Dr. Mark held on
tightly to it till he was able to raise the hammer
high above its head.

He smashed the android’s head like his life
depended on it, and its glowing eyes became
pitch black. It stopped functioning and fell
down to the ground with Dr. Mark but he stood
immediately, dropping the hammer.

The alarms stopped blaring and the red lights
turned normally white. All the workers who had
seen him fight the robot gathered around him
and cheered for him as he panted and looked at
them seriously.

” Who… Who turned on that android? Boss
strictly told us not to go near that android
because it was dangerous. It was turned off
before, but someone had the guts to turn it back
on. Who did it!” He thundered, and they all kept

” I was the one who turned it on, sir.” A man
came forward, the same man who was being
strangled. Dr. Mark furrowed his eyebrows at
him surprisingly.

” But why? Why would you do something like
that?” He asked, rather calmly than before.

” I’m so sorry sir, I didn’t mean to cause any
harm. I’m a new recruit, and Boss said that I
should just join the other workers in what they
were doing. I thought that since they were
working on androids, I should work on one too.
And that android was the only one abandoned,
sir.” He spoke, pain evident in his voice as his
neck was red.

” You’re forgiven, and only because you’re new
here. New workers are to be in training
programme, not working on any androids yet.
You should go back to the Boss for that.” He
told the man.

” Thank you sir, I’m grateful for your kindness
towards me.” The man said, and Dr. Mark

” I go by Dr. Mark. What’s yours?” He asked.

” Dr. Chang.” He replied.

” Okay. I’ll see you around, Dr. Chang.” He said
and shaked hands with him.

” You too, sir.” He said and left to meet the Boss.

Speaking of the devil, The Boss appeared with a
team of guards behind her. She was a Japanese
lady in her forties, and her name was really

Because of the terrifying aura she always
arrived with, all workers quivered and trembled
at her sight, none daring to make a single noise
as she walked by with boldness.

She saw Dr. Mark who was just about to go into
his lab and stopped walking with her guards.

” Dr. Mark.” She uttered loud enough for him to
hear her, and he stopped going into his lab. He
turned around to her but still stood by the door.

” Yes ma’am!” He answered.

” You were supposed to be working on
something five minutes ago… Is that right?” She
asked, and he nodded.

” Don’t you dare nod at me like a lizard, use your
mouth!” She said in a startling tone.

” Yes ma’am.” He said, not taking his eyes off

” I heard that it was either a dead girl or an
android. What is she Dr. Mark? Where is she?”
She asked.

” She’s in my lab, but I haven’t done anything on
her so I don’t know what she is yet.” He

” You know that you were supposed to be
working, but you’re still here standing and
talking to me? What have you been doing in the
last minutes?” She inquired sternly.

” An android went out of control and was
strangling a new worker. I had to fight with it to
save…” He tried saying, but she cut him off.

” Save my foot, you lazy doctor. I want you
working now, and not joking around in this
agency. Do you copy!” She fired harshly at him.

” Yes ma’am, and I’m sorry.” He said, and the
workers around gasped immediately. She h@ťěd
hearing the word ‘sorry’, and anyone who said it
would be done for.

” Did you just say sorry? Even after knowing
how much I despise that disgusting word?” She
said, and that was when he took his eyes off her
and looked down in remorse.

” I won’t do that again ma’am. I’m sorry.” He
repeated his mistake again, and the workers
gasped even loudly.

Ms Yasmin left her guards and walked to him,
looking so blank yet dangerous. She reached
him and used a finger to raise his chin up, so
that right now their eyes were making contact.

She stared into his eyes intently, trying to read
his emotions. He gulped after a while without
showing any expressions, and she left his chin.

” You should be dead by now, devoured by wild
beasts and thrown into hell. But do you know
why that isn’t happening to you right now? It’s
because you’re the leader of the whole worker
team in this agency. That’s why you haven’t
gone rotten yet.” She said and smirked.

She went to her guards to collect an iPad and
went back to Dr. Mark. She showed him a
picture on the tablet, and his eyes went wide

It was the image of his one month old daughter
on display, Beatrice. His mind went wild with
shock and wonder. How was she able to get a
pic of his daughter?

” The next time you make a mistake in this
agency, I will transfer the punishment you’re
supposed to get to your little baby right here.
She still sucks br**stmilk, right? She’s gonna
taste blood real soon.” She said and laughed
crookedly as Dr. Mark shivered with fear, his
eyes widening along so much.

” Start work on that android immediately, and
get it to work in a matter of days, son of a
Ɓîtçh.” She spat and walked out on him, leaving
him in terror and left the place with her guards.

Fear left the workers as soon as she left, all
except Dr.Mark who looked worried. He entered
his lab to check the girl and saw that she was
placed on a wide board.

He closed the door behind him before walking
to her, staring with panic, rage and regret. He
wanted to protect his baby so badly, and that
was why he joined the SpiderWall agency, to
pay off a huge debt he owed the agency just so
that they wouldn’t take his daughter away as
payment for his debts.

His eyes became angry, remembering Ms.
Yasmin’s words.

echoed in his head.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” He screamed out and
pushed the girl off the board angrily, panting
madly with rage. He wanted to transfer his pain
and aggression to something else, maybe it’ll
calm him down.

The girl landed on the ground, staying as still as
a rock. He came to her and kicked her angrily,
then he sat down on the board, looking at her
with disgust.

” f-__-k you little piece of trash. I don’t care if you
came from outer space. Because of you, I’m
about to lose my only daughter. I’ll make sure to
rip you apart if they lay a single hand on my
treasure, I promise.” He spat blindly with rage
and picked the girl up, laying her back on the

He went to get his tools to start work on her. But
as soon as he got back to the girl with the tools,
he broke into tears in front of her and dropped
on the floor heavily, letting go of the rolls too as
they made clattering noises.

” It shouldn’t be me. It shouldn’t have been me
at all. Why’s my life such a mess?” He cried out
as he sobbed under the board, and even laid on
the ground while crying his tears out.

A whirring noise came from the background,
and it seemed to be coming from the girl. The
whirring noise stopped and a beep sounded,
and the girl’s eyes opened. Her eyes were bright
and blue, and she looked around curiously. It
seemed like she was woken up by Dr. Mark’s

She sat up with her dirty body on the board,
looking at him. He had his back turned at her
and was still crying so loudly, so he didn’t even
notice her.

She tried to stand, but immediately she got on
her feet, her systems crashed and she went
unconscious, falling back on the board.


Ms. Yasmin came into the lab while Dr. Mark
was working on the android. He stopped
immediately to face her, but a blinding slap met
his face immediately.

” That slap is for not yet getting that android to
work. Why is she still not functioning!” She
thundered while he held his red-hot cheek.

” I… I’ve been trying boss. I tried my best to
make the android come to life, but it hasn’t been
responding to any of the methods I applied.” He

” I needed that android ready one day ago, but
here you are still blabbering rubbish. This
android came from outer space, and Do you
know what that could do to this agency? She
could have information, technology or abilities
that are more futuristic and powerful than we
can ever think. Our agency could be the best if
we have this android working for us.” Ms.
Yasmin said, breathing hard because she said it

She stepped forward to him, making sure that
there was no space between them. Their eyes
met directly which Dr. Mark found

” I specially wanted to use this android to take
over the government if she was ready. Since she
came from outer space, she must be more
powerful than she looks. I’d be the most
powerful boss ever with the android.” She

” Boss, please. Just give me a few more days. I’ll
be done with the android before you know it.”
He begged.

Another slap greeted his face from her, turning
his head sideways. She walked away from him
and began walking out, but stopped by the door
and turned back.

” I almost forgot the deal I had with you over
your daughter. Since you weren’t able to
complete the android, you’re gonna witness
your own daughter shed tears.” She said
heartlessly, and his eyes went wide in terror.

” Guards!” She called, and two of them came in
immediately. Another one came in carrying his
baby, Beatrice. His eyes almost fell out and he
fell on his knees shakily.

” Give the baby a taste of her own blood, and
make sure that he watches everything you do to
his daughter.” She ordered, and the guard
holding his baby got a knife.

Beatrice was just looking around innocently,
sucking on her little thumb. The guard
recklessly placed the sharp knife on her neck
that tore her skin immediately, and she gave out
a loud cry.

” No! Beatrice! My baby!” Dr. Mark shouted
crazily on his knees, unable to do anything to
save her. Tears slipped out of his eyes in
multiple volumes as he watched the guard
mutilate his baby right in front of his eyes.

Blood wetted the knife from her neck, but it was
just a slight cut so she was still alive. The guard
brought the bloody knife to her neck and placed
it in her mouth. Her lips tightened on it
immediately, causing the knife to cut her there
and she gave another ear-piercing cry.

Blood started dripping from her mouth as the
knife was still in it. Dr. Mark kept shouting and
crying for them to stop, but all his efforts were

Suddenly, as if his loud cried woke her up, the
android’s eyes opened again, giving out a blue
color. She sat up on the board and saw the
situation instantly.

Her systems still needed to boot up, so she was
just looking innocently. One of the guards
noticed that she was awake and notified the

” Stop! The android’s awake!” He said, and the
knife in her mouth was pulled out with blood
dripping from her mouth.

Dr. Mark stopped shouting and crying when he
saw them remove the knife. He noticed they
were looking at something else and faced the
direction immediately, only to see the android
sitting awake. His eyes went wide again as

” Go get the android. Send her to boss
immediately, and tell her if we should still ki||
the child.” The guard holding Beatrice ordered,
and the others nodded, going towards the

Her systems bottled up completely, and she got
her senses as well. She stood from the board
startling them and they stopped coming over.

” What are you waiting for? Capture it!” He
shouted, and they came forward again.

” Danger approaching. Avoid getting captured
by the humans.” Alexa, her system said to her,
and she stood in combat mode, ready to fight
the men.

They tried to grab her but she flipped
backwards in the air immediately and landed
away from them. They tried coming closer, but
her blue eyes turned red immediately, scaring
the guards.

She walked forward to them and grabbed their
faces, lifting them both off the ground easily.
They struggled with her but her eyes glowed
even more red and she smashed their head into
the ground, ki||ing them instantly.

The last guard dropped Beatrice and quickly
pressed a button on the wall, activating the
alarms. They blared loudly and the room turned
red, and many guards came into the lab

The alarms pierced into her system, disrupting it
completely. She stopped functioning and
collapsed flatly on the ground, then they all
rushed to grab the android.

Dr. Mark quickly carried Beatrice who was still
crying and went to the android, shielding her
from them. They stopped coming forward

” Don’t you dare touch her.” He warned seriously.

” Dr. Mark, move out of the way respectfully or
we shall use extreme forces to take you down.”
The leader of the guards warned, but Dr. Mark
refused to step away.

They came forward, trying to grab him away.
Before they could touch him, a rope descended
from above and stopped beside him, then Dr.
Chang slid down the rope to him.

” Come on! Grab my hand and let’s go!” Dr.
Chang said, extending his hand.

Dr. Mark grabbed the android before grabbing
Dr. Chang’s hand, then the rope started pulling
them up automatically.

” Fire at them!” The leader commanded and they
started $h00ting rapidly at the two men.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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