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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion)

********Written by provy*******

Episode 51

“There you have it now let us go ” Mr Nickolas said
“Hahaha it’s not that simple Nickolas , I want you to have a test of what if felt years back when you threw me and my son on the streets with no food , no shelter . But first am gonna take away the thing you love so that you also you feel the same pain i felt “Mr Blake said and point his gun at Mrs Cristal .
” Stop this madness Blake I have done all what you ask “Mr Nickolas yell
“Scream all you want but the road ends here Cristal ” Mr Blake said and pull the trigger , Belinda was fast to push him down and the bullet was directed to another direction.

“You f-__-king Ɓîtçh ” Marcus roar and quickly kick Belinda
“Ahhhh “she shriek out loud .
” Stop ..stop you’re gonna ki|| her “Mrs Cristal yell but Marcus kept on kicking her non stop , Mr Blake Rose up and pick up his gun .
“Enough “he yelled and Marcus scoff and step back
” Hummm “Belinda wince
” You are useless to me so it’s better o end you here ” Mr Blake said
“Wait ..wait ” Mrs Cristal scream , they all flinch when multiple sound of gunshot was heard , Mr Blake frown and shortly one of his gun men rush in .

“Boss we are under attack , the police and the federal intelligence agents are outside . Our men won’t be able to hold them for long ” the guard said

“How the hell did they find us ” Marcus yell
“I don’t know boss “the guard said
“Dad what should we do ” Marcus ask and Mr Blake hiss .
” Go join the others and make sure those bastard don’t come in here ” Mr Blake said to the guard who nodded and rush out , unknown to them Mr Miki has found a way to free himself and was waiting for the right time to strike. Since Mr Blake we distracted Mr Miki swiftly rush forward and push Mr Blake so hard that he somersault.
“What the hell “Marcus scream and reach out to his gun but Mr Miki was fast to punch his neck .
“Ahhh ” Marcus scream and fell down and his gun fell on the floor , Mr Miki pick up the gun .
“Don’t dare move else am gonna blow your brains ” he said pointing the gun at Mr Blake and Marcus .
” Do you even know how to use that gun “Marcus said with a grin , Mr Miki fired the gun on the floor close to Marcus who flinch .
” The next bullet will be directed to your head , now lose everyone ” he said
“Hey calm down man careful on how you point that gun “Mr Blake said frowning.
“I said set them all free ”
“Okay okay calm down ” Marcus said and walk up to Maya , Marcus cut the robe on Maya and he did the same to the others and now they were all free .
” Mom ” Maya rush to Mrs Jenny who is bleeding bad , she could hardly keep her eyes open . Mrs Cristal rush to Belinda who is still lying in the floor .
“Help me carry her ” mrs Cristal said to her husband .
“Why let her die here for all I care she’s the f-__-king reason Blake got to us “Mr Nickolas yell
” C’mon Nick this isn’t the time to push blames she’s just a child ” Mrs Cristal said
“We don’t time here guys let’s.”Mr Miki said , Mr Nickolas carried Belinda on his shoulders . Mrs Cristal scan the hall and she found a door behind them .
“That way let’s use that door ” she said and rush towards the open door , her husband followed behind and so did Maya and Mrs Jenny who is finding it hard to walk so Maya had to support her .
They were close to the door when a loud gun shot was heard behind , Maya turn around and her heart froze .
“Dad ” Maya scream out in horror , Marcus held a small pocket pistol . Mr Miki gasp and blood burst out his mouth . It seems Marcus shot him and the bullet went straight into his straight throat, he fell on the floor while still gasping out more blood . Maya let go of Mrs Jenny and she rush to her father who is at the point of dead
” Dad …dad hang on there ” Maya cried out
“Somebody help , please someone help C’mon stay with me “she cried out her eyes .
” A..Amaya s..stay s…safe “was the last sentence he made before giving up the ghost .
“Ahhhh no dad ..ahhh “she scream out loud .
“You’re coming with us ” Marcus grab Maya by the hair and drag her
“Ahhh “she scream out in pains
” Amaya ”
“Isabella ” Mrs Jenny and Mrs Cristal scream and tried to rush forward but Mr Blake open fire at them, Mrs Cristal drag Mrs Jenny behind a pillar to avoid getting hit by any of the bullet .

“Mom ” Maya scream out as she struggle to free herself but Marcus drag her forcefully.
“Amaya ” Mrs Jenny scream out in tears .

Agent Peter and his squad was on a gun to gun battle with Mr Blake gun men , the sound of gunshot fill the air. Many police officer and agents were on the ground dead and also a hand full of Mr Blake men were also dead , the $h00ting continued for a while and in not time they cleared out almost all of Mr Blake men while the few survival run for their life . Agent Peter and his squad stumped into the warehouse and they successfully secured Mrs Cristal , Mr Nickolas . Mrs Jenny and Belinda where immediately rushed to the hospital but there was no sigh of Amaya or Mr Blake and his son .

In a hurry Mr Blake and Marcus rush down a muddy narrow road while dragging Maya with them and after a long run they finally came out in an high ground and below they could see the ocean water .
A drum made of steel was place beside a tree not too far from them
“I prepared this for your father but it seems you will be replacing him ” Mr Blake said and Marcus open the drum , the drum is large enough to accommodate a human being .
” Get inside ” Mr Blake said pointing his gun at her
“No please , I…I..” Maya quiver in fear , Mr Blake point shot her right leg and she scream and fell on the ground .
“Ahhhh “she cried out , Marcus carried her up and shove her into the drum then he close it .
“Push it into the water ” Mr Blake said , Marcus rolled the drum and it feel into the ocean water below them . Maya felt the heavy impact and soon water started filling the drop as it sank down deep .

“Ahhh somebody help …help please “she scream and hit the drop trying to break out , the drunk until it hit the bottom of the water and by now the drum was completely filled up with water it’s just a mater of time before dead knocks on her door .

” Let’s go “Mr Blake said and they made to leave when someone shot Marcus from behind .
“Ahhhh “Marcus scream out and fell down , Mr Blake turn shock and confuse .
Zara came out of the dark, she’s dressed in an army camouflage and red beret cap .
“Dad “Marcus called , Mr Blake wanted to help Marcus but Zara open fire at him .
“Am sorry son but this is were the road ends for you “he said and run off
“Dad…” Marcus scream out loud .
“Hello they handsome ” Zara said smiling , Marcus look up at the deadly looking lady and he couldn’t help but swallow hard .
Zara came with her own army of gun men who were also dressed in army camouflage and black beret …
” Where is Amaya or should I say Isabella el Rosa ” she ask
“f-__-k you Ɓîtçh ” Marcus said and she giggled
” I sure do know how to f-__-k guys like you “she said ..

An ambulance was packed in a secluded area and 2 guys were stood outside waiting for someone , shortly Mr Blake rush to them .
“Boss , where is master Marcus” one of the guy said
” No time to waste Marcus isn’t coming with us any more , is the package ready ” he ask , the second guy open the back of the ambulance and inside the ambulance van is 2 well design casket .
“Just like you wanted sir ” the second guy said and Mr Blake nodded . Mr Blake entered the casket and they shut it close , they drove the ambulance van .

Mr Blake made this their escape method just incase things gets out of hand , he initiated this mode of escape because he knew no police officer will want to search an ambulance that is carrying 2 dead people .

Mr Blake could feel the ambulance driving fast and he couldn’t help but clinch his fist tight .
” Am gonna come back , am gonna avenge my son . Don’t worry Marcus I won’t leave you behind ” he said to himself.


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